David B Marshall

Dr. David Brian Marshall

BA, MA, PhD.

Contact information

Phone number

Office: +1 (403) 220-3837


Educational Background

B.A. History, University of Toronto, 1976

Doctor of Philosophy History, University of Toronto, 1986

M.A. History, Queen's University, 1977


Participation in university strategic initiatives


Course number Course title Semester
HTST 211 LEC 01 01 Canada: Origins To 1867 2020
HTST 431 LEC 01 01 Canada During The World Wars 2021
HTST 598 LEC 03 03 Honours Writing Seminar 2021
HTST 598 LEC 03 03 Honours Writing Seminar 2020
HTST 60703 LEC 01 01 Topic in Western Canadian Hist 2020
HTST 341 LEC 01 History of Popular Culture in Canada, 1850 - Present Winter 2023
HTST 435 LEC 01 History of Religion in Canada Fall 2022
HTST 520 3S 01 Canada and the First World War Winter 2023
HTST 521 Canadian Biography 3S 01


Biography of C.W. Gordon, "Ralph Connor"

Currently I am completing a SSHRC funded biography of the Reverend Charles W. Gordon, who wrote best-selling novels under the pseudonym "Ralph Connor". The provisional title of this biography is The Rev'd Charles W. Gordon, pseud. "Ralph Connnor": A Life in Religion and Popular Culture, 1860-1937


  • Students' Union Teaching Excellence Award, University of Calgary, Students' Union. 2019
  • Faculty of Graduate Studies, Great Supervisor Award, 2014


  • "Exceptional Canadians: Biography in the Public Square", . How Canadians Communicate, Vol. IV Media and Politics, University of Calgary Press. 233-57. (2012)
  • Methodism Embattled: A Reconsideration of the Methodist Church and Word War I". Canadian Historical Review, Vol. LXXV, No. 1, . 48-64. (1985)
  • Charles W. Gordon, pseud. "Ralph Connor": A Life in religion and Popular Culture in Canada, 1860-1937. David Brian Marshall. University of Toronto Press.
  • Secularizing the Faith: Canadian Protestant Clergy and the Crisis of Belief, 1850-1940. University of Toronto Press. (1992)
  • "The Latter Day Saints, the Doughnut and Post-Christian Canada" in Reid & Grow, eds., From the Outside Looking In: Essays on Mormon History. Oxford University Press. 301-29. (2016)
  • ""Khaki has become a sacred colour": The Methodist Church and the Sanctification of the First World War" in Heath, Gordon, ed., Canadian Churches and the First World War. Lutterworth Prress. 102-32. (2014)
  • "Religion in Canada, 1867-1945" in Stein, Stephen, ed., Cambridge History of Religions in North America, Vol. 2. Cambridge University Press. 677-701. (2012)
  • ""A canoe, a tent and God's great out-of-doors": Muscular Christianity and the Flight from Domesticity, 1800s-1920s" in Meyer, Jessica & Heather Ellis, eds., Masculinity and Other: Historical Perspectives. Cambridge Scholars. 23-42. (2009)
  • ""Thank God ... that I am proud of my Boy": The Gordon Family, Fatherhood, and Religion" in Heaman, E. et. al., eds., Figuring the Social: Essays in Honour of Michael Bliss. University of Toronto Press. 177-210. (2008)
  • "Ernest Manning, "Back to the Bible Hour", and Fundamentalism in Canada" in van Die, Marguerite, ed., Religion and Public Life: Historical and Comparative Perspectives., . University of Toronto Press. 237-54. (2001)
  • ""Death Abolished": From Conversion to Consolation in Protestant Evangelical Culture in Nineteenth Century Canada" in Knowles, N., ed., Transitions: Canadian Social History, 1800-1900. Holt, Rinehart & Winston. 370-87. (1997)
  • Charles W. Gordon. Marshall, David B.. Dictionary of Canadian Biography, Vol. XVI, 1931-40. (2021)
  • Sutherland, Alexander. Marshall, David B.. Dictionary of Canadian Biography, Vol. XIII, 1901-1910. (1994)
  • Webster, Thomas. Marshall, David B.. Dictionary of Canadian Biography, Vol. XIII, 1901-1910. (1994)
  • Cochrane, William. Marshall, David B.. Dictionary of Canadian Biography, Vol. XII, 1891-1900. (1990)
  • Dale, William. Marshall, David B.. Dictionary of Canadian Biography, Vol. XV, 1921-1930. (2005)