Jim Parker

Prof. Dr. James Parker


Contact information

Web presence

Phone number

Office: +1 (403) 220-6784


Office: AB606

Preferred method of communication

Email  parker@minkhollow.ca

Telephone  402 220 6784


Educational Background

B.Sc Applied Mathematics, University of Calgary, 1977

M.Sc. Computer Science, University of Calgary, 1980

Ph.D. Informatics, State University of Gent, 1998


Areas of Research

Generative Art

Design of artworks and digital implementations, especially non-AI algorithmic works. Designing tools for artists who are not programmers.


Game Design
Computer Vision/ Image Processing


Course number Course title Semester
ART 317 LAB 01 B01 Electronics for Artists 2024
ART 317 LEC 01 01 Electronics for Artists Winter 2024
Art 503 Computer Game Design Winter 2024
Art 315 Programming for Artists Fall 2023
Art 311.24 Generative Art Fall 2023


Using Computer Vision Methods in Generative Art

In this proposed project we will explore the use of computer vision technologies in the creation of visual art works.

This is a merger of science, mathematics, and art in both a theoretical and practical sense. One result will be the ability to create works in specific artistic genres from captured images or human instruction via a computer graphic library. Another will be a better understanding of the ways that artists translate their visual field into a rendering, again based on their specific style.

The overall goal is to allow the creation of generative artworks that have some of the basic characteristics of human ones in similar contexts. This means that we need to extract objects from images and render them in a way that corresponds to a human process.

We aim to answer the following research questions:

Q1. How can we effectively use computer vision techniques in the creation of generative artworks?
Q2. Can we use the basic process an artist uses to render a scene in a generative system, and can we capture some of that process using detailed observations?

The Seven Elements of Art in a Generative Context.

Study of the quantification and application of the seven elements in generative artworks.

A Semiology of Generative Art

A collection of methods for describing and rendering common objects.

Artificial Intelligence in the Art Domain

There are now a substantial collection of AI-based tools that allow non-artists and artists alike to specify a digital image to be created, and that will then render a few samples.

For example, one could uses a text string like "Queen Elizabeth on horseback smoking a cigarette" and receive, in return, some rendering supposedly representing that string.

Gadget - A tool for creating generative art using nodes

A system using a node-based interface to allow artists to create generative works. No text-based programming needed.

Gaia - Installation

The planet Earth is obviously in trouble. If earth were a person (a human), it would be in intensive care and possibly on life support. The Gaia hypothesis suggests that Earth is in fact an organism, a life form of a sort. As a self-maintaining organism, Earth would have an immune system of some sort in order to maintain its health.

Some proponents of this speculative concept, for example, hold that humankind can be considered an "infection" of Gaia. "Cancer" might be a more accurate term, as humans evolved within Gaia, and are not external invaders.



More Information

Creation of art using AI, philosophical and practical aspects.