Dr. Uttandaraman (U.T.) Sundararaj
Schulich School of Engineering, Department of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering
Contact information
Phone number
Phone Number: +1 (403) 210-6549
For media enquiries, contact
Joe McFarland
Media Relations and Communications Specialist
Cell: +1.403.671.2710
Email: Joe.Mcfarland@ucalgary.ca
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Study participants
PhD students
Educational Background
B.Sc. Chemical Engineering, University of Alberta, 1989
PhD Chemical Engineering, University of Minnesota, 1994
Prof. Sundararaj joined University of Calgary in August 2009. Previously he was Professor at University of Alberta for 12 years. He has 4 years of industrial experience with General Electric Company - Plastics Division. He was Visiting Professor at University of California - Santa Barbara, University of Paderborn (Germany), Institute for Polymer Research - Dresden (Germany), and at Dupont Experimental Station - Delaware.
Areas of Research
Professor Uttandaraman (UT) Sundararaj and his group CAPNA* perform fundamental and applied research in polymer science and engineering. The CAPNA group has made important contributions in areas such as novel polymer blends, hybrid polymer nanocomposites, polymer drop break-up, and polymer extrusion modeling among others. Our group is highly engaged in generating new knowledge related to multi-phase polymer materials and the design of products for high-tech applications of industrial interest. Over the years, the group has made relevant and exciting research contributions in collaboration with academic and industrial partners and with the support of government agencies and companies.
*CAPNA - Center for Advanced Polymers and NAnotechnology
Polymer blends and nanocomposites are one of the main areas of investigation for the CAPNA Group. Polymer blending is the most efficient way to obtain new materials with enhanced performance. The blending of two or more homopolymers (with or without nanofillers) to form immiscible blends having certain desired mechanical properties is a key scientific challenge that requires application of concepts from chemistry, polymer physics and engineering design. Polymer Nanocomposites (polymers with nanofillers) are being used for high tech applications, but very little is understood about the reasons for their outstanding properties and about their processing.
The group has made polymer nanocomposites using specialty metal nanofillers, carbon nanotubes, graphene, MXene and clays produced in-house. This allows us to tailor the size and properties of the nanofiller. When combined with polymers, they have unique properties that are suitable for smart and advanced materials. It has been found that these materials offer key combinations of properties not available in single-phase materials. The incredible amount of interfacial area that is available in nanosized materials can lead to novel properties previously unattainable via traditional composites. Other studies of current interest for the group are related to the understanding of properties and processing of polymer nanocomposites made of immiscible polymer blends and nanofillers like TMCC-a newly develloped layered superconducting nanomaterial.
Recycling of plastics involves the collection and processing of waste plastic materials to transform them into valuable products. Notably, a significant portion of currently used plastics is non-biodegradable. Therefore, recycling plays a vital role worldwide aimed at minimizing plastic waste. Presently, the group is working on both physical and chemical recycling utilizing different waste materials, such as automotive parts, electrical and electronic equipment, packaging materials.
· EPDM bumper waste from end-of-life vehicles (ELVs) and ground rubber tires are utilized as a filler component to create polymer nanocomposite by melt mixing method with enhanced mechanical, electrical, and EMI shielding performance.
· Non-metallic part of waste printed circuit board (PCB) is employed to obtain oil-based phenolic resin bypyrolysis that exhibits favorable mechanical properties along with a new route for being used as a raw material in electronic devices.
· Recycled polyethylene terephthalate (rPET) is introduced to develop a multifunctional nanocomposite using different nanofillers by melt blending technique.
The group is also involved in studying the fundamentals of extrusion and applying chemical engineering concepts to the extrusion process. Fundamental chemical engineering concepts like heat transfer, mass transfer, reaction and mixing are applied to what is essentially a chemical engineering process - screw extrusion of polymers and polymer blends. We are creating a unifying treatment of the twin-screw extrusion process using chemical engineering.
The final properties of polymer blends depend on their morphology, which is in turn controlled by the blending process. It is crucial to understand the mechanisms that control the incorporation of one polymer into another and its relation to the final distribution and properties of the blend. The group has built two new miniature mixer designs to analyze specialty materials available in small quantities (2 grams or less). These custom-designed mixers allow us to synthesize blends and nanocomposites that match those made in larger industrial scale extruders and batch mixers.
Participation in university strategic initiatives
- Macromolecular Science and Engineering Award, Chemical Institute of Canada. 2024
- Students’ Union Teaching Excellence Award, University of Calgary. 2024
- Schulich Award for Excellence in Graduate Supervision, University of Calgary. 2023
- Inducted into Canadian Academy of Engineering, Canadian Academy of Engineering. 2023
- Schulich Industry Research Chair, Schulich School of Engineering. 2023
- Appointed Fellow of Engineers Canada, Engineers Canada. 2023
- Faculty Research Excellence Award, University of Calgary. 2023
- Fellowship in Engineering Institute of Canada, Engineering Institute of Canada. 2019
- Teaching Leadership Award, University of Calgary. 2019
- Established Leader in Chemical Engineering, Canadian Society for Chemical Engineering. 2019
- Appointed Fellow of Society of Plastics Engineers, Society of Plastics Engineers. 2018
- Students’ Union Teaching Excellence Award, University of Calgary. 2018
- Appointed Fellow of Chemical Institute of Canada, Chemical Institute of Canada. 2018
- Professor of the Year - Engineering Teaching Excellence Award, Engineering Students Union. 2018
- Comparative study of synthesis of carbon quantum dots via different routes: Evaluating doping agents for enhanced photoluminescence emission. F. Mirlou-Miavagh, A. Rezvani-Moghaddam, H. Roghani-Mamaqani and U. Sundararaj. Progress in Organic Coatings. vol 191, article# 108445. (2024)
- Soft and Mechanically Robust Electromagnetic Interference Shielding Material in Polypropylene Reinforced by Aligned Steel Fibers and Crystalline Structures. S. Shajari, Y. Z. Keteklahijani, M. Arjmand, M. Mahmoodi, and U. Sundararaj. ACS Applied Engineering Materials. vol 2, pp905-918. (2024)
- Electrochemically synthesized graphene/TEMPO-oxidized cellulose nanofibrils hydrogels: Highly conductive green inks for 3D printing of robust structured EMI shielding aerogels. E. Erfanian, R. Moaref, R. Ajdary, K.C. Tam, O.J. Rojas, M. Kamkar, and U. Sundararaj. Carbon. vol 210, article#118037. (2021)
- From Waste to Value Added Products: Manufacturing High Electromagnetic Interference Shielding Composite from End-of-Life Vehicle (ELV) Waste. R. Moaref, S. Shajari and U. Sundararaj. Polymers. vol 16, p120. (2023)
- Durable and comfortable superoleophobic fabrics utilizing ultra-short-chain fluorinated surface chemistry. M. Mohseni, S. Lahiri, A. Nadaraja, U. Sundararaj and K. Golovin . Chemical Engineering Journal. vol 471, article# 144726. (2023)
In the News
- U.T. Sundararaj is 2024 winner of the Macromolecular Science and Engineering Award. Chemical Institute of Canada Awards. (2024)
- U.T. Sundararaj named Canadian Academy of Engineering Fellow. UCalgary news. (2023)
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