Placeholder Profile Image

Dr. William T. Kidd



Clinical Assistant Professor

Cumming School of Medicine, Department of Cardiac Sciences


Libin Cardiovascular Institute

Contact information

Phone number

Office: 403.944.1671

For media enquiries, contact

Kelly Johnston
Senior Communications Specialist

Please submit your media request here



Educational Background

MD McGill University,


Dr. William Kidd graduated from McGill University in 1992 with a fellowship in cardiovascular and thoracic surgery. He was invited to join the surgeons at the Holy Cross Program and was successfully moved to be a part of the Foothill Program in 1996. Since that time, Dr. Kidd has practiced adult cardiac surgery. In 2002, his interest in Quality Improvement began and has developed into a Regional position in the Department of Cardiac Sciences. He helped to establish a Ventricular Assist Device Program at the Libin Cardiovascular Institute of Alberta.