mid-40s male with beard and glasses

Ted McCoy

Pronouns: he/him


Contact information

Web presence

Phone number

Office: +1 (403) 220-7348


Educational Background

PhD Canadian Studies, Trent University, 2011

M.A. History, University of Calgary, 2002

B.A. History, University of Calgary, 2000


Ted McCoy is a historian and legal studies scholar with interests in labour history, punishment, and intellectual history. He has written on the history of punishment in Canada and the history of the Canadian new left since the 1960s. Ted’s current projects include a history of crime and poverty in early Calgary and a history of utopian thought in the twentieth century. 


Areas of Research

Labour history, Punishment, Intellectual history

Participation in university strategic initiatives


Course number Course title Semester
LWSO 415 LEC 01 01 Socio-legal Iss Cont Lib Soc 2021
LWSO 590 SEC 01 S01 LWSO Honours Thesis & Sem 2020
SOCI 590 SEC 01 S01 SOCI Honours Thesis & Sem 2021
LWSO 590 SEC 01 S01 LWSO Honours Thesis & Sem 2021


  • Canada’s Legal Past: Looking Forward, Looking Back. Ted McCoy; Lyndsay Mills Campbell; Melanie Methot. University of Calgary Press. (2020)
  • Writing Penitentiary History. Ted McCoy. University of Calgary Press. page proofs not yet generated. (2021)
  • Seeking Unruly Women: Breaking the Bond Between Crime and Punishment in Prison History. Ted McCoy. (2017)
  • Writing Feminism, Teaching Feminism: Charting Joan Sangster's Influence. Ted McCoy. (2019)
  • Dissenting Traditions: Essays on Bryan D. Palmer, Marxism, and History. Sean Carleton, Julia Smith. UA Press. (2021)
  • Four Unruly Women: Stories of Incarceration and Resistance from Canada's Most Notorious Prison. UBC Press. (2019)
  • Hard Time: Reforming the Penitentiary in Nineteenth-Century Canada. AU Press. 349. (2012)