
JW (Jeong Woo) Kim



Schulich School of Engineering, Department of Geomatics Engineering

Contact information

Phone number

Office: +1 (403) 220-4858


Office: ENE - 211



P. Eng., Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Alberta (APEGA), 2016

P. Geol., Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Alberta (APEGA), 2009

P. Geoph., Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Alberta (APEGA), 2009

Educational Background

B.Sc. Geophysics, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea,

M.Sc. Geophysics, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea,

Ph.D. Satelite Geophysics, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, USA,


Dr. Jeong Woo Kim received his B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in Geophysics from Yonsei University. During his time as a researcher at the Korea Polar Research Institute, Dr. Kim was recruited as a geophysicist of the Korea Antarctic Expedition Team. He visited Antarctica 5 times, including one full-year experience between 1988 and 1990.

After serving an appointment at the State University of New York at Albany as a researcher in 1992, he pursued a doctoral degree at the Ohio State University in Columbus. In 1996, he received a Ph.D. degree with a major in Satellite Geophysics from the School of Earth Sciences, and was appointed successively as a postdoctoral research scientist.

From 1998, Dr. Kim worked as an associate professor at Sejong University in Seoul, Korea, where he founded the Department of Geoinformation Engineering and served as the first Department Head for nearly three years, and the Director of Research Institute of Geoinformatics and Geophysics for more than 5 years. He also established a university on-campus venture firm, which is still operational. Then in 2005, he was appointed as a research scientist in the Planetary Geodynamics Lab at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland. In 2007, he moved to Canada to join the Department of Geomatics Engineering at the University of Calgary, Alberta as an associate professor. He is currently a full professor.

Throughout his academic career, Dr. Kim has shown consistent performance with national and international recognition. He received the 2005 U.S. National Research Council Senior Research Associateship Award. He also received the 2005 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium Interactive Session Prize Paper Award with a paper he presented in Anchorage, Alaska on the “Telecommunication Modeling by Integration of Geophysical and Geospatial Information”. In recognition of his outstanding scholarly accomplishment during the Ph.D. studies, he was named Presidential Fellow of the Ohio State University. Twice from Sejong University, he received Excellent Research Professor Award.

Dr. Kim has pioneered some new areas of research and achieved novel results that have attracted public attention even beyond academia. A recent paper published in Nature Communications Earth & Environment, "Microgravity effect of Inter-seismic crustal dilatation", in November 2022, was featured in CTV News, Canada Today, etc. on 10 December 2022. Another journal paper, published in Sensors in October 2017, was featured in The Canadian Press, CBC News, Global News, etc. In 2006, he presented a paper as a co-author, “Permian-Triassic Mascon in Antarctica” at the American Geophysical Union Meeting in Baltimore, MD and ultimately the paper was featured in Nature News, BBC News, and on the Discovery Channel, and became Yahoo’s most popular searched item. This research discovered a huge meteorite impact crater under the Antarctic ice sheet by using satellite gravity and magnetic anomalies, which could explain the cause behind the Permian-Triassic Biomass Extinction. This research was later highlighted in the Nature Geoscience journal.

Dr. Kim’s research is focused on the geohazard and geodynamic analysis with integrated gravity, magnetics, and satellite radar remote sensing methods. He is particularly interested in microgravity effect due to mass change and redistribution at active tectonic zone, geological CO2 storage, and hydrocarbon reservoir. He is also interested in subsurface modelling by inversion of geopotential anomalies and wellbore positioning with measurement-while-drilling geopotential field sensors in directional drilling. To date, he has published more than 80 papers in top-notch journals and more than 182 conference proceeding papers and abstracts. He has attracted research funding of more than $9 million from various funding agencies in Canada, Korea, UAE and the U.S. Since he joined the University of Calgary, he has received 25 research grants worth nearly $6 million from the NSERC, Carbon Management Canada, Canadian Space Agency, Government of Alberta, and the oil and gas industries. In 2014, one of his Korean government projects “Geophysical Monitoring of Subsurface CO2 Storage” was named Nine Excellent R&D Achievements of Korean Carbon Capture and Sequestration 2020 Project” by the Korea Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning. While he was a professor in Korea, Dr. Kim’s lab was awarded the Korea National Research Lab (NRL) with a project “Optimal Data Fusion of Geophysical and Geodetic Measurements for Geological Hazards Monitoring and Prediction”.

As a professional in his field, Dr. Kim holds three designations as a Professional Geophysicist (P.Geoph.), a Professional Geologist (P.Geol.), and a Professional Engineer (P.Eng.) from the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Alberta (APEGA). The three professional memberships cover entire field of license under the association. He also has a APEGA’s permit-to-practice for his consulting company he founded in Calgary. With professional licenses and experiences, he successfully transferred his state-of-the-art science and engineering technology to industries worldwide. He holds several patents under Patent Corporation Treaty (PCT) including the U.S., Canada, the Middle East, and Korea on oil and gas reservoir monitoring and wellbore positioning in directional drilling.

Dr. Kim has been committed to quality teaching in Canada, the U.S. and Korea with a consistent teaching philosophy and through continuous improvement in teaching strategies for a multicultural environment. He has taught undergraduate and graduate courses on various topics of geodesy, satellite geophysics, geodynamics, radar remote sensing, and directional drilling. As a devoted educator, Dr. Kim has supervised and graduated more than 35 graduate students. He has also trained 5 research associates, 14 postdoctoral fellows, and a number of summer and part-time undergraduate students and interns. Many of Dr. Kim’s students and researchers are now serving as professionals or pursuing further degrees in Canada, Korea, the U.S., Japan, Sweden, U.K., and Germany.

Aside from research and teaching, Dr. Kim has served as an editor, guest editor, and reviewer for a number of international journals and government funding agencies. He has organized international conferences and meetings (i.e., Local Arrangement Chair of IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium,), and served as a scientific committee member and convener for many international conferences. He has given a number of invited and public lectures worldwide. Dr. Kim has not only participated in various organizations, but also demonstrated strong leadership. Currently, he is a Senior National Delegate of Canada to International Association of Geodesy (IAG), Senior Canadian National Committee for the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (CNC-IUGG), and President of the Canadian Geophysical Union (CGU) - Geodesy Section. He is a member of Korean Society of Engineering Geology (KSEG), Korean Society for Geospatial Information System, American Geophysical Union (AGU), Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG), IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society (IGRSS), Society of Petroleum Engineering (SPE), and Canadian Association of Drilling Engineers (CADE). He was elected and served as the 22nd President of the Association of Korean Canadian Scientists and Engineers (AKCSE) where more than 2,700 regular and student members are registered.

(December, 2023)

Homepage: https://profiles.ucalgary.ca/jeong-woo-kim

Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.ca/citations?user=_qeBkI0AAAAJ&hl=en&oi=ao



Areas of Research

Geohazard and Geodynamics, Subsurface Modeling, Directional Drilling

My research is focused on the geohazard and geodynamic analysis with integrated gravity, magnetics, and satellite radar remote sensing methods. I am particularly interested in micro gravity effect due to mass change and redistribution at active tectonic zone, geological CO2 storage, and hydrocarbon reservoir. I am also interested in subsurface modelling by inversion of geopotential anomalies and wellbore positioning with measurement-while-drilling geopotential field sensors in directional drilling. To date, I have published more than 78 papers in top-notch journals and more than 178 conference proceeding papers and abstracts. I have attracted research funding of more than $9 million from various funding agencies in Canada, Korea, UAE and the U.S. Since I joined the University of Calgary, I have received 25 research grants worth nearly $6 million from the NSERC, Carbon Management Canada, Canadian Space Agency, Government of Alberta, and the oil and gas industries.

Participation in university strategic initiatives


Micro Gravimetric Monitoring of Offshore Geological CO2 Storage

Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources, Internal Grant, 2024.5.30 - 2024.11.30, PI

Earthquake Early Detection with Underground Superconducting Gravimeter

Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC)  Alliance International – Collaboration, 2024.5.29- 2026.5.28, PI

AI-based Geospatial and Geophysical Data Interpretation

Korea Institute for Information and Communication Technology Planning & Evaluation (IITP), 2024.4.1 - 2026.12.31, PI

Identifying Subsurface Structure by Integrated Gravity and Magnetic Analysis in Alberta

Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) Alliance Grants, 2023.11 - 2027.11, PI

Development of Integrated Geophysical Inversion for 3D Subsurface Modelling

Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) Alliance International - Catalyst, 2023.11 - 2024.11, PI

Micro Gravimetric Monitoring of Offshore Geological CO2 Storage at the Shallow Ocean Bottom

Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources, 2023.06.30 - 2023.11.30, PI

Installation and operation of iGrav superconducting gravimeter in Yemi Underground Research Lab in Korea

National Institute of Mathematical Sciences (NIMS), Korea Institute of Basic Sciences, 2022.9 – 2025.12, PI

Development of CO2 monitoring technology using microgravity

Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources, 2022.12.15 - 2023.4.15, PI

Development of artificial intelligence technology to detect hydrogen and carbon dioxide leaks in pipeline networks linked with blue hydrogen

International Joint Research Program with Jeonbuk National University, Korea Institute for Information and Communication Technology Planning & Evaluation (IITP), 2021.9.1 - 2022.08.31, PI

A Preliminary Study of Pre-Seismic Anomaly from Superconducting Gravimetry

Internal Grant, Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources, 2021.1.1 - 2021.12.31, Co-PI

Development of a real-time AI/IoT solution for the stable operation and maintenance of underground pipeline network

International Joint Research Program with Jeonbuk National University, Korea Institute for Information and Communication Technology Planning & Evaluation (IITP), 2020.6.1 - 2021.08.31, PI

Development of Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Multivariate Geophysical Analysis

International Joint Research Program with Dong-A University, Korea Institute for Information and Communication Technology Planning & Evaluation (IITP), 2019.7.1 - 2021.06.30, PI

Determining basement and sedimentary structures of Abu Dhabi by innovative geophysical and inversion techniques: Implications to Abu Dhabi oilfields

Khalifa University of Science and Technology (Abu Dhabi, UAE) Competitive Internal Research Award (CIRA), 2019.7-2022,6, External-PI.

Estimation of Moho Discontinuity of East Sea and Initial Test of Developed Modelling Techniques

East Sea Research Institute, Korea Institute of Ocean Science and Technology (KIOST), 2019.4-2022.12, PI.

Development of a Precise Gravity Field Model at Different Altitudes

Hanwha Corporation, 2019.5-2020.4, PI.

Assessment of Geohazards and Geodynamics by Integrated Gravimetric and Geodetic Methods

Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) Discovery Grant, 2019.4 - 2025.3, PI

Assessment of Geohazards and Geodynamics by Integrated Gravimetric and Geodetic Methods

Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) Discovery Grant, 2014.4 – 2019.3, PI

Development of Subsurface Monitoring and Leak Detection System

Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) Engage Grant with Direct-C, 2018.1 – 2018.6, PI

Geophysical Monitoring of Subsurface CO2 Storage II: Monitoring CO2 Plume Migration and Mass Change by Micro Gravity, Optical-Fiber and MEMS Sensors

Korea Institute of Geoscience & Mineral Resources, Korea Carbon Capture and Sequestration R&D Center, 2012.6 - 2017.5, PhaseII (2014.6.1 – 2017.5.31), PI

Quantifying Groundwater Recharge for Sustainable Water Resource Management

Alberta Innovates - Energy and Environment Solutions (AI-EES) - Water Resources, 2013.4 - 2016.3, Co-PI

Geophysical Monitoring of Subsurface CO2 Storage I: Gravimetric and Geodetic Monitoring of Mass Change, Migration and Leakage

Korea Institute of Geoscience & Mineral Resources, Korea Carbon Capture and Sequestration R&D Center, 2012.6 - 2017.5, Phase I (2012.6.1 - 2014.5.31), PI

Feasibility Study and Development of Post-Mission Processing of Inertial and Gravity Data for Improved Position and Azimuth Determination

Doosan DST Co. Ltd., Korea, 2009.11 - 2010.6, Co-PI 

Integrated Gravimetric and Geodetic Monitoring of Geological CO2 Storage

Carbon Management Canada Inc. 2nd Round Research Grant, 2011.3 - 2014.6, PI

Electromagnetic Land Classification of Arctic Permafrost by Satellite Remote Sensing

Korea Polar Research Institute R&D Program, 2012.1 - 2013.7, PI

Ground Deformation Monitoring at Weyburn EOR site in Saskatchewan, Canada by Satellite Interferometry

European Space Agency (ESA) Restrained Dataset Category-1 (ID #13373),  2013, PI

Geomagnetic Modeling from On-board LEO Attitude-Control Satellite Magnetometer

Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) Discovery Grant, 2008.4 - 2013.3, PI

Spaceborne Surface Heave Monitoring by Production Activities at Albertan Oil Field

Canadian Space Agency RADARSAT-2 Science and Operational Applications Research Education Initiative (SOAR-E), 2010 - 2012, PI

Analysis of the Polar Ocean Circulation from Altimetry-derived Gravity and Bathymetry, and Its Relationship to the Climate Change

Korea Polar Research Institute Research and Development Program, 2008.3 - 2010.11, PI

Electromagnetic Land Classification for Optimal Mobile Communication Modeling

Alberta-Gangwon Research Collaboration Program (#TC-ICT 08-19), Alberta Innovation and Science, 2008.2 - 2009.3, PI

Detection of Ground Subsidence in the Oil Field from Radar Remote Sensing

University of Calgary New Starter Grant, University of Calgary, 2008.7 - 2009.12, PI


  • U.S. National Research Council Senior Research Associateship Award, U.S. National Research Council . 2005
  • IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society’s Interactive Session Prize Paper Award , IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society. 2005
  • Presidential Fellow , The Ohio State Univetrsity. 1996


  • Analysis of Underground Superconducting Gravity Data in Korea. Dehghan, M.J., E.J. Son, I. Woo, H. Kim, S.M. You, J.J. Oh, J.W. Kim. Journal of Geodynamics. Submitted, in-review, GEOD-D-23-00117. (2023)
  • 3D inversion of joint gravity and magnetic data using a calibrated random forest classifier. Ghalenoei, E., J. Dettmer, J.W. Kim. Computers and Geosciences. Submitted, in-review, CAGEO-S-23-00921. (2023)
  • Joint Inversion of Gravity and Magnetic Anomalies to Image Salt-Basement Structures of Offshore Abu Dhabi, UAE using Deep Neural Networks. Ashena, Z., H. Kabirzadeh, X.C. Wang, M.Y. Ali, J.W. Kim. SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers) Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering. In-revision, SJ-0623-0002. (2023)
  • A novel 2.5D Deep Network Inversion of Gravity Anomalies to Estimate Basement Topography. Ashena, Z., H. Kabirzadeh, X.C. Wang, M.Y. Ali, J.W. Kim. SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers) Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering - Formation Evaluation. 1-14. (2023)
  • Microgravity Effect of Inter-seismic Crustal Dilatation. Kabirzadeh, H., J.W. Kim, A. Hadi, R. Kao, M.G. Sideris, S. J. Henton. Nature - Communications Earth & Environment. v3, article #268. p.1-14. (2022)
  • Trans-Dimensional Gravity and Magnetic Joint Inversion for 3-D Earth Models. Ghalenoei, E., J. Dettmer, M.Y. Ali, J.W. Kim. Geophysical J. International. 230(1), 363-367. (2022)
  • Please visit Dr. Kim's Google Scholar for published papers and patents. (2021)

More Information

Patents Registered

  1. Kim, J.W., J. Neumeyer, Method for measuring density change of underground material using gravimeter. US 10330577, June 25, 2019.
  2. Kim, J.W., B. Varcoe, E. Rangelova, J. Petrovic, System and method for determining a borehole azimuth using gravity in-field referencing, US 9625609 B2, April 18, 2017.
  3. Kim, J.W., J. Neumeyer, Method of measuring density of underground material. Korea 10-1665384, October 6, 2016.
  4. Kim, J.W., S. Park, M. TabkhBaz, Apparatus for Detecting Gas Using Carbon Polymer-Nanotube Composite. Korea 10-1647356, August 4, 2016.
  5. Kim, J.W., S. Park, A. Sandwell, T. Xia, Sensing Apparatus of Fusing Sensing Signal using Fusion Algorithm, Method of the Same, and Inclinometers Using Integrated MEMS Sensors. Korea 10-1595791, February 15, 2016.
  6. Kim, J.W., I. Woo, H.R. Kim, Y.J. Shin, H. Kabirzadeh, System and method of three dimensional subsurface modeling. Korea 10-1513500, April 14, 2015.

Patent Applied

  1. Kim, J.W., H. Liu, B. Moon, Gravity-Derived Borehole Azimuth using a Single 3-Axis Accelerometer. US 62/014,455, April 23, 2020
  2. Kim, J.W., J. Neumeyer, Reduction of Environmental Gravity Effect by Coupling Surface and Borehole Gravimeters. US 15/301,057, October 30, 2016.
  3. Kim, J.W., E. Rangelova, Y. Zhang, Z. Yang, System and Method for a Quaternion-Based Gravity-Derived Borehole Azimuth Determination Using Coupled Measurement-While-Drilling Sensors. US 62/160,019, May 12, 2015.
  4. Kim, J.W., H. Kabirzadeh, Y. Zhang, Z. Yang, Reduction of MWD Magnetometer Measurement Error in the Wellbore Positioning. US 62/112,470, February 5, 2015.
  5. Kim, J.W., I. Woo, H.R. Kim, Y.J. Shin, H. Kabirzadeh, Three-Dimensional Subsurface Modeling by Gravity Inversion with Multiple Constraints and Variable Density Contrasts. Korea 10-2014-0129931, September 29, 2014.
  6. Kim, J.W., S. Park, M. TabkhBaz, Apparatus for Detecting Gas Using Carbon Polymer-Nanotube Composite. Korea 10-2014-0040030, April 3, 2014.
  7. Kim, J.W., S. Park, A. Sandwell, T. Xia, Sensing Apparatus of Fusing Sensing Signal using Fusion Algorithm, Method of the Same, and Inclinometers Using Integrated MEMS Sensors. Korea 10-2014-0040029, April 3, 2014.
  8. Kim, J.W., J. Neumeyer, Reduction of Environmental Gravity Effect by Coupling Surface and Borehole Gravimeters. Korea 10-2014-0040028, April 3, 2014.
  9. Kim, J.W., B. Varcoe, E. Rangelova, J. Petrovic, System and Method for Determining a Borehole Azimuth Using Gravity In-Field Referencing. US 61/908,409, November 25, 2013.



  • Mr. Emad Ghalenoei, Non-liner inversion subsurface modelling with gravity and magnetic data. advisor, 2017.9 - present
  • Ms. Zhara Ashena, Unsupervised learning analysis (AI) of a multi-parameter geophysical database for hydrocarbon reservoir. advisor, 2018.9 - present
  • Ms. Masume Akbari, Development of a Precise Gravity Field Model at Different Altitudes. advisor, 2019.9 - present


  • Mr. Luis Silva, Wellbore Positioning in Directional Drilling with gravity and magnetic in-field referencing. advisor, 2019.9 - present



  • M.Sc.: Mr. Dongwhan Cha, advisor, “Assessing Lightning and Wild Fire Hazard by Land Properties and Cloud to Ground Lightning Data with Association Rule Mining over Alberta, Canada”, 2017
  • Ph.D.: Mr. Hojjat Kabirzadeh, advisor, “Subsurface storage modeling using spatial absolute and relative microgravimetry”, 2016
  • M.Eng.: Mr. Andy Yu Zhang, advisor, “Wellbore Positioning in Direction Drilling”, 2015-2016, Tranferred to Chemical and Petroleum Engineering, University of Calgary
  • M.Sc.: Ms. Zahra Hadavand, co-advisor, “Reduction of Wellbore Positional Uncertainty During Directional Drilling”, 2014.12.11
  • Ph.D.: Ms. Jin Baek, “Ground Deformation Monitoring by Radar Interferometry and Subsurface Modeling of Oil Sands”,2014.6.25
  • M.Sc.: Ms. Ji Young Ahn, advisor, “Monitoring Regional Vegetation Changes in Seward Peninsula, Alaska, Using Remote Sensing Techniques”, 2013.12.12
  • M.Sc.: Ms. Tina Mosstajiri, advisor, “Delineation of Igneous Rocks on Western Axel Heiberg Island Using Geopotential Field Anomalies and Satellite Imagery”, 2012.11.29
  • Ph.D.: Mr. Kwangbae Kim, advisor, 2009-2013, transferred to other degree program
  • M.Eng.: Mr. Alexandros Liakopoulos, co-advisor, 2009-2010, incomplete
  • Ph.D.: Ms. Rebekka Bratfisch, advisor, 2009-2010, transferred to Geosciences department




Under a Korean government project "International Joint Research Program, Korea Institute for Information and Communication Technology Planning & Evaluation (IITP)" with a project “Development of artificial intelligence technology to detect hydrogen and carbon dioxide leaks in pipeline networks linked with blue hydrogen”. 2021.9.1 - 2022.08.31

  • Ph.D.: Mr. Donghyun Kim (Jeonbuk National University, Korea)
  • M.Sc.: Ms. Eunsol Go (Jeonbuk National University, Korea)
  • M.Sc.: Mr. Gyunggyu Kim (Jeonbuk National University, Korea)
  • M.Sc.: Ms. Seaeun Park (Jeonbuk National University, Korea)


Under a Korean government project "International Joint Research Program, Korea Institute for Information and Communication Technology Planning & Evaluation (IITP)" with a project “Development of a real-time AI/IoT solution for the stable operation and maintenance of underground pipeline network”. 2020.6.1 - 2021.08.31

  • Ph.D.: Mr. Ju Hyun Kim (Jeonbuk National University, Korea)
  • Ph.D.: Mr. Sun Lee Han (Jeonbuk National University, Korea)
  • Ph.D.: Mr. Chang Min Kim (Pukyong National University, Korea)
  • M.Sc.: Ms. Seo Yeong Kang (Jeonbuk National University, Korea)
  • M.Sc.: Ms. Min Ju Chae (Jeonbuk National University, Korea)

Under a Korean government project "International Joint Research Program, Korea Institute for Information and Communication Technology Planning & Evaluation (IITP)" with a project “Development of Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Multivariate Geophysical Analysis”. 2019.7.1 - 2021.06.30

  • Ph.D.: Ms. Jung-Hyun Lee (Sejong University, Korea)
  • M.Sc.: Mr. DongJun Lee (Sejong University, Korea)
  • M.Sc.: Ms. SooHyeon Lim (Sejong University, Korea)
  • M.Sc.: Mr. Dohyun Jeong (Dong-A University, Korea)
  • M.Sc.: Ms. Yangah Kim (Dong-A University, Korea)
  • M.Sc.: Ms. Jisu Kim (Dong-A University, Korea)
  • M.Sc.: Ms. Minseo Kim (Sejong University, Korea)
  • M.Sc.: Ms. Yunjeong Yang (Dong-A University, Korea)
  • M.Sc.: Ms. Yujeong Sung (Dong-A University, Korea)

Postdoctoral Researchers (since 2008)

  • Dr. Hyeong Jun Seo (Reservoir Modelling, Ph.D.: Dong-A University, Korea) 2020 - 2021
  • Dr. Huan Liu (Wellbore Positioning in Directional Drilling, Ph.D.: University of Calgary) 2019 - 2020
  • Dr. Dimitrios Piretzidis (Satellite Gravimetry, Ph.D.:University of Calgary) 2019 - 2020
  • Dr. Hojjat Kabirzadeh (Superconducting Gravimetry, Directional Drilling, Ph.D.:University of Calgary) 2016-2018
  • Dr. Jin Baek (InSAR, Subsurface Modeling, Ph.D.: University of Calgary) 2015-2016
  • Dr. Ricky Kao (Superconducting Gravimetry, Ph.D.: Nat, Chiao Tung University, Taiwan) 2011-2013
  • Dr. Hamid Assilzadeh (Geomatics Engineering, Ph.D.: University of Putra Malaysia) 2010
  • Dr. Elena Rangelova (Geodesy, Ph.D.: University of Calgary) 2008-2010
  • Dr. Yu-Shen Hsiao (Superconducting Gravimetry, Ph.D.: at. Chiao Tung Univ., Taiwan), advisor, 2008-2010

Research Associates (since 2012)

  • Dr. Elena Rangelova (Geodesy) 2012-2015
  • Dr. Juergen Neumeyer (Superconducting Gravimetry) 2012-2013

Visiting Scholars (since 2009)

  • Prof. Youngsoo Lee (Reservoir Monitoring) 2020 - 2021
  • Mr. Seonghwan Bae (Korea-Canada Collaboration Project) 2017 - 2018
  • Dr. Ricky Kao (Superconducting Gravimetry) 2017-2018
  • Prof. Yeong-Sun Song (Geodesy) 2015-2016
  • Dr. Bok Chul Kim (CCS Reservoir Modeling)  2013-2014
  • Prof. Ik Woo (Engineering Geology) 2013-2014
  • Prof. Bülent Oruç (Geophysics) 2012
  • Prof. Hyuck Jin Park (Engineering Geology) 2009-2010
  • Prof. Ji-Soo Kim (Geophysics) 2009-2010

Professional Service

  • President        Association of Korean Canadian Scientists and Engineers (AKCSE) 2018.7.1-2020.12.31
  • Chair               Korean-Canadian Science Scholarship Foundation (KCSSF) 2018.7.1-2020.12.31
  • Board              Seoul Institute of Technology International Advisory Board, 2020-2021
  • President        Canadian Geophysical Union (CGU) Geodesy Section, 2016-2018
  • Sr. Delegate   National Senior Delegate of Canada to International Association of Geodesy (IAG), 2016-2019 (Elected)
  • Sr. Delegate   Canadian National Committee for the International Union of Geodesy & Geophysics, 2016-2019 (Elected)

Professional Membership

  • American Geophysical Union (AGU)
  • Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG)
  • IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society (IEEE GSRS)
  • Korean Society of Engineering Geology
  • Korean Society for Geospatial Information System
  • Canadian Association of Drilling Engineers (CADE)
  • Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE)
  • Senior Research Associate: Planetary Geodynamics Lab., NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD, U.S.A.
  • Associate Professor: Dept. of Geoinformation Engineering, Sejong University, Seoul, KOREA
  • Research Scientist: Dept. of Atmospheric Sciences, State University of New York at Albany, NY, U.S.A.
  • Researcher: Korea Polar Research Institute, Incheon, KOREA