Dr. Taisiya Sigaeva headshot

Dr Tais Sigaeva


Full Member

Libin Cardiovascular Institute


Assistant Professor

Schulich School of Engineering, Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering

Assistant Professor

Schulich School of Engineering, Department of Biomedical Engineering

Contact information


Office: MEB305
Lab: CCIT125


Educational Background

PhD Mechanical Engineering, University of Alberta, 2015


Mechanical testing and constitutive modelling of soft biological tissues, coupling of mechanical testing devices with microscopy to observe deformation of load-bearing fiber components.

Quantification of intra- and inter-patient variability in soft biological tissues.

Modelling of buckling phenomena in elastomers and soft biological tissues.

Universal solution of nonlinear elasticity and their application to biomechanical problems.

Tunable behavior of elastomeric structures.