Tracie Risling

Dr. Tracie Risling


Associate Dean, Innovation

Faculty of Nursing, Dean's Office

Associate Professor

Faculty of Nursing, Faculty

Contact information

Phone number

Office: 403.220.4637


Office: PF2228

For media enquiries, contact

Lynda Sea, Senior Manager - Communications

Office: +1.403.471-9762
Twitter: @ucalgarynursing



Tracie Risling RN, PhD is an Associate Professor and the Associate Dean of Innovation in the Faculty of Nursing at the University of Calgary. 

She is president-elect of the Canadian Nurses Association and the Past-President of the Canadian Nursing Informatics Association. A registered nurse for 20 years with a practice background in pediatric and public health nursing, Tracie has extensive nursing education experience teaching, conducting research and engaging in curriculum design and evaluation for both undergraduate and graduate programs. She also leads a patient-oriented program of health and nursing informatics research including study on artificial intelligence, social media, co-design, and the use of texting for wellness and workforce support. She is a passionate advocate for increased nursing engagement in the development, use, and evaluation of digital health solutions, which is reflected in her work with the new Doctor of Nursing program at the University of Calgary. Dr. Risling serves on the editorial boards of the Canadian Nurse online journal and the JMIR Nursing informatics journal.