Xin Wang

Xin Wang




Schulich School of Engineering, Department of Geomatics Engineering

Contact information


Phone number

Office: +1 (403) 220-3355


Office: ENE224


Educational Background

Ph.D Computer Science, University of Regina, Canada, 2006

MSc. Software Engineering, Northwest University, China, 1996

BSc. Computer Science, Northwest University, China, 1993


Dr. Xin Wang is a Professor and the leader of the Schulich School of Engineering Intelligent Geospatial Data Mining Lab in Department of Geomatics at University of Calgary. As an expert in spatio-temporal data mining, geospatial AI, location and routing recommendation systems, Dr. Wang has proposed and developed geospatial data mining methods and systems to solve problems in transportation, healthcare, environment, and energy by extracting insightful knowledge from big spatiotemporal data to provide informative guidance to engineering practices. She is the Co-Director of Esri Canada GIS Centres of Excellence in University of Calgary and served as an executive member and Treasurer of Canadian AI association for six years to form collaborative relationships between Canadian industry with academic researchers which makes Canadian geomatics companies and government agencies to access cutting edge geospatial AI research. 


Areas of Research

Spatial Databases and Spatial Data Mining, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for Spatial Applications


Course number Course title Semester
ENGO451 Design and Implementation of Geospatial Information Systems Fall 2021
ENGO645 Spatial Databases and Data Mining Winter 2022


  • Woman of Impact, TECTERRA. 2021
  • Outstanding Teaching Performance, University of Calgary. 2021
  • Research Achievement Award, University of Calgary. 2018
  • Graduate Educator Award, University of Calgary. 2017
  • Outstanding Teaching Performance, University of Calgary. 2015
