Dr. Sarah Elaine Eaton
Full Professor
Werklund School of Education, Specialization, Leadership
Werklund Research Professor
Werklund School of Education
Contact information
Phone number
Office: 403.220.6378
Office: EDT916
For media enquiries, contact
Clayton MacGillivray
Content and Media Specialist
Email: clmacgil@ucalgary.ca
Twitter: @UCalgaryEduc
Educational Background
Doctor of Philosophy Leadership, Policy and Governance, University of Calgary, 2009
M.A. Hispanic Literature, University of Calgary, 1997
B.A. (Honours) English Literature, Saint Mary's University, 1992
Dr. Sarah Elaine Eaton, PhD, is a Professor and Research Chair in the Werklund School of Education and Chair, Leadership, Policy, and Governance specialization area. She holds a concurrent appointment as an Honorary Associate Professor, Deakin Learning Futures, Deakin University, Australia.
Professor Eaton’s research focuses on academic ethics in higher education. Her work can be found in the Canadian Journal of Higher Education, the British Educational Research Journal, Educational Policy, and the Journal of Academic Ethics, among other places.
Dr. Eaton is the Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal for Educational Integrity (Springer Nature), a Q1 (Education) journal published by BMC Springer. Dr. Eaton was the co-founder (2018) and co-editor (2018-2020) of Canadian Perspectives on Academic Integrity.
Dr. Eaton is an internationally recognized authority in the field of academic ethics. In 2020 she received the National Research and Scholarship award from the Canadian Society for the Study of Higher Education (CSSHE) for her contributions to research on academic integrity in Canadian higher education. In 2022, she received the outstanding research award from the European Network for Academic Integrity (ENAI). Her books include:
Handbook of Academic Integrity (2nd ed.), (Eaton, ed., 2023)
Fake Degrees and Fraudulent Credentials in Higher Education (Eaton, Carmichael, & Pethrick, eds., 2023)
Ethics and Integrity in Teacher Education (Eaton & Khan, eds., 2023).
Contract Cheating in Higher Education: Global Perspectives on Theory, Practice, and Policy (Eaton, Curtis, Stoesz, Clare, Rundle, & Seeland, eds., 2022)
Academic Integrity in Canada: An Enduring and Essential Challenge (Eaton & Christensen Hughes, eds., 2022)
Plagiarism in Higher Education: Tackling Tough Topics in Academic Integrity (2021)
Women Negotiating Life in the Academy: A Canadian Perspective (Eaton & Burns, eds., 2020)
External Appointments and Elected Roles
Editor-in-Chief, International Journal for Educational Integrity
Chair, Society for the Study of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (STLHE) Committee on Academic Integrity and Contract Cheating (CAICC)
Memberships & Affiliations
- American Educational Research Association (AERA)
- British Educational Research Association (BERA)
- Canadian Association for the Study of Education (CSSE)
- Canadian Association for Teacher Education (CATE)
- Canadian Society for the Study of Higher Education (CSSHE)
- International Center for Academic Integrity (ICAI)
- European Network for Academic Integrity (ENAI)
- International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (ISSOTL)
- Society for the Study of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (STLHE)
In addition, Dr. Eaton offers expertise to a variety of government and non-profit organizations. From 2012 to 2017 she supported the U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, Office of English Language Programs with her knowledge in the areas of program development, evaluation and strategic planning for educational organizations. Her work has contributed to the ongoing development and improvement of public diplomacy programs enacted through the teaching of American English that operate in more than 100 countries worldwide.
Areas of Research
Dr. Eaton’s research program focuses on academic ethics, specializing in academic integrity including plagiarism, contract cheating, and academic misconduct policy.
Funded Research:
- Understanding the Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Higher Education, Sarah Elaine Eaton, Principal Investigator, SSHRC Connection Grant ($25,000 CAD) Grant #611-2022-0398)
- Partenariat universitaire sur la prévention du plagiat (PUPP) / University Partnership for the Prevention of Plagiarism (PI: Dr. Martine Peters, UQO). Sarah Elaine Eaton, Co-investigator. SSHRC Partnership Grant 2021-2027 ($2,499,980 CAD) Reference: 895-2021-1016; Website: https://pupp.uqo.ca/en/home/
- Artificial Intelligence and Academic Integrity: The Ethics of Teaching and Learning with Algorithmic Writing Technologies. Sarah Elaine Eaton, Principal Investigator, Robert Brennan (Co-Investigator), Jason Wiens (Co-Investigator), and Brenda McDermott (Co-Investigator). University of Calgary Teaching and Learning Grant 2022-2025 $40,000 CAD; Website: https://osf.io/4cnvp/
- Academic Integrity Online: Developing Support Mechanisms for Online Graduate Students to Understand Plagiarism. Sarah Elaine Eaton, Principal Investigator, Jennifer Lock (Co-Investigator) and Meadow Schroeder (Co-Investigator) University of Calgary Teaching and Learning Grant $35,206.00 CAD
- Pre-service teachers at risk: Intervention strategies for and by teachers. Alberta Advisory Committee for Educational Studies (AACES) Grant). Amy Burns, PI; Sarah Elaine Eaton (Co-Investigator), Diane Gereluk and Katherine Mueller (Co-Investigators) $5,984 CAD
- Investigating academic integrity in the Werklund School of Education: Process, policy and perceptions. Werklund School of Education, Office of Teaching and Learning, Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Grant. Sarah Elaine Eaton, Principal Investigator, $10,000 CAD.
- Student Learning in Synchronous Online Classes. Werklund School of Education, Office of Teaching and Learning, Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Grant. Barbara Brown, (P.I.), Sarah Elaine Eaton (Co-investigator) and Meadow Schroeder (Co-investigator) $10,000 CAD.
- Developing a Community-Based Bachelor of Education Program, Dianne Gereluk (P.I.), Roswita Dressler (Co-investigator) and Sarah Elaine Eaton (Co-investigator), SSHRC Insight Development Enhancement Grant, Werklund School of Education, University of Calgary. $2500 CAD
- Building a Robust Online Teacher Education Program - Dianne Gereluk (P.I.), Roswita Dressler (Co-investigator) and Sarah Elaine Eaton (Co-investigator), Werklund School of Education, Office of Teaching and Learning, Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Grant. $10,000 CAD.
- Academic integrity
- Academic misconduct
- Admissions fraud
- Artificial intelligence and Large Language Models (LLMs), as they relate to ethical teaching, learning, assessment, and academic integrity
- Cheating
- Contract cheating
- Corruption
- Educational administration and leadership
- Ethics
- Fake degrees
- Fraud
- Fraudulent credentials
- Higher education administration and leadership
- Paper mills
- Plagiarism
- Postplagiarism
- Publication ethics
- Research ethics
- Research integrity
- Equity, diversity, inclusion, accessibility
- Social justice
Participation in university strategic initiatives
Course number | Course title | Semester |
EDER 602 LEC 02 02 | Program & Practice Evaluation | 2020 |
EDER 70308 LEC 03 03 | Directed Study | 2021 |
EDER 705 LEC 01 01 | Doc Seminar in Educ Leadership | 2020 |
Our multi-country transdisciplinary research team investigates the ethical use of artificial intelligence for teaching, learning, and assessment in higher education. This project has been funded by the following sources:
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC), 2023 Connection Grant (#611-2022-0398)
University of Calgary Teaching Grant (2022)
University of Calgary International Research Partnership Workshop Grant (2023)
- Award for Exemplary Research, European Network for Academic Integrity (ENAI). 2022
- Research and Scholarship Award, Canadian Society for the Study of Higher Education (CSSHE). 2020
- Teaching Excellence Award, Werklund School of Education, University of Calgary. 2015
- A rapid investigation of artificial intelligence generated content footprints in scholarly publications. Tang, G., & Eaton, S. E.. Journal of Scholarly Publishing. 337-355. (2024)
- Postplagiarism: Transdisciplinary ethics and integrity in the age of artificial intelligence and neurotechnology. Eaton, Sarah Elaine. International Journal for Educational Integrity. 1-10. (2023)
- Contract cheating and student stress: Insights from a Canadian community college. Ferguson, C., Toye, M. A., & Eaton, S. E. . Journal of Academic Ethics. 1-33. (2023)
- Exploring natural language processing in mechanical engineering education: Implications for academic integrity. Lesage, J., Brennan, R., Eaton, S. E., *Moya, B., McDermott, B., Wiens, J., & Herrero, K. . International Journal of Mechanical Engineering Education. 1-18. (2023)
- Academic integrity and artificial intelligence in higher education contexts: A rapid scoping review protocol. Moya Figueroa, B., Eaton, S. E., Pethrick, H., Hayden, A. K., Brennan, R., Wiens, J., McDermott, B., & Lesage, J. . Canadian Perspectives on Academic Integrity. 59-75. (2023)
- Academic integrity and student mental well-being: A rapid review. Eaton, S. E., Pethrick, H., & Turner, K. L. . Canadian Perspectives on Academic Integrity. 34-58. (2023)
- Faculty Perspectives of Academic Integrity During COVID-19: A Mixed Methods Study of Four Canadian Universities. Eaton, S. E., Stoesz, B. M., Crossman, K., Garwood, K., & McKenzie, A. . Canadian Journal of Higher Education. 26-42. (2023)
- Contract cheating in Iran: An overview of key issues and a call to action. Takrimi, A., Khojasteh Mehr, R., & Eaton, S. E. . Journal of Academic Ethics. (2022)
- Academic integrity policies of publicly funded universities in western Canada. Stoesz, B. M., & Eaton, S. E. . Educational Policy. 1529-1548. (2022)
- Research-based learning in an online course-based Master of Education program. . Brown, B., Jacobsen, M., McDermott, M., Simmons, M., Eaton, S. E., Roberts, V., & Becker, S. International Journal on Innovations in Online Education. 29-47. (2022)
- Academic integrity, STEM education, and COVID-19: A call to action. Turner, K. L., Adams, J. D., & Eaton, S. E. . Cultural Studies of Science Education. (2022)
- The academic integrity technological arms race and its impact on learning, teaching, and assessment. Eaton, S. E. . Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology. 1-9. (2022)
- New priorities for academic integrity: equity, diversity, inclusion, decolonization and Indigenization. Eaton, S. E.. International Journal for Educational Integrity. (2022)
- Academic integrity policy analysis of publicly-funded universities in Ontario, Canada: A focus on contract cheating. Miron, J. B., McKenzie, A., Eaton, S. E., Stoesz, B. M., *Thacker, E., Devereaux, L., . . . Rowbotham, K. . Canadian Journal of Educational Administration and Policy. 62-75. (2021)
- A scoping review of text-matching software used for student academic integrity in higher education. Hayden, K. A., Eaton, S. E., Pethrick, H., Crossman, K., Lenart, B. A., & Penaluna, L. A.. Education Research International. (2021)
- Career development, academic integrity, and counterfeit credentials: Understanding the connections. Eaton, S. E.. Career Planning and Adult Development Journal. 98-106. (2021)
- Reflection as pedagogy in action research. Simmons, M., McDermott, M., Eaton, S. E., Brown, B., & Jacobsen, M. . Educational Action Research. 245-258. (2021)
- Academic integrity education across the Canadian higher education landscape. Miron, J., Eaton, S. E., McBreairty, L., & Baig, H.. Journal of Academic Ethics. 441-454. (2021)
- Academic integrity and anti-Black aspects of educational surveillance and e-proctoring. Parnther, C. & Eaton, S. E.. Teachers College Record. (2021)
- Plagiarism: A Canadian higher education case study of policy and practice gaps. Eaton, S. E., Fernández Conde, C., Rothschuh, S., Guglielmin, M., & Otoo, B. K. . Alberta Journal of Educational Research. 471-488. (2020)
- Exploring academic integrity and mental health during COVID-19: Rapid review. Eaton, S. E., & *Turner, K. L. . Journal of Contemporary Education Theory & Research. 34-41. (2020)
- Doctoral student reflections of blended learning before and during COVID-19. Colpitts, B. D. F., *Usick, B. L., & Eaton, S. E. . Journal of Contemporary Education Theory & Research. 3-11. (2020)
- Academic Integrity During COVID-19: Reflections from the University of Calgary. Eaton, S. E.. International Studies in Educational Administration. 80-85. (2020)
- Text-matching software in post-secondary contexts: A systematic review protocol. Hayden, A. K., Eaton, S. E., Crossman, K., *Penaluna, L.-A., & Lenart, B. . Canadian Perspectives on Academic Integrity. 6-24. (2020)
- An institutional self-study of text-matching software in a Canadian graduate-level engineering program. Eaton, S. E., Crossman, K., Behjat, L., Yates, R. M., Fear, E., & Trifkovic, M. . Journal of Academic Ethics. 263-282. (2020)
- Ethical considerations for research conducted with human participants in languages other than English. Eaton, S. E.. British Educational Research Journal. 848-858. (2020)
- The paradox of faculty attitudes toward student violations of academic integrity. MacLeod, P. D., & Eaton, S. E. . Journal of Academic Ethics. 347-362. (2020)
- A call for research to address the threat of paper mills. Byrne, Jennifer A.; Abalkina, Anna; Akinduro-Aje, Olufolake; Christopher, Jana; Eaton, Sarah E.; Joshi, Nitin; Scheffler, Ulf; Wise, Nick H.; Wright, Jennifer . PLOSBiology. (2024)
- Handbook of Academic Integrity (2nd. ed.). Springer. (2023)
- Academic and research integrity as transdisciplinary fields of scholarship and professional practice. Eaton, S. E. . Handbook of Academic Integrity (2nd ed.). 1-18. (2023)
- Fake Degrees and Credential Fraud in Higher Education. Carmichael, J. *& Pethrick, H.. Springer. (2023)
- Academic integrity and artificial intelligence: An overview. Kumar, R., Eaton, S. E., Mindzak, M., & Morrison, R.. Handbook of Academic Integrity (2nd. ed.). 1-14. (2023)
- Contract Cheating in Higher Education Global Perspectives on Theory, Practice, and Policy (Eaton et al., eds.). Eaton, S. E., Curtis, G., Stoesz, B., *Rundle, K., Clare, J., & Seeland, J. (Eds.). Palgrave MacMillan. 318. (2022)
- Academic Integrity in Canada: An Enduring and Essential Challenge (Eaton & Christensen Hughes, eds.). Eaton, S. E. & Christensen Hughes, J. (Eds.). Springer. 599. (2022)
- Plagiarism in higher education: Tackling tough topics in academic integrity. Eaton, S. E.. ABC Clio (an imprint of Libraries Unlimited). 231. (2021)
- “Growing our own teachers”: Rural individuals becoming certified teachers. Gereluk, D., Dressler, R., Eaton, S. E., Becker, S., & Smith, C. . Rural teacher education: Connecting land and people . 137-154. (2020)
- Multilingual essay mills: The need for research beyond English language commercial providers. . Eaton, S. E., & Dressler, R. . A research agenda for academic integrity. 152-162. (2020)
- Women negotiating life in the academy: A Canadian perspective. Eaton, S. E. & Burns, A.. Springer. 203. (2020)
- Preface: Insights into Women Negotiating Life in the Academy—A Canadian Perspective. Burns, A. & Eaton, S. E.. Women Negotiating Life in the Academy: A Canadian Perspective. v-viii. (2020)
- Challenging and critiquing notions of servant leadership: Lessons from my mother. Eaton, S. E.. Women Negotiating Life in the Academy: A Canadian Perspective. 15-23. (2020)
- Advancing the writing of academics: Stories from the writing group.. Lock, J., Kjorlien, Y., Tweedie, G., Dressler, R., Eaton, S. E., & Spring, E. . Critical collaboration communities: Academic writing partnerships, groups, and retreats. 55-65. (2019)
- Overview of higher education in Canada. Eaton, S. E.. Bloomsbury Education and Childhood Studies . (2019)
- The role of research and knowledge creation in in higher education (Canada). Eaton, S. E.. Bloomsbury Education and Childhood Studies . (2019)
- The impact of technology on how instructors teach and how students learn. Eaton, S. E.. Society for the Teaching of Psychology. 74-80. (2018)
- Exploring models of online learning communities to expand academic integrity understanding in Chilean higher education. Moya, B. & Eaton, S.E.. Academic Integrity: Broadening Practices, Technologies, and the Role of Students - Proceedings from the European Conference on Academic Integrity and Plagiarism 2021 . 89-106. (2023)
- Data mining of online quiz log files: creation of automated tools for identification of possible academic misconduct in large STEM courses. Spanswick, E., Kastyak-Ibrahim, M., Flynn, C., Eaton, S. E., & Chibry, N. . Academic Integrity: Broadening Practices, Technologies, and the Role of Students - Proceedings from the European Conference on Academic Integrity and Plagiarism 2021 . 195-212. (2023)
- Using agent-based modelling for EER experimental design: Preliminary validation based on student cheating behaviours. Paul, R., Eaton, S. E., Laird, G., Nelson, N., & Brennan, R. . Canadian Engineering Education Association. 1-8. (2020)
- A Canadian online rural education teacher preparation program: Course design, student support and engagement. Eaton, S. E. Gereluk, D., Dressler, R., & Becker, S. . American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Conference, San Antonio, TX, USA.. 1-15. (2019)
- Engineering Integrity: Using text-matching software in a graduate level engineering course. Crossman, K., Paul, R., Behjat, L., Trifkovic, M., Fear, E., Eaton, S. E. , & Yates, R. . Canadian Symposium on Academic Integrity. (2019)
- Plagiarism: Moving from punitive to pro-active approaches. Eaton, S. E., Guglielmin, M., & Otoo, B. . Werklund School of Education, University of Calgary. 28-36. (2018)
- Signature pedagogies in online classes. Brown, B., Eaton, S. E., & Schroeder, M. . Werklund School of Education, University of Calgary. 66-74. (2017)
- Designing Synchronous Online Interactions and Discussions. Brown, B., Schroeder, M., & Eaton, S. E. . Werklund School of Education, University of Calgary. 51-60. (2016)
- Signature pedagogies in online classes. Barbara Anna Brown; Meadow Schroeder; Sarah Elaine Eaton. Werklund School of Education, University of Calgary. 66-74. (2017)
- Designing Synchronous Online Interactions and Discussions. Barbara Anna Brown; Sarah Elaine Eaton; Meadow Schroeder. Werklund School of Education, University of Calgary. 51-60. (2016)
In the News
More Information
Press and Media
Featured Story:
Canadians can't bribe their way into university. Following the US College scandal, Jonathon Muma finds out if Canadians bribe their way in. pic.twitter.com/4V3HG8NiVr
— Breakfast Television & CityNews Calgary (@BTCityNewsCGY) March 14, 2019
Dr. Eaton is a sought after media guest on topics relating to ethics, integirty, fraud, and misconduct in educational settings. She has been featured by CNN, CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation); CTV; Global, City TV, as well as various print / web outlets and podcasts.
- Kurry de Castillo, C. (2023, November 27). Calgary Catholic School District hosting parents’ meeting about the impact of AI on learning. (Eaton, S.E., interviewed). https://globalnews.ca/news/10115998/calgary-catholic-school-district-artificial-intelligence-meeting/
- Kurry de Castillo, C. (2023, January 21). University of Calgary AI project asks students, teachers about the use of ChatGPT. (Eaton, S.E., interviewed). https://globalnews.ca/news/9427099/university-of-calgary-artificial-intelligence-questions/
- Sumanac-Johnson, D. (Television interview) and Jessia Wong (web story). (2023, January 21). CBC National News. Curveball or game changer? ChatGPT, AI tools under watch on Canadian campuses. (S. Eaton, interviewed.) https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/chatgpt-aitools-highered-1.6716521
- Edwardson, L. (2021, May 18). Calgary educators concerned students are falling behind, cheating more during pandemic. CBC News. (S. Eaton, interviewed). https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/calgary/calgary-educators-concerned-students-falling-behind-cheating-1.6026878
- Fleming, K. (2021, April 7). Examples of plagiarism found throughout draft curriculum. CTV News. (S. Eaton, interviewed). https://calgary.ctvnews.ca/examples-of-plagiarism-found-throughout-draft-curriculum-1.5378232
- Uguen-Csenge, E. (2021, March 4). UBC accounting class told to redo midterm exam after students accused of cheating online. CBC News. (S. Eaton, interviewed). https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/ubc-cheating-sauder-school-1.5934305
- Weisgarber, M. (2020, November 24). Cheating at the University of British Columbia. CTV News Vancouver, Canada. (S. Eaton, interviewed).
- Sumanac-Johnson, D. (2020, October 21). Universities use exam monitoring software to stave off midterm cheating [Television series episode]. In Hunt, N. (Producer), The National: CBC, Canada. (S. Eaton, interviewed).
- Brown, R. (2020, October 5). Rates of academic misconduct surge during pandemic. CBC News Calgary, AB, Canada. (S. Eaton, interviewed).
- Deane, W. (2020, October 5). Rates of academic misconduct surge during pandemic. City News, Calgary, AB, Canada. (S. Eaton, interviewed).
- Sidhu, I. (2020, October 5). University of Calgary researcher suggests cheating on the rise with move to online learning. CTV News Calgary, Calgary, AB, Canada. (S. Eaton, interviewed).
- Burke, J. (2020, July 5) Academic Misconduct during the Pandemic. CTV News Channel, Canada. (S. Eaton, interviewed).
- Halbauer, J. (2020, March 3) Cheating scheme leaves 40 U of A students facing 'significant sanctions'/Interviewer: J. Halbauer. CTV News Edmonton & Calgary, Canada. (S. Eaton, interviewed).
- Rocher, J. (2019, October 11) Young Kids Targeted for Contract Cheating /Interviewer: J. Rocher. Bridge City News, Lethbridge, AB, Canada. (S. Eaton, interviewed). https://youtu.be/8focCRkImLc.
- Muma, J. (Reporter). (2019, March 13). Canadian parents can't bribe universities to accept kids. CityTV News. Canada: Rogers Media Inc. https://twitter.com/BTCityNewsCGY/status/1106015349596577793. (Eaton, S.E., interviewed).
Dr. Eaton is an engaging radio show guest local and syndicated shows. Here are some her radio interviews since 2020.
- McInnis, Loren. (2024, January 24). Diploma Mills in Alberta [Interview with Sarah Elaine Eaton]. CBC Calgary. Calgary Eyeopener. https://www.cbc.ca/listen/live-radio/1-5-calgary-eyeopener/clip/16037443-diploma-mills-alberta
- Smyth, Mike. (2023, April 19). Students cheating with ChatGPT. Mike Smyth Show. Global News Radio: 980 CKNW, Vancouver, BC, Canada. (Eaton, S.E., interviewed). 10:38 PST. https://globalnews.ca/radio/cknw/?gref=cknw
- Bird, C., (2023, February, 27). Chelsea on CHED talk radio show. Academic misconduct and contract cheating. 630 CHED. Edmonton, AB. https://traffic.megaphone.fm/CORU3025799288.mp3?updated=1677540341
- Brown, Andrew (2023, January 24). Artificial intelligence in education. CBC. Alberta@Noon.
- McGinnis, Loren (2023, January 10). Artificial intelligence in post-secondary education. CBC Calgary Eyeopener, Calgary, Canada. (Eaton, S.E., interviewed). 08:10 https://www.cbc.ca/listen/live-radio/1-5-calgary-eyeopener/clip/15958968-artificial-intelligence-post-secondary-education
- Smyth, Mike. (2023, January 2). Artificial intelligence and academic cheating. Mike Smyth Show. Global News Radio: 980 CKNW, Vancouver, BC, Canada. (Eaton, S.E., interviewed). 11:00 PST. https://globalnews.ca/radio/cknw/?gref=cknw
- McIntyre, D. (2021, May 31) Academic misconduct during COVID-19. Global 630 CHED Mornings, Edmonton, AB. (Eaton, S.E., interviewed).
- Shurman, P. (Guest host). (2021, May 28). John Oakley Show. Global News Radio 640 Toronto. Toronto, ON, Canada (Eaton, S.E., interviewed).
- Deyell, S., & Schultz, A. (2021, May 7). Morning News. 770 CHQR (Global News Radio). Calgary, AB, Canada. (Eaton, S.E., interviewed).
- Joyce, S. (2021, March 17). Expert weighs in on rise in plagiarism cases at TRU. Daybreak Kamloops. CBC Radio, Kamloops, BC, Canada. (Eaton, S.E., interviewed). https://www.cbc.ca/listen/live-radio/1-108-daybreak-kamloops/clip/15831803-expert-weighs-rise-plagiarism-cases-tru?share=true
- Doucette, T. (Host). (2021, April 9). CBC Syndicated Radio. Windsor Morning. Windsor, ON. (Eaton, S.E., interviewed).
- Hadley, A. (Host). (2021, April 9). CBC Syndicated Radio. Superior Morning. Thunder Bay, ON. (Eaton, S.E., interviewed).
- Schwabe, M. (Host). (2021, April 9). CBC Syndicated Radio. Morning North. Sudbury, ON. (Eaton, S.E., interviewed).
- Hillier, B. (Host). (2021, April 9). CBC Syndicated Radio. Newfoundland Morning. St. John’s, NL. (Eaton, S.E., interviewed).
- Clark, P. (Host). (2021, April 9). CBC Syndicated Radio. Information Morning. Halifax, NS. (Eaton, S.E., interviewed).
- McGinnis, L. (Host). (2021, April 9). CBC Syndicated Radio. The Trailbreaker, Yellowknife, NWT. (Eaton, S.E., interviewed).
- Cormier, M. (Host). (2021, April 9). CBC Syndicated Radio. Island Morning, Charlottetown, PEI. (Eaton, S.E., interviewed).
- Sutherland, S. (Host). (2021, April 9). CBC Syndicated Radio. Information Morning. Sydney, NS. (Eaton, S.E., interviewed).
- Craigie, G. (Host). (2021, April 9). CBC Syndicated Radio. On the Island. Victoria, BC. (Eaton, S.E., interviewed).
- Walker, C. (Host). (2021, April 9). CBC Syndicated Radio. Daybreak South. Kelowna, BC. (Eaton, S.E., interviewed).
- Gray, D. (Host). (2021, April 9). CBC Syndicated Radio. The Eyeopener. Calgary, AB. (Eaton, S.E., interviewed).
- Quinn, S. (Host). (2021, April 9). CBC Syndicated Radio. The Early Edition. Vancouver, BC. (Eaton, S.E., interviewed).
- Radley, S. (2021, February 2). Will Zoom exams creepily spy on students? Scott Radley Show, Global News Radio: 900 CHML, Hamilton, ON. (Eaton, S.E., interviewed).
- Smyth, M. (2020, November 25). Cheating at UBC. Lynda Steele Show, Global News Radio: 980 CKNW, Vancouver, BC, Canada. (Eaton, S.E., interviewed).
- Deyell, S., & Schultz, A. (2020, October 14). Morning News. 770 CHQR (Global News Radio). Calgary, AB, Canada. (Eaton, S.E., interviewed).
- Ramsay, A. (October 6). Nova 103. RTBN Radio (SAIT). Calgary, AB, Canada. (Eaton, S.E., interviewed).
- Kokott, A. (2020, October 5). Academic misconduct during the pandemic. 770 CHQR. Calgary, AB, Canada. (Eaton, S.E., interviewed).
- J’lyn Nye. (2020, June 22). Academic misconduct and plagiarism numbers have risen sharply during the pandemic. Global News Radio 630 CHED, Edmonton, AB, Canada. (Eaton, S.E., interviewed).
- Clark, P. (2020, June 22). Academic misconduct during the pandemic. Information Morning show, CBC (Syndicated), Halifax. (Eaton, S.E., interviewed).
- Laco, L. (2020, June 22). Academic misconduct during the pandemic. Superior Morning show, CBC (Syndicated), Thunder Bay, ON, Canada. (Eaton, S.E., interviewed).
- Zandbergen, R. (2020, June 22). Academic misconduct during the pandemic. London Morning show, CBC (Syndicated), London, ON, Canada. (Eaton, S.E., interviewed).
- Hillier, B. (2020, June 22). Academic misconduct during the pandemic. Newfoundland Morning show, CBC (Syndicated), Corner Brook, NL, Canada. (Eaton, S.E., interviewed).
- Salome, A. (2020, June 22). Academic misconduct during the pandemic. Qulliq show, CBC (Syndicated), Iqaluit, NU, Canada. (Eaton, S.E., interviewed).
- Connolly, M. (2020, June 22). Academic misconduct during the pandemic. Edmonton AM show, CBC (Syndicated), Edmonton, AB, Canada. (Eaton, S.E., interviewed).
- Gray, D. (2020, June 22). Academic misconduct during the pandemic. The Eyeopener show, CBC (Syndicated), Calgary, AB, Canada. (Eaton, S.E., interviewed).
- Caron, J. (2020, June 22). Academic misconduct during the pandemic. Quebec AM show, CBC (Syndicated), Quebec City, QC, Canada. (Eaton, S.E., interviewed).
- Walker, C. (2020, June 22). Academic misconduct during the pandemic. Daybreak South show, CBC (Syndicated), Kelowna, BC, Canada. (Eaton, S.E., interviewed).
- Langenegger, S. (2020, June 22). Academic misconduct during the pandemic. The Morning Edition show, CBC (Syndicated), Regina, SK, Canada. (Eaton, S.E., interviewed).
- Quinn, S. (2020, June 22). Academic misconduct during the pandemic. The Early Edition show, CBC (Syndicated), Vancouver, BC, Canada. (Eaton, S.E., interviewed).
- Panico, G. (2020, June 19). CBC National News. (Eaton, S.E., interviewed).
- Cummings, M. (2020, March 3) Cheating allegations at the U of A -- among computing science student. CBC News, Edmonton AM. (Eaton, S.E., interviewed). https://www.cbc.ca/listen/live-radio/1-17-edmonton-am/clip/15764006-cheating-at-the-u-of-a
- Hiller, B. (2020, February 7) Exam cheating in Newfoundland. CBC Newfoundland Morning. (Eaton, S.E., interviewed). https://www.cbc.ca/listen/live-radio/1-210-cbc-newfoundland-morning
- Daly, J. (2020, January 18). Academic dishonesty. Back on the Beat show. Global News Radio 980 CKNW., Vancouver, BC. https://globalnews.ca/bc/program/back-on-the-beat
Print / web media
- Lai, L. (2020, April 17). Explore academic integrity and combat virtual cheating in online courses. UCalgary News. S. Eaton, interviewed. Retrieved from https://www.ucalgary.ca/news/explore-academic-integrity-and-combat-virtual-cheating-online-courses
- Antoneshyn, A. (2020, March 4). Cheating scheme leaves 40 U of A students facing 'significant sanctions'. CTV News (Edmonton). (Eaton, S.E., interviewed.) https://edmonton.ctvnews.ca/cheating-scheme-leaves-40-u-of-a-students-facing-significant-sanctions-1.4836954
- Slark, C. (2020, February 5). Students had exam questions before writing it: BUSU president. Brandon Sun. Retrieved from https://www.brandonsun.com/local/Students-had-exam-questions-before-writing-it-BUSU-president-567576241.html (Eaton, S.E., interviewed).
- Snow, J. (2019, October 9). Commercial contract cheating: How common is it? U Calgary News. Retrieved from https://news.ucalgary.ca/news/commercial-contract-cheating-how-common-it (Eaton, S.E., interviewed).
- Student and Enrollment Services Staff. (2019, February 27). What is “pay to pass”?: Understand the issues around paying for academic support. UToday. Retrieved from https://www.ucalgary.ca/utoday/issue/2019-02-27/what-pay-pass (Eaton, S.E., interviewed).
- Werklund School of Education Staff. (2018, August 3). Quotation marks, crib notes, and contract cheating: How a new online tutorial is building awareness among online students at the Werklund School. UToday. Retrieved from https://www.ucalgary.ca/utoday/issue/2018-08-03/quotation-marks-crib-notes-and-contract-cheating (Eaton, S.E., interviewed).
- Sowa, J. (2018, March 16). Campus scholars warned about increasing problem posed by predatory journals and conferences. UToday. Retrieved from https://www.ucalgary.ca/utoday/issue/2018-03-16/campus-scholars-warned-about-increasing-problem-posed-predatory-journals-and.
- Ruddock, K. (2018, January 2). Digital repository improvements expand accessibility of research by UCalgary scholars. UToday. Retrieved from http://www.ucalgary.ca/utoday/issue/2018-01-02/digital-repository-improvements-expand-accessibility-research-ucalgary-scholars (Eaton, S.E., interviewed).
- Schellenberg, J. (2017, Nov. 8). University of Calgary looks to combat emerging academic black markets. Gauntlet. Retrieved from http://www.thegauntlet.ca/university-of-calgary-looks-to-combat-emerging-academic-black-markets/ (Eaton, S.E., interviewed).
- Hunt, S. (2017, October 18). (Eaton, S.E., Interviewed.) Contract cheaters auction off homework to dark web ghostwriters. CBC News Calgary. Retrieved from http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/calgary/contract-cheating-international-day-of-action-contract-cheating-1.4360193
- Rice, B. (2017, January 17). (Eaton, S.E., Interviewed.) When The White House Calls…. Retrieved from https://www.ucalgary.ca/utoday/issue/2017-01-17/when-white-house-calls
- C. Hunt (Producer). (2020, July 5). Episode: The Human Risk Podcast: Dr Sarah Eaton on Ethics In Academia.S. Eaton, interviewed. https://kite.link/sarah
- S. Lawrence (Producer). (2020, April 30). Episode 141: Academic integrity: Do the right thing. S. Eaton, interviewed. https://www.theedpodcast.com/episodes/conversation-141-do-the-right-thing
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