Pengfei Li

Pengfei Li

Pronouns: He/him


Associate Professor

Haskayne School of Business, Strategy and Global Management [SGMA]

Area Chair

Haskayne School of Business, Strategy and Global Management [SGMA]

Contact information

Web presence


Office: SH430


Educational Background

PhD Peking University, 2011

BSc Northwest University (China), 2006



I joined the group of Strategy and Global Management at Haskayne in January 2021. Before coming to Calgary, I had worked at Montreal (an assistant professor at HEC Montreal), Toronto (a Banting Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Toronto), Shanghai (a lecturer at East China Normal University), and Beijing (a PhD student at Peking University).

My research touches the overlapping areas of international business, economic geography, innovation, and strategy management and focuses on the topics of industrial clusters, innovation ecosystems and cities. My work appears in Journal of International Business Studies, Research Policy, Journal of Economic Geography, Economic Geography, and Global Strategy Journal, among others.
