Tracy Hammer Photo

Tracy Hammer

Pronouns: she/her


Clinical Research Nurse

Cumming School of Medicine, Department of Clinical Neurosciences | Neurology

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Tracy Hammer started her career as a Civil Engineer, earning her Master of Engineering in Civil Engineering from the University of Calgary in 1996. She worked as a Civil Engineer for 8 years, focusing mainly on transportation planning and engineering. After that it was time for her to change to a career that was more focused on people, so she went back to the University of Calgary and earned her Bachelor of Nursing with Distinction in 2009.

Tracy started her nursing career at the Calgary Movement Disorders Clinic, and continues to work there as a clinic nurse on a casual basis. In addition, she was the clinic and research nurse at the Tourette and Pediatric Movement Disorders Clinic at the Alberta Children’s Hospital from 2009 to 2021. As Tracy is passionate about research, she joined the PCAN Lab as a Clinical Research Nurse in 2015, and started working for CaPRI at that time as well. Tracy has greatly enjoyed working for CaPRI, as this work is increasing the awareness and understanding of PD, and further promoting and advancing PD research. What she loves most is interacting with the lovely and amazing study participants! As Tracy’s work with the PCAN Lab came to an end, she recently started a new research role, as a Research Nurse Coordinator for the Calgary Movement Disorders Research Group. She is currently coordinating a Phase 3 Clinical Trial for a new Tourette’s disorder medication, and is excited to become further involved in other movement disorders research. For Tracy, working in movement disorders research enables her to combine the best aspects of her engineering and nursing roles, and work with the patient population that she loves.