S. Franceschet photo

Dr. Susan Franceschet


Contact information

Phone number

Office: +1 (403) 220-5931


Educational Background

B.A. History, University of Manitoba, 1994

Doctor of Philosophy Political Science, Carleton University, 2001

M.A. Political Science, Carleton University, 1997


Areas of Research

women's political representation, parliaments, cabinet appointments


Course number Course title Semester
POLI 397 Introduction to Research Methods Fall 2022
POLI 453 LEC 01 01 Women and Politics Fall 2022


The Motherhood Dilemma in Parliamentary Politics

Funded by a SSHRC Insight Grant (2019–2024), this project explores how motherhood affects women's political careers and how parliaments in some countries are adapting parliamentary rules and organization to accommodate new parents.


  • Annual Fellow, Calgary Institute for the Humanities, 2014
  • Distinguished Researcher Award, Faculty of Arts. 2013
  • International Research and Scholarship Award, Faculty of Arts, University of Calgary. 2022


  • Cabinets, Ministers, and Gender. C. Annesley, K. Beckwith, and S. Franceschet. Oxford University Press. (2019)
  • Policymaking, Constituency Service, and the Pandemic: How Working Remotely Transformed US State Legislators’ Representative Roles. J.M. Piscopo and S. Franceschet. Representation 58 (2). 289–300.. (2022)
  • Gendering Cabinet Shuffles in France and Spain. K. Beckwith and S. Franceschet. Government and Opposition. (2022)