Wenyuan Liao

Dr. Wenyuan Liao

Contact information


Educational Background

Ph.D. Mathematics, Mississippi State University, 2003


Areas of Research

Inverse modeling and indudstrial applications (particularly, oil reservoir simulation), Seismic inversion and applications, High performance computing and scientific computation, Numerical methods for PDE, Computational methods for inverse problem, Mathematical modelling and the application of mathematics to industrial problems, Numerical methods and applications to geophysics


Course number Course title Semester
MATH 277 Multivariable Calculus for Engineers and Scientists Winter 2025
MATH 661.03 Scientific Computation Fall 2024
MATH 277 Multivariable Calculus for Engineers and Scientists Winter 2024
MATH 661.05 Numerical Differential Equations Fall 2023
MATH 375 Differential Equations for Engineers and Scientists Fall 2022
MATH 661.03 Scientific Computation Fall 2022
MATH 277 Multivariable Calculus for Engineers and Scientists Winter 2022


More Information

Book chapters/contributions - peer reviewed

  • Liao, Wenyuan and Zhu, Jianping. A Fourth-Order Compact Finite Difference Scheme for Solving Unsteady Convection-Diffusion Equations Computational simulations and Applications Ed. Zhu, Jianping Intech, 2011. 81-96. Print.


  • Ghaderpour, Ebrahim, Liao, Wenyuan, Lamoureux, Michael, Li, Da and Pagiatakis, Spiros D. Anti-leakage least-squares spectral analysis for data regularization 2017.

Conference proceedings

  • Ye Zheng, Laurie Ross, John Guo, Liao, Wenyuan, Balazs Nemeth and Christian Escalante. Choice of algorithm and data domain for 5D trace interpolation 2015.
  • John Guo, Ye Zheng and Liao, Wenyuan. Arbitrarily Sampled Fourier Transform for 5D Interpolation 2015.
  • John Guo, Ye Zheng and Liao, Wenyuan. High Fidelity Seismic Trace Interpolation 2015.
  • Cao, Danping and Liao, Wenyuan. A hybrid tomography method for crosswell seismic inversion 2014.
  • Liao, Wenyuan and Cao, Danping. Compact fourth-order finite-difference modeling for 3D acoustic wave equation 2013.
  • Cao, Danping and Liao, Wenyuan. Full waveform inversion of crosswell seismic data using automatic differentiation 2013.
  • A. Sandu, GR Charmichael, T. Chai, E. Constantinescu and Liao, Wenyuan. New Developments in Chemical Data Assimilation: Computational Tools 2005.
  • Liao, Wenyuan and Adrian Sandu. Total Energy Singular Vectors for Atmospheric Chemical Transport Models 2005.

Journal articles - peer reviewed

  • Dastour, Hatef and Liao, Wenyuan. "A fourth-order optimal finite difference scheme for the Helmholtz equation with PML". Computers & Mathematics with Applications 78.6 (2019): 2147-2165. Print.
  • Ghaderpour, Ebrahim, Liao, Wenyuan and Lamoureux, Michael. "Antileakage least-squares spectral analysis for seismic data regularization and random noise attenuation". Geophysics 83.3 (2018): V157-V170. Print.
  • Huang, Jianping, Yang, Jidong, Liao, Wenyuan, Wang, Xin and Li, Zhenchun. "Common‐shot Fresnel beam migration based on wave‐field approximation in effective vicinity under complex topographic conditions". Geophysical Prospecting 64.3 (2016): 554-570. Print.
  • Liao, Wenyuan. "A strongly A-stable time integration method for solving the nonlinear reaction-diffusion equation". Abstract and Applied Analysis 2015. (2015). Print.
  • Liao, Wenyuan. "An adjoint-based Jacobi-type iterative method for elastic full waveform inversion problem". Applied Mathematics and Computation 267. (2015): 56-70. Print.
  • Cao, Danping and Liao, Wenyuan. "A computational method for full waveform inversion of crosswell seismic data using automatic differentiation". Computer Physics Communications 188. (2015): 47-58. Print.
  • Huang, Jianping, Yuan, Maolin, Liao, Wenyuan, Li, Zhenchun and Yue, Yubo. "Accurate acoustic and elastic beam migration without slant stack for complex topography". Journal of Geophysics and Engineering 12.3 (2015): 515-526. Print.
  • Liao, Wenyuan. "On the dispersion, stability and accuracy of a compact higher-order finite difference scheme for 3D acoustic wave equation". Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 270. (2014): 571-583. Print.
  • Das, Sambit, Liao, Wenyuan and Gupta, Anirudh. "An efficient fourth-order low dispersive finite difference scheme for 2-D acoustic wave equation". Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 258. (2014): 151-167. Print.
  • Cao, Danping and Liao, Wenyuan. "An adjoint-based hybrid computational method for crosswell seismic inversion". Computing in Science & Engineering 16.6 (2014): 60-67. Print.
  • Liao, Wenyuan. "High-order ADI finite difference scheme for 3D reaction-diffusion equation with Neumann boundary condition". Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations 29.3 (2013): 778-798. Print.
  • Cao, Danping and Liao, Wenyuan. "An adjoint-based hybrid computational method for crosswell seismic inversion". Computing in Science and Engineering, (2013). Print.
  • Liao, Wenyuan. "A compact higher-order finite difference method for solving the unsteady convection-diffusion equation". International Journal for Computational Methods in Engineering Science & Mechanics 13.3 (2012): 135-145. Print.
  • Liao, Wenyuan. "A computational method to estimate the unknown coefficient in a wave equation using boundary measurements". Inverse Problems in Science & Engineering 19.6 (2011): 855-877. Print.
  • Liao, Wenyuan and Yan, Yulian. "Singly Diagonally Implicit Runge-Kutta Method for Time-Dependent Reaction-Diffusion Equation". Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations 27.6 (2011): 1423-1441. Print.
  • Liao, Wenyuan and Zhu, Jianping. "Efficient and accurate finite difference schemes for solving one-dimensional Burgers' equation". International Journal of Computer Mathematics 88.12 (2011): 2575-2590. Print.
  • Liao, Wenyuan. "An accurate and efficient algorithm for parameter estimation of 2D acoustic wave equation". International Journal of Applied Physics and Mathematics 1.2 (2011): 96-100. Print.
  • Liao, Wenyuan. "A fourth-order finite difference method for solving the system of two-dimensional Burgers' equations". International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 64.5 (2010): 565-590. Print.
  • Volkov, Oleg, Protas, Bartosz, Liao, Wenyuan and Glander, Don. "Adjoint-based optimization of thermo-fluid phenomena in welding processes". Journal of Engineering Mathematics 65.3 (2009): 201-220. Print.
  • Liao, Wenyuan, Dehghan, Mehdi and Mohebbi, A.. "Direct numerical method for an inverse problem of a parabolic partial differential equation". Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 232.2 (2009): 351-360. Print.
  • Liao, Wenyuan and Khaliq, Abdul Q. M.. "High-order compact scheme for solving nonlinear Black-Scholes equations with transaction cost". International Journal of Computer Mathematics 86.6 (2009): 1009-1023. Print.
  • Liao, Wenyuan and Zhu, Jianping. "An accurate and efficient numerical method for solving Black-Scholes equation in option pricing". International Journal of Mathematics in operational Research 1.1 (2009): 191-210. Print.
  • Liao, Wenyuan. "An implicit fourth-order compact finite difference scheme for one-dimensional Burgers' equation". Applied Mathematics and Computation 206.2 (2008): 755-764. Print.
  • Protas, Bartosz and Liao, Wenyuan. "Adjoint-based optimization of PDEs in moving domains". Journal of Computational Physics, (2008). Print.
  • Liao, Wenyuan, Sandu, Adrian, Carmichael G.R. and Chai, Tianfeng. "Total Energy Singular Vector Analysis for Atmospheric Chemical Transport Models". Monthly Weather Review 134.9 (2006): 2443-2465. Print.
  • Liao, Wenyuan, Zhu, Jianping and Khaliq, A.Q.M.. "A fourth-order compact algorithm for nonlinear reaction-diffusion equations with Neumann boundary conditions". Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations 22.3 (2006): 600-616. Print.
  • Sandu, Adrian, Liao, Wenyuan, Carmichael, G.R., Henze, D.K. and Seinfeld, J.H.. "Inverse Modeling of Aerosol Dynamics using Adjoints - Theoretical and Numerical Considerations". Aerosol Science and Technology 39.8 (2005): 677-694. Print.
  • Henze, D. K., Seinfeld, J.H., Liao, Wenyuan, Sandu, Adrian and Carmichael, G.R.. "Inverse Modeling of Aerosol Dynamics: Condensational Growth". Journal of Geophysical Research 109.D14201 (2004). Print.
  • Gu, Yuanxian, Liao, Wenyuan and Zhu, Jianping. "An efficient high-order algorithm for solving systems of 3-D reaction-diffusion equations". Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 155.1 (2003): 1-17. Print.
  • Liao, Wenyuan, Zhu, Jianping and Khaliq, A.Q.. "An efficient high-order algorithm for solving systems of reaction-diffusion equations". Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations 18.3 (2002): 340-354. Print.