Susan Cork

Dr Susan Cork

BVSc, B.Phil (vet), PhD, MRSB, MRCVS


Professor (Teaching & Research)

Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Fulltime

Contact information

Phone number

Office: +1 (403) 210-6522


Office: CWPH1E17


Educational Background

Bachelor of Philosophy, Veterinary Sciences, Massey University, New Zealand, 1986

Bachelor of Veterinary Science Massey University, New Zealand, 1986

Doctor of Philosophy, Veterinary Sciences, Massey University, New Zealand, 1994

Diploma (Public Policy), Political Science, Policy & Economics, School of Government, Victoria University, New Zealand, 2006


I am currently a professor in Ecosystem and Public Health at the University of Calgary, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. I joined the faculty in 2008 as founding Head of the Department of Ecosystem and Public Health. Prior to arriving in Canada, I spent five years with the New Zealand Ministry of Agriculture & Forestry where I held a number of science, policy and management positions. I completed my Veterinary degree (Massey University, New Zealand) in 1987 and my first job after graduating was with the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals on the Pacific Island of Fiji. Subsequently, I worked in private veterinary practice in the United Kingdom before returning to New Zealand to complete a PhD. During my PhD, I provided diagnostic support for wildlife in partnership with the New Zealand Department of Conservation. In 1995, I took the opportunity to travel to Asia where I subsequently accepted the position of veterinary laboratory manager in Eastern Bhutan; this was part of a European Union funded project to strengthen veterinary services in Asia. In 2003, after 6 years in the UK working in academia, I returned to New Zealand to join Government Service and obtained a Diploma in Public Policy from the School of Government, Victoria University, Wellington. Since then I have returned to Bhutan a number of times and completed a 6-month sabbatical at the National Centre for Animal Health in 2014. My research interests are in global health, animal health policy, veterinary public health and wildlife diseases. 

Research Personnel/Trainees

Dr Isabelle Couloigner – Research Associate - Mathematical modeling, Vectors and vector borne diseases project

Carl Dizon - Research Assistant - Tick Ecology


Areas of Research

Ecosystem Health
Conservation Medicine
Wildlife and Zoo Medicine

Disease ecology/Vector borne diseases/Animal Health Policy & Risk Assessment

Participation in university strategic initiatives
