Professor Yiliu (Paul) Tu
Schulich School of Engineering, Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering
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Office: +1 (403) 220-4142
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Joe McFarland
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Email: Joe.Mcfarland@ucalgary.ca
P.Eng., Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Alberta (APEGA), 2005
Educational Background
BSc Electrical Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, 1982
MSc Mechanical Engineering , Huazhong University of Science and Technology, 1985
PhD Production Engineering, Aalborg University, 1993
Dr. Tu is a professor at Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, University of Calgary, Canada. Before he joined University of Calgary, he was a lecturer at the Department of Mechanical Engineering (1) of Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST), post-doctoral research fellow at Aalborg University (AU), Denmark, assistant professor at the Department of Manufacturing Engineering and Engineering Management, City University of Hong Kong, a lecturer and senior lecturer at the Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Canterbury, New Zealand. His present research interests are OKP (One-of-a-Kind Production) system modeling and optimization, ultra-fast laser micro/nano-machining, lifecycle quality control and assurance for complex products, data-driving computation and engineering optimization. He has published more than 200 research papers and 6 books. He is a senior member of SME (Society of Manufacture Engineers) and a professional engineer (P.Eng.) of APEGA (The Association of Professional Engineers and Geologists of Alberta)
Areas of Research
One-of-a-kind production (OKP)
Micro Machining Technology
Supply Chain Integration
Manufacturing Systems
Data Analysis and Optimization
Quality Engineering
Statistic Economics
Data analysis and optimization
Intelligent machining technology in high precision machining, such as micro-machining technology
Quality control methods for complex product production
Operations research and supply chain integration
Course number | Course title | Semester |
ENMF 514 | Integrated Manufacturing Systems | Fall |
ENMF 527 | Project Engineering | Winter |
ENME 624 | Fundamentals of Pipeline Economics | Fall and Winter |
ENMF 618 | Manufacturing Optimization | Winter |
One-of-a-Kind Production (OKP) aims at cost-effectively producing customized products through vertical connectivity from cloud to shop floors and horizontal connectivity from suppliers to customers as well as advanced manufacturing technology. The OKP paradigm and its methodology are particularly applicable to manufacturing businesses in developed countries such as Canada: these companies are often small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) that produce customized products in very small (or single) batch sizes. Improvement of production efficiency, reduction of costs and increase in advanced manufacturing capability are critical for these SMEs to compete with large manufacturing companies (often conglomerates) overseas.
My research group has been making significant contributions to the long-term goal of advancing OKP methodology and theory as well as the training of highly qualified personnel (HQP) as academia or entrepreneurs in advanced manufacturing (AM) to help Canadian manufacturing companies, particularly SMEs, improve their production efficiency, customer satisfaction and manufacturing technology level, and reduce costs and lead times. The proposed research over the next five years aims at continuing this goal through achieving the following research objectives: (1) Develop dilemma decision problem modelling method in OKP supply chain optimization; (2) Innovate novel work package planning and digital quality management in OKP project(s). (3) Develop a machine learning method in blockchain-based digital OKP platform. (4) Develop cloud quality monitoring and control technology for 3D printers. The development of methods, models, technology and theory through the research will place its emphasis on human centric, resilience and sustainability which are promoted by Industry Version 5.0.
The proposed research program will generate novel methods, models, technology and theory in OKP through achieving these four objectives. Since the majority of Canadian manufacturing companies are SMEs or OKP companies, this program will widely benefit the Canadian manufacturing business sector and contribute to the economy of Canada. Moreover, HQPs will be trained in the multidisciplinary area of manufacturing systems and technology, engineering optimization, data analytics and machine learning, computer simulation and modeling, and management science through collaborations with industries and universities inside and outside of Canada. The training of HQP is critical in the AM industry because its growth is hampered by labour shortages, and women are particularly underrepresented in this industry. Canada's Economic Strategy Table for Advanced Manufacturing notes that increasing the number of women in AM is a target. Our team has been and will continue actively involving women in HQP training in advanced manufacturing.
- SCHULICH School of Engineering Teaching Achievement Award, University of Calgary. 2020
- Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering Research Excellence Award, SCHULICH School of Engineering, University of Calgary. 2007
- CFI New Opportunity Fund Award, Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI). 2003
- SCHULICH School of Engineering Teaching Achievement Award, SCHULICH School of Engineering, University of Calgary. 2018
- A supply chain network economic model with time-based competition. Ma, J, Zhang, D, Dong, Q and Tu, Y L. European Journal of Operational Research. 889-908. (2020)
- Financing mode decision in a supply chain with financial constraint. Huang, J, Yang, W S and Tu, Y L . International Journal of Production Economics. 107441. (2020)
- Economic parameter design for ultra-fast laser micro-drilling process. Wang, J J, Ma, Y Z, Tsung, F G, Chang, G and Tu, Y L . International Journal of Production Research. 6292-6314. (2019)
- A novel approach for non-normal multi-response optimization problems. Wang, J J, Tu, Y N, Ma, Y, Ouyang, L H and Tu, Y L . International Journal of Production Research. 7194-7215. (2021)
- Solving resource-constrained multi-project environment under different activity assumptions. Ben Issa, S, Patterson, R and Tu, Y L . International Journal of Production Economics. 107936. (2020)
- Simultaneous multi-response optimization for parameter and tolerance design using Bayesian modeling method. Wang, J J, Mao, T and Tu, Y L. International Journal of Production Research. 2269-2293. (2021)
- Ensemble modeling technique for micro-drilling process based on two-stage bootstrap. Ouyang, L H, Zhou, D Q, Park, C-S, Chen, J X, and Tu, Y L . Engineering Optimization. 503-519. (2019)
- Theoretical and experimental analysis of the impact on ablation depth of microchannel milling using femtosecond laser. Chen, L, Zhang, P, Chen, J X and Tu, Y L. Optics and Lasers in Engineering. 77-82. (2018)
- Multi-image mosaic with SIFT and vision measurement for micro scale structure processed by femtosecond laser. Wang, F B, Tu, Y L, Chen, W, Chen, L, and Feng, D . Optics and Lasers in Engineering. 124-130. (2018)
- An interval programming model for continuous improvement in micro-manufacturing. Ouyang, L H, Ma, Y Z, Wang, J J, Tu, Y L, Byun J-H. Engineering Optimization. 400-414. (2018)
- Material removal effect of micro-channel processing by femtosecond laser. Zhang, P, Chen, L, Chen, J X and Tu, Y L . Optics and Lasers in Engineering. 69-75. (2021)
- A prediction-correction scheme for microchannel milling using femtosecond laser. Chen, J X, Zhou, X L, Lin, S W, Tu, Y L. Optics and Lasers in Engineering. 115-123. (2017)
- A new loss function for multi-response optimization with model parameter uncertainty and implementation errors. Ouyang, L H, Ma, Y Z, Wang, J J, Tu, Y L. European Journal of Operational Research. 552-563. (2017)
- Supply chain quality management: An empirical study. Zhong, J L, Ma, Y Z, Tu, Y L and Li, X . International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management (IJCHM). 2446-2472. (2016)
- A new Bayesian approach to multi-response optimization integrating loss function with posterior probability. Wang, J J, Ma, Y Z, Ouyang, L H and Tu, Y L. European Journal of Operational Research. 231-237. (2016)
- A prediction region-based approach to model uncertainty for multi-response optimization. Ouyang, L H, Ma, Y Z, Byun, J-H, Wang, J J and Tu Y L. Quality and Reliability Engineering International. 783-794. (2016)
- A Dynamic Pricing Strategy for a 3PL Provider with Heterogeneous Customers. Zhang, J, Nault, B R and Tu, Y L. International Journal of Production Economics. 31–43. (2015)
- An effective focusing setting in the femtosecond laser multiple pulse ablations. Chang, G and Tu, Y L . Optics & Laser Technology. 30-34. (2013)
- Scheduling with compressible and stochastic release dates. Zhang, J, Yang, W S and Tu, Y L . Computers and Operations Research. 1758-1765. (2013)
- Economic and economic-statistical designs of an control chart for two-unit series systems with condition-based maintenance. Liu, L P, Yu, M M, Ma, Y Z and Tu, Y L . European Journal of Operational Research . 491-499. (2013)
- Optimal product positioning with consideration of negative utility effect on consumer choice rule. Luo, X G, Kwong, C K, Tang, J F and Tu, Y L . Decision Support Systems. 402-413. (2012)
- Dynamic price quotation in a responsive supply chain for one-of-a-kind production. Zhang, J, Nault, R B, Yang, W S and Tu, Y L . International Journal of Production Economics. 275-287. (2012)
- Closed-loop control in ultrafast laser milling process using laser triggered plasma. Chang, G and Tu, Y L . International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture. 35-39. (2012)
- A novel approach to probability distribution aggregation. Liu, X, Ghorpade, A, Tu, Y L, and Zhang, W J . Information Science . 269-275. (2012)
- Capability index of complex product machining process. Chen, J, Zhu, F, Li, G Y, Ma, Y Z, and Tu, Y L. International Journal of Production Research. 3382-3394. (2012)
- An expert system for an emergency response management in networked safe service systems. Liu, X, Li, W, Tu, Y L, Zhang, W J. Expert Systems with Applications. 11928-11938. (2011)
- An efficient heuristic for adaptive production scheduling and control in one-of-a-kind production. Li, W, Nault, B R, Xue, D and Tu, Y L . Computers and Operations Research. 267-276. (2011)
- A heuristic for adaptive production scheduling and control in flow shop production. Li, W, Luo, X G, Xue, D and Tu, Y L . International Journal of Production Research. 3151–3170. (2011)
- Operator allocation planning for reconfigurable production line in one-of-a-kind production. Luo, X G, Li, W, Tu, Y L, Xue, D and Tang, J F . International Journal of Production Research. 689-705. (2011)
- Optimal resource allocation for hybrid flow shop in one-of-a-kind production. Luo, X G, Li, W, Tu, Y L, Xue, D, Tang, J F. International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing. 146–154. (2010)
- Optimal concurrent product design and process planning based on requirements of individual customers in One-of-a-kind Production. Hong, G, Dean, P, Yang, W, Tu, Y L and Xue, D . International Journal of Production Research. 6341-6366. (2010)
- Rapid identification of the optimal product configuration and its parameters based on customer-centric product modeling for one-of-a-kind production. Hong, G, Xue, D and Tu, Y L . Computers in Industry. 270-279. (2010)
- An information system for one-of-a-kind production. Dean, P R, Tu, Y L, and Xue, D . International Journal of Production Research. 1071-1087. (2009)
- Identification of the optimal product configuration and parameters based on individual customer requirements on performance and costs in one-of-a-kind production. Hong, G, Hu, L, Xue, D, Tu, Y L and Xiong, Y L. International Journal of Production Research. 3297-3326. (2008)
- Evaluating supplier performance using DEA and piecewise triangular fuzzy AHP. Yuan, S, Liu, X, Tu, Y L and Xue, D . AMSE Transaction, Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering. 031004-1 – 031004-7. (2008)
- Production planning with limited inventory and allowed stockouts. Liu, X and Tu, Y L . International Journal of Production Economics. 180-191. (2008)
- An analytical approach to customer requirement satisfaction in design specification development. Liu, X, Zhang, W J, Tu, Y L and Jiang, R . IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management. 94-102. (2008)
- Towards a generic product modeling framework. Xie S Q, Yang, W Z and Tu, Y L . International Journal of Production Research. 2229-2254. (2008)
- Capacitated production planning with outsourcing in an OKP company. Liu, X and Tu, Y L . International Journal of Production Research. 5781-5795. (2008)
- A disaster response process management system based on control system technology. Tu, Y L, Zhang, W J, Liu X, Li, W., Chai, C-L, and Deters, R . International Journal of Critical Infrastructures. 274-295. (2008)
- Product development cost estimation in mass customization. Tu, Y L, Xie, S Q and Fung, R Y K . IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management. 29-40. (2007)
- Modeling of evolutionary design database. Xue, D, Yang, H and Tu, Y L . ASME Transactions, Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering. 22-32. (2006)
- Manufacturing network for rapid tool/die making. Tu, Y L and Kam, J J . International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing. 79-89. (2006)
- An improved method for calculating the no-fit polygon. Dean, H T, Tu, Y L and Raffensperger, J F. Computers and Operations Research . 1521-1539. (2006)
- Modeling of non-linear relations among different design and manufacturing evaluation measures for multiobjective optimal concurrent design. Yang, H, Xue, D and Tu, Y L. Concurrent Engineering: Research and Applications. 43-53. (2006)
- A reconfigurable platform in support of rapid one-of-a-kind product development. Xie, S Q , Xu, X and Tu, Y L . International Journal of Production Research. 1889 – 1910. (2007)
- Rapid one-of-a-kind product development. Xie, S Q and Tu, Y L. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 421 - 430. (2005)
- Internet based DFX for rapid and economical tool/mould making. Xie, S Q, Tu, Y L and Zhou, Z D . The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology . 821-829. (2004)
- Rapid one-of-a-kind product development via the Internet: the state-of-the-art literature review and a proposed platform. Xie, S Q, Tu, Y L, Fung, R Y K and Zhou, Z D . International Journal of Production Research. 4257-4298. (2003)
- Modeling of quality function deployment planning with resource allocation. Fung, R Y K, Tang, J, Tu, Y L and Chen, Y . Research in Engineering Design. 247-255. (2003)
- Adaptive production scheduling of virtual production systems using object-oriented Petri nets with changeable structure. Fung, R Y K, Jiang, Z B, Zuo, M J and Tu, Y L . International Journal of Production Research. 1759-1785. (2002)
- A WWW based product development platform for intelligent and concurrent sheet metal products design and manufacturing. Xie, S Q, Tu, Y L, Aitchison, D, Dunlop, R and Zhou, Z D . International Journal of Production Research. 3829-3852. (2001)
- Intelligent predictive decision support system for condition-based maintenance. Yam, R C M, Tse, P W, Li, L and Tu, Y L . The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 383-391. (2001)
- An integrated and concurrent approach for compound sheet metal cutting and punching. Xie, S Q, Tu, Y L and Zhou, Z D . International Journal of Production Research. 1095 – 1112. (2001)
- Temporized colored Petri nets with changeable structure (CPN-CS) for performance modeling of dynamic production systems. Jiang, Z B, Zuo, M J, Fung, R Y K and Tu, Y L. International Journal of Production Research. 1917-1945. (2000)
- Object-oriented Petri nets with changeable structure (OPNs-CS) for production system modeling. Jiang, Z B, Zuo, M J, Tu, Y L, and Fung, R Y K . The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 445-458. (1999)
- A concurrent manufacturing strategy for producing OKP products with complicated sculptured surface. Tu, Y L, Yang, W Y and Xiong, Y L . The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 93-98. (1998)
- Real-time scheduling and control of one-of-a-kind production. Tu, Y L . Production Planning & Control. 701-710. (1997)
- Automatic determination of operation sequence for material handling and equipment set-up in one-of-a-kind production. Tu, Y L and Holm, H . The International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing. 435-445. (1997)
- Production planning and control in a virtual OKP company. Tu, Y L . Computers in Industry. 271-283. (1997)
- Automatic scheduling and control of a ship web welding assembly line. Tu, Y L . Computers in Industry. 159-171. (1996)
- Computer simulation of an FMS conveyor. Tu, Y L, Holm, H and Sorgen, A . The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 262-266. (1992)
- Real-time scheduling and control of transportation in flexible manufacturing cells. Tu, Y L and Sorgen, A . Computers in Industry. 315-320. (1991)
- Process control using UCSD APPLE PASCAL advanced computer language. Tu, Y L . Computers in Industry. 205-209. (1989)
- One-of-a-Kind Production. Tu, Y L and Dean P R . Springer, London, UK. 320. (2011)
- Rapid One-of-a-Kind Product Development, Strategies, Algorithms and Tools. Xie, S Q and Tu, Y L . Springer, London, UK. 449. (2011)
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