headshot photo

Dr. Uchechukwu Umezurike

Pronouns: He/Him


Assistant Professor

Faculty of Arts, Department of English

Contact information

Web presence

Phone number

Office: 403-220-4682


Educational Background

Doctor of Philosophy English, University of Alberta, 2021

Masters English, University of Port Harcourt, 2014


My research covers the following: Literatures of Africa and the African Diaspora / Postcolonial and Global Literatures / Gender and Sexuality Studies / Masculinity Studies / Cultural Studies / Critical Race Theory / Creative Writing. I write poetry, short fiction, children's novels, and love interviewing writers. 


Desiring Home: Blackness, Belonging, and Diaspora in Canada

“Desiring Home” examines how African Canadian writers and filmmakers negotiate the complexities of home in Canada and how the stories they tell enrich our understandings of and problematize what it means to be a Black Canadian.

Masculinity in Nigerian Novels: Receptivity and Gender

This project examines how Nigerian novelists redefine what it means to be a man or a woman by articulating new ways of doing masculinity and challenging a culture that discriminates against its citizens based on sex, gender, or sexual orientation.


  • Nigeria Prize for Literary Criticism , Nigeria LNG Prizes. 2021
  • Provost’ Awards for Indigenous and Black Scholars, University of Calgary. 2021
  • Vanier Graduate Scholarship Award, Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarships. 2018