Dr. Hendrik Kraay
Contact information
Phone number
Office: +1 (403) 220-6410
Educational Background
Ph.D., History, University of Texas at Austin, 1995
M.A., History, University of Toronto, 1989
B.A., International Relations and History, University of Toronto, 1988
Areas of Research
Funded by a 2015 SSHRC Insight Grant, this ongoing project examines the changes in pre-Lenten celebrations in nineteenth-century Brazil, including the repression of rowdy and “barbaric” entrudo and the emergence of “civilized” carnival. It focuses on both the forms of celebration and the discourses about appropriate public comportment and representations of the nation in these festivities. A monograph on these celebrations is in progress.
Funded by two SSHRC Standard Research Grants, this project focuses on how nineteenth-century Brazilians of all classes in Rio de Janeiro and Salvador (Bahia) celebrated their country’s independence and debated the nature of the Brazilian state and membership in the nation through these commemorations. The results of this project include Days of National Festivity in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 1824-1889 (2013) and Bahia’s Independence (2019), as well as numerous peer-reviewed articles and book chapters. A third monograph, on the twentieth-century Dois de Julho festival (the commemoration of independence in the state of Bahia), is in progress.
This research focused on the social history of the armed forces in independence-era Brazil (the subject of Race, State, and Armed Forces in Independence-Era Brazil: Bahia, 1790s-1840s [2001]), recruitment, and Brazil’s participation in the Paraguayan War (the subject I Die with My Country: Perspectives on the Paraguayan War, coedited in 2004 with Thomas L. Whigham). Nova História Militar do Brasil (coedited with Celso Castro and Vitor Izecksohn, 2004) was a pioneering work in the new military history of Brazil.
The primary focus of this research area has been the participation of free, freed, and enslaved black men in nineteenth-century Brazil’s armed forces, including the recruitment of enslaved men for service in the country’s nineteenth-century wars. Afro-Brazilian Culture and Politics (edited, 1998) examined the interaction of culture and politics in Afro-Bahian history, while more recent work has focused on slave culture and the manumission of “white” slaves. The results of a collaboration with Adriana Barreto de Souza (Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro) on the history of the late-colonial militias that enrolled men of color will be published in a forthcoming edited book.
Through the analysis of civic rituals, popular royalism, Afro-Brazilian participation in Brazil’s independence movement, and rebellions, publications in this area demonstrate that the nineteenth-century Brazilian lower classes included numerous politically active citizens. Their political engagement profoundly shaped Brazilian independence and the imperial regime (1822-1889). The current focus of area is a biography of Francisco da Silva Barros, a man of color who left a diary in which he recorded what he considered important in his personal life and in the public life of the city of Salvador, capital of Bahia, from 1809 to 1828.
Course number | Course title | Semester |
HTST 487 LEC 01 | Brazilian History since 1500 | Winter 2023 |
HTST 647 SEM 01 01 | Topics in Latin American History | Winter 2022 |
(with Adriana Barreto de Souza and Crislayne Alfagali) “Introdução: As milícias de homens de cor, historiografia e legislação,” in As milícias de homens de cor do Atlântico Sul (séculos XVII a XIX), ed. Hendrik Kraay, Adriana Barreto de Souza, and Crislayne Alfagali (Rio de Janeiro: Editora FGV, forthcoming).
(with Adriana Barreto de Souza) “Conflitos locais e conexões imperiais: os requerimentos dos oficiais pardos, Bahia, Rio de Janeiro, Lisboa e Angola, 17681809,” in As milícias de homens de cor do Atlântico Sul (séculos XVII a XIX), ed. Hendrik Kraay, Adriana Barreto de Souza, and Crislayne Alfagali (Rio de Janeiro: Editora FGV, forthcoming).
“Repressing Entrudo and Promoting Carnaval in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil, 1840s1880s,” in Carnival from Premodern Times to the Present: Rethinking Historical, Geographic, and Disciplinary Divides, ed. Jeremy DeWaal and Roberta Colbertaldo (Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, forthcoming).
“Entre o Sete de Setembro e o Dois de Julho: reflexões sobre a Independência na Bahia, décadas de 1820 a 1910,” in Dois de Julho: a alma em festa da Bahia, ed. Paulo Ormindo David de Azevedo (Salvador: Academia de Letras da Bahia, forthcoming).
- Fellow, Royal Society of Canada. 2022
- Calgary Institute for the Humanities Annual Fellowship and Inaugural Naomi Lacey Memorial Fellow, Calgary Institute for the Humanities. 2018
- Distinguished Fellow Award, Canadian Association for Latin American and Caribbean Studies. 2018
- Internationalization Award, Faculty of Arts, University of Calgary. 2018
- Warren Dean Prize, Conference on Latin American History. 2014
- James Alexander Robertson Memorial Prize, Conference on Latin American History. 2010
- Cavaleiro, Ordem de Rio Branco, President of the Republic of Brazil. 2004
- James Alexander Robertson Memorial Prize, Conference on Latin American History. 1993
- “Slaves, Indians, and the ‘Classes of Color’: Popular Participation in Brazilian Independence” . Hendrik Kraay. The Cambridge History of the Age of Atlantic Revolutions. 26. (2023)
- “‘Essa terra cheia de contradições’: escravizados e africanos na festa do Dois de Julho, 1824-1888” . Hendrik Kraay. Bahia, 2 de Julho: Uma guerra pela Independência do Brasil. 26. (2023)
- “O Tenente-Coronel Francisco Xavier Bigode (1772-1838) e a Independência na Bahia”. Hendrik Kraay. Antítese. 28. (2022)
- “Slave Culture in Brazil, 1500s-1888” . Hendrik Kraay. Companion to Latin American Literature and Culture. 13. (2021)
- “Brazil’s Historians in North America, 1980-2019: A Survey of Their Careers” . Hendrik Kraay. Brasiliana. 38. (2020)
- “Bystander Interventions and Literary Portrayals: White Slaves in Brazil, 1850s-1880s”. Hendrik Kraay. Slavery and Abolition. 23. (2020)
- “Black Kings, Cabanos, and the Guarda Negra: Reflections on Popular Royalism in Nineteenth-Century Brazil,”. Hendrik Kraay. Varia História . 18. (2019)
- “Ritual cívico e política na reação monárquica: Rio de Janeiro e Salvador, 1837-1841” . Hendrik Kraay. Almanack. 18. (2018)
- “The ‘Barbarous Game’: Entrudo and Its Critics in Rio de Janeiro, 1810s-1850s” . Hendrik Kraay. Hispanic American Historical Review. 31. (2015)
- “Ritos políticos e politização popular no Brasil imperial” . Hendrik Kraay. Almanack . 10. (2015)
- “Política partidária e festa popular: o ‘Incidente Frias Villar’ e o Dois de Julho de 1875” . Hendrik Kraay. Revista do Instituto Geográfico e Histórico da Bahia. 18. (2014)
- Press, Power, and Culture in Imperial Brazil, 1822-1889. Hendrik Kraay; Celso T. Castilho; Teresa Cribelli (eds.). University of New Mexico Press. 304 pp. (2021)
- Bahia's Independence: Popular Politics and Patriotic Festival in Salvador, Brazil, 1824-1900. Hendrik Kraay. McGill-Queen's University Press. 416 pp. (2019)
- Muero con mi patria: Guerra, Estado y sociedad, Paraguay y la Triple Alianza. Hendrik Kraay; Thomas L. Whigham (eds.). Editorial Tiempo de Historia. 298 pp. (2017)
- Days of National Festivity in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 1823-1889. Hendrik Kraay. Stanford University Press. 576 pp. (2013)
- Política racial, Estado e forças armadas na época da Independência: Bahia, 1790-1850. Hendrik Kraay. Hucitec. 417 pp. (2011)
- Negotiating Identities in Modern Latin America. Hendrik Kraay (ed.). University of Calgary Press. 296 pp. (2007)
- I Die with My Country: Perspectives on the Paraguayan War, 1864-1870. Hendrik Kraay; Thomas L. Whigham (eds.). University of Nebraska Press. 257 pp. (2004)
- Nova história militar brasileira. Celso Castro, Vitor Izecksohn, Hendrik Kraay (eds.). FGV Editora. 459 pp. (2004)
- Race, State, and Armed Forces in Independence-Era Brazil: Bahia, 1790s-1840s. Hendrik Kraay. Stanford University Press. 376 pp. (2001)
- Afro-Brazilian Culture and Politics: Bahia, 1790s-1990s. Hendrik Kraay (ed.). M.E. Sharpe. 208 pp. (1998)
In the News
- O 7 de Setembro e os fantasmas da Confederação do Equador. Poder360. (2024)
- How Brazil's political unrest reached a violent crescendo months after a contentious election. CBC. (2023)
- A história do 7 de Setembro. Revista Tema Livre. (2022)
- A outra Independência: Dois de Julho na Bahia (interview). 8ou800, Sociedade de Estudos do Oitocentos. (2022)
- Nos tempos dos caboclos: as comemorações do Dois de Julho. Boca de Afofô. (2021)
- Do entrudo ao carnaval na Bahia oitocentista. Ciclo de Seminários Programa de Pós-Graduação em História, Universidade Federal da Bahia. (2020)
- As "classes de cor" na Independência brasileira. Revoltas no mundo atlântico: identidades, conflitos e protestos (do século XVIII ao início do século XIX), II Ciclo Internacional de Palestras Online. (2020)
- From Entrudo to Carnaval in Nineteenth-Century Brazil (First Annual Naomi Lacey Memorial Lecture). Calgary Institute for the Humanities. (2019)
- Useful Lessons from Venezuela's Crumbling Populist Economy. CBC. (2018)
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