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Stefania Forlini

Pronouns: she/her


Associate Professor

Faculty of Arts, Department of English

Associate Head (Graduate Studies)

Faculty of Arts, Department of English

Contact information

Phone number

Office: +1 (403) 220-5483


Educational Background

PhD English Literature, Simon Fraser University, 2007

MA English Literature, Simon Fraser University, 2002

BA (Hon) English Literature, McGill University, 2000

BSc Nursing, McGill University, 1998



2021-2022: Broadview Critical Edition of Arthur Machen's The Three Impostors (1895)

This critical edition brings Machen's bizarre, entertaining, but also darkly disturbing, novel to undergraduate and graduate classrooms, showcasing Machen’s place in the infamous fin de siècle and his lasting influence on some of the most popular genres of our own time.

2018: “Paper Traces in Digital Environments: Enhancing Analysis and Representation of Content and Materiality in Digitized Print Collections”

This project funded by a Mellon sub-grant drew upon our existing data (from a previous project) and created new data on both the literary content and paper types preserved in the Gibson anthologies of speculative fiction (housed in U of C’s Special Collections). These hand-crafted booklets are made up of stories harvested from a wide-range of periodicals involved in the evolution of the science fiction genre. Developing this data was foundational to our ultimate goal of exploring the relative contributions of more expensive (finer-paper) monthly and cheaper (pulpier-paper) weekly nineteenth-century periodicals to the development of the science fiction genre in the second half of the nineteenth century.

2013-2017: SSHRC Insight Development Grant, “The Stuff of Science Fiction: An Experiment in Literary History”

The Stuff of Science Fiction: An Experiment in Literary History is an interdisciplinary pilot project that studied a subset of the Gibson anthologies. This pilot project was conducted by Stefania Forlini (Associate Professor of English, University of Calgary), Uta Hinrichs (Lecturer and co-director of the SACHI group at the University of St Andrews) and Bridget Moynihan (then MA Student of English, University of Calgary, now PhD candidate at the University of Edinburgh). The project ran from 2013-2016 and was funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC).
