Dr. Gopal Achari
Department Head
Schulich School of Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering
Schulich School of Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering
Contact information
Phone number
Office: +1 (403) 220-6599
P.Eng., APEGA, 1997
Educational Background
B.Tech. Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology (Delhi), 1987
M.Sc. Civil Engineering, University of Calgary, 1991
PhD Civil Engineering, University of Calgary, 1995
Areas of Research
Participation in university strategic initiatives
- Application of Partial Order and Hasse Matrices in Contaminated Site Portfolio Management. Gopal Achari; Thiessen* RJ. Springer. 253-274. (2014)
- Developing remote sensing-based models for quantifying water quality. Gopal Achari; Quazi Khalid K Hassan; Akbar TA*. (2013)
- Kinetics of degradation of pharmaceutical mixtures in water by UV/H2O2.. J. A. Dominic; G. Achari; J. Hollman; J. H. Tay. CSCE. (2019)
- Pilot scale investigations on degradation of venlafaxine using UV/H2O2.. Jordan Hollman; Gopal Achari; Joo-Hwa Tay; John A. Dominic. IWA. (2019)
- LED based TiO2 photocatalytic degradation of sulfolane. Linlong Yu; Gopal Achari; Sripriya Dharwadkar. IWA. (2019)
- Graphene-TiO2 Compositve: A novel photocatalyst for the degradation of emerging organic contaminants. G. Achari; L. Yu; P. Dharwadkar. CSCE. (2019)
- Computational modelling of metal binding by complex organic systems - Humic substances models. D. Salahub; C. H. Langford; G. Achari; E. A. Vialykh; R. L. Cook. Bulgarian Humic Substances Society. (2018)
- Multivariate statistical and GIS based methodology for source water quality classification. Gopal Achari; Akbar TA*; Quazi Khalid K Hassan. (2011)
- Correlations between uncertainty theories and their applications in uncertainty propagation. Gopal Achari; K* Zhang. (2010)
- Uncertainty Propagation in Environmental Decision Making using Random Sets. K* Zhang; Gopal Achari. (2010)
- A remote sensing based framework for predicting water quality of different source waters. Akbar TA*; Quazi Khalid K Hassan; Gopal Achari. 1-4. (2010)
- A Preliminary 2-D Gas Model For Sanitary Landfills Equipped With A Gas Extraction Well. Wang CK*; Gopal Achari; A* Garg; R G Zytner. (2010)
- Photocatalytic degradation of fulvic acids in a visible LED based photoreator. Gopal Achari; Ghosh JP*; C H Langford. (2010)
- The pathway of dechlorination of PCB congeners by a photochemical chain process in 2-propanol: The role of medium and quenching.. Gopal Achari; C H Langford; M* Izadifard. (2009)
- Incorporating Uncertain Site Information into Groundwater Modeling. H Li; K* Zhang; Gopal Achari. (2008)
- Application of an LED based Photoreactor to degrade p-cresol in an aqueous media by coumarin (C-343) sensitized TiO2. Ghosh JP*; Gopal Achari; C H Langford. (2008)
- Application of Evidence Theory to Quantify Uncertainty in Contaminant Transport Modeling. Gopal Achari; K* Zhang; H Li. (2008)
- Uncertainty Representation in Health Risk Assessment of Contaminated Sites. Gopal Achari; K* Zhang; C* Kluck. (2008)
- Development of an Efficient Integrated Technology for the Removal of Emerging Contaminants. Joo-Hwa Tay; Muhammad* F. Khan; Gopal Achari. IWA 2018. (2018)
- Remediation of sulfolane impacted soil by integrating soil washing/flushing and advanced oxidation processes. Gopal Achari; Linlong Yu; Marianna Brandao*. CSCE. (2018)
- Removal of sulfolane from water using activated carbon adsorption. Sobhan Iranmesh*; Qi Yang*; Gopal Achari; Ian Keir. CSCE. (2018)
- Degradation of sulfolane in soil using aerobic bio-pile technology. Gopal Achari; Art Giurici; Ian Keir; Linlong Yu. RemTech 2017. (2017)
- Evaluation and Optimization of Multiple Advanced Oxidation Processes for the Degradation of Venlafaxine in Water and Wastewater. G. Achari; C. H. Langford; J. Hollman*; J. H. Tay; J. Dominic. CSCE. (2017)
- Field evaluation of sulfolane degradation ingroundwater using UV/H2O2. Gopal Achari; Keir; Thomas Walton Langford. (2017)
- Advanced Oxidative Processes for Degradation ofCarbamazepine in Wastewater Effluents. C. H.; J. A.; Thomas Walton Langford; Gopal Achari; Somathilake*; Tay; Dominic*. (2017)
- AdvancedOxidation Treatment Methods for Tertiary Treatment of ESOCs in WastewaterEffluents. JH Tay; Gopal Achari; J Hollman*; P Somathilake*; C H Langford; Dominic* JA. (2016)
- Exploring functions of humic substances viacomputational modeling. C. H. Langford; E.A. Vialykh*; G. Achari; S Goverapet Srinivasan; D. Salahub. (2016)
- Treatment of PCBs contaminated soil using an integrated system. Thomas Walton Langford; Iranmanesh*; Gopal Achari; J. Hollman*; Wildschut; Kroeker*. (2016)
- Kinetic speciation of metal nanoparticles in presence of biosolids. G. Achari; C. H. Langford; E.A. Vialykh*. (2015)
- Photocatalysts with energy storage capability and LED light sources, an opportunity to reduce energy consumption. M* Izadifard; Gopal Achari; C H Langford. (2013)
- Water System Management, Finance and Risk: an Overview of our Research. Diana Wilkinson; Gopal Achari; Dore MHI. (2012)
- Operation & Maintenance and Capital Unit Costs (Awarded "Best Poster" presentation in the conference). Dore MHI; Gopal Achari; A* Janzen. (2012)
- Photocatalyic degradation of agricultural antibiotics using a UV-LED light source. Gopal Achari; M* Izadifard; C H Langford. (2012)
- Photocatalysis in drinking water treatment (Efficient Photocatalysis and Reactor Design). Gopal Achari; C H Langford; M* Izadifard. (2012)
- Degradation of a certain Pesticide with TiO2, H2O2, TiO2/H2O2 in a UVA-LED Photoreactor. Thomas Walton Langford; CH; L* Yu; G. Achari. (2012)
- A Decision Support System for Small Water Treatment Plants. D* Stein; R Sadiq; C H Langford; Kunyan Zhang; Dore MHI; Gopal Achari. (2012)
- Photocatalytic degradation of 2,4-D with a LED-based photoreactor. L* Yu; Gopal Achari; C H Langford. (2012)
- Pulsing Injection System for Optical Subsurface Treatment Delivery. B* Derkson; Gopal Achari. (2012)
- Development of Treatment Technology for Boiler Feed Water in Oil Production. Ghosh JP*; Gopal Achari; C H Langford; A* Guirgis. (2012)
- Selection of Photocatalysts for drinking water treatment. Gopal Achari; M* Izadifard; C H Langford. (2012)
- Surface water quality classification and analysis using machine learning and MODIS. Akbar TA*; Quazi Khalid K Hassan; Gopal Achari. (2012)
In the News
- Treatment System for PCB contaminated Soils. CBC. (2013)
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