Stephen MacGregor
Assistant Professor
Werklund School of Education, Specialization, Leadership
Director, Teaching Across Borders Program
Werklund School of Education
Contact information
Educational Background
PhD Leadership and Policy, Queen's University,
MEd Education Studies, Queen's University,
BEd Physics and Mathematics, Queen's University,
BSc (Hons.) Physics, Queen's University,
Dr. Stephen MacGregor is an Assistant Professor of Leadership, Policy, and Governance at the University of Calgary’s Werklund School of Education. Previous to this role, he was a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Toronto and an adjunct professor at Queen’s University. Before starting his doctoral degree, he was also a secondary school science and mathematics teacher in Ontario, Canada.
Dr. MacGregor’s research centers on knowledge mobilization as a mechanism to promote school improvement and systems change, with an emphasis on leadership practices for increasingly complex educational environments. Presently, he focuses on three interrelated strands of inquiry: (1) the relational networks among universities and secondary and elementary schools, (2) the influence of positive school leadership on the mobilization of research-informed teaching practices, and (3) the mechanisms and impacts of co-production as one approach to knowledge mobilization.
Areas of Research
Participation in university strategic initiatives
Course number | Course title | Semester |
EDUC 430 | Pragmatics of Learning and Teaching | Fall 2023 |
EDUC 430 | Pragmatics of Learning and Teaching | Fall 2022 |
EDUC 440 | Field Experience I | Fall 2023 |
EDUC 440 | Field Experience I | Fall 2022 |
EDUC 556 | Professional Development and Lifelong Learning | Winter 2023 |
EDER 608 | Research Methods in Education | Fall 2023 |
Research Partner: Cited Media Productions Ltd.
Funding: SSHRC Partnership Engage Grant
Funding: SSHRC Insight Development Grant
Research Partner: Research Impact Canada
Funding: Research Impact Canada; VPR Catalyst Grants, University of Calgary
Co-PI: Dr. Sharon Friesen, (University of Calgary)
Co-Investigators: Drs. Jennifer Turner, José Domene, Carly McMorris (University of Calgary)
Funding: Government of Alberta
- Michael Fullan Emerging Scholar Award, Journal of Professional Capital and Community. 2024
- Teaching Excellence Honorable Mention Award, Students’ Union, University of Calgary. 2023
- Postdoctoral Fellowship, SSHRC. 2021
- Ontario Graduate Scholarship, Government of Ontario. 2020
- Rosa Baier and Luis Bruno Fund, Queen's University. 2020
- Clark Scholar, University Council for Educational Administration. 2019
- Globalink Research Award, Mitacs. 2019
- Annual Thesis in Education Prize, Queen's University. 2018
- Congress 2018 Graduate Student Travel Award, President’s Planning Committee. 2018
- Queen’s Tri-Agency Recipient Recognition Award, Queen's University. 2017
- Joseph-Armand Bombardier Canada Graduate Scholarship – Doctoral, SSHRC. 2017
- Mathematics, Science and Technology Education Group Apprenticeship, Queen's University. 2017
- Joseph-Armand Bombardier Canada Graduate Scholarship – Master’s, SSHRC. 2016
- Ontario Graduate Scholarship, Government of Ontario. 2015
- Harold E. Johns Studentship in Medical Physics, Cancer Center of Southeastern Ontario. 2014
- Paul Park Math, Science & Technology Education Scholarship, Queen's University. 2014
- Walter Thumm Memorial Scholarship in Physics, Queen's University. 2013
- Facilitating research-informed educational practice for inclusion. Brown, C., MacGregor, S., Flood, J., & Malin, J.. Frontiers in Education. (2022)
- Emergency assessment: Rethinking classroom practices and priorities amid remote teaching. Cooper, A., DeLuca, C., Holden, M., & MacGregor, S.. Assessment in Education: Principles, Policy & Practice. (2022)
- Co-production and arts-informed inquiry as creative power for knowledge mobilisation. MacGregor, S., Cooper, A., Searle, M., & Kukkonen, T.. Evidence & Policy. (2022)
- A framework to combine mixed methods integration and developmental evaluation to study complex systems. MacGregor, S., & Cooper, A.. Canadian Journal of Program Evaluation. (2022)
- An application of the social ecological systems framework to promoting evidence-informed policy and practice. MacGregor, S., Malin, J. R., & Farley-Ripple, E. N.. Peabody Journal of Education. (2022)
- Institutionally embedded professionals’ perspectives on knowledge mobilization: Findings from a developmental evaluation. MacGregor, S., Phipps, J., Edwards, C. M., Portes, V, & Kyffin, J.. Canadian Journal of Higher Education. (2022)
- Incorporating problem-based learning in a secondary school mathematics preservice teacher education course. Bosica, J., Pyper, J., & MacGregor, S.. Teaching and Teacher Education. (2021)
- Is distributed leadership an effective approach for mobilising professional capital across professional learning networks? Exploring a case from England. Brown, C., Flood, J., Armstrong, P. W., MacGregor, S., & Chinas, C.. Journal of Professional Capital and Community. (2021)
- A research model to study research-practice partnerships in education. Cooper, A., MacGregor, S., & Shewchuk, S.. Journal of Professional Capital and Community. (2021)
- Exploring how Ontario teachers adapted to learn-at-home initiatives during COVID-19: Blending technological and pedagogical expertise in a time of growing inequities. Cooper, A., Timmons, K., & MacGregor, S.. Journal of Teaching and Learning. (2021)
- Climates of trust, innovation, and research use in fostering evidence-informed practice in French schools. Gaussel M., MacGregor, S., Brown, C., & Piedfer-Quêney, L.. International Journal of Educational Research. (2021)
- An overview of quantitative instruments and measures for impact in co-production. MacGregor, S.. Journal of Professional Capital and Community. (2021)
- A network case knowledge brokering. Rodway, J., MacGregor, S., Daly, A., Liou, Y.-H., Yonezawa, S., & Pollock, M.. Journal of Professional Capital and Community. (2021)
- Can models of distributed leadership be used to mobilise networked generated innovation in schools? A case study from England. Brown, C., MacGregor, S., & Flood, J.. Teaching and Teacher Education. (2020)
- A person-centered analysis of teacher candidates’ approaches to assessment. Coombs, A. J., DeLuca, C., & MacGregor, S. . Teaching and Teacher Education. (2020)
- A developmental evaluation of research-practice partnerships and their impacts. Cooper, A., Shewchuk, S., & MacGregor, S.. International Journal of Education Policy and Leadership. (2020)
- Blending research, journalism, and community expertise: A case study of co-production in research communication. MacGregor, S., & Cooper, A. . Science Communication. (2020)
- A scoping review of research-media interactions for research communication. MacGregor, S., Cooper, A., Coombs, A. J., & DeLuca, C.. Heliyon. (2020)
- How a networked approach to building capacity in knowledge mobilization supports research impact. MacGregor, S., & Phipps, D.. International Journal of Education Policy and Leadership. (2020)
- Toward a differential and situated view of assessment literacy: Studying teachers’ responses to classroom assessment scenarios. DeLuca, C., Coombs, A., MacGregor, S., & Rasooli, A.. Frontiers in Education. (2019)
- Leadership in times of crisis: Ontario teachers’ perspectives of system leaders during the COVID-19 pandemic. MacGregor, S., Cooper, A., & Holden, M. . School Leadership & Management. (2023)
- Closing research-practice gaps in the delivery of online teaching and learning. MacGregor, S., & Pigeon, J.. Cultural and Pedagogical Inquiry. 35–45. (2023)
- Theorizing a spectrum of reasons for failure in knowledge brokering: A developmental evaluation. MacGregor, S.. Evidence & Policy. 51–69. (2024)
- The side effects of universal school-based mental health supports: An integrative review. MacGregor, S., Friesen, S., Turner, J., Domene, J. F., McMorris, C., Allan, S., Mesner, B., & Sumara, D.. Review of Research in Education. (in press). (2024)
- The research-informed teaching revolution North America: A handbook for the 21st century teacher. Brown, C., Flood, J., & MacGregor, S.. John Catt. (2022)
- Multi-stakeholder networks and evidence-informed practice in education: A case from Ontario, Canada. MacGregor, S., & Cooper, A.. In C. Brown & J. R. Malin (Eds.), The Emerald international handbook of evidence-informed practice in education (pp. 3–96). (2022)
- Implementing your sampling strategy in an educational setting. MacGregor, S., & Coombs, A.. In U. Luhanga & A. G. Harbaugh (Eds.), Basic elements of survey research in education: Addressing the problems your advisor never told you about (pp. 335-368). (2021)
- Is distributed leadership an effective approach for mobilising research-informed innovation across professional learning networks? Exploring a case from England. Brown, C., Flood, J., MacGregor, S., & Armstrong, P.. In S. Gorard (Ed.), Getting evidence into education evaluating the routes to policy and practice (pp. 180–198). (2020)
- Research-practice partnerships: An innovative approach to school improvement. MacGregor, S., & Cooper, A.. In A. Urick, D. DeMatthews, & T. G. Ford (Eds.), Maximizing the policy relevance of research for school improvement (pp. 315–335). (2020)
- Knowledge brokering: “Not a place for novices of new conscripts”. Cooper, A., Rodway, J., MacGregor, S., Shewchuk, S., & Searle, M.. In J. R. Malin & C. Brown (Eds.), The role of knowledge brokers in education: Connecting the dots between research and practice (pp. 90–107). (2019)
- The audacity of imagination: Arts-informed approaches to research and co-production. Cooper, A., Searle, M., MacGregor, S., & Kukkonen, T.. Who really cares about using education research in policy and practice? Developing a culture of research engagement. (2023)
- Adapting classroom assessment practices for online learning: Lessons learned from secondary school teachers in the early days of COVID-19. Holden, M., DeLuca, C., MacGregor, S., & Cooper, A.. In P. Seitz, & S. L. Hill (Eds.), Assessment of online learners: Foundations and applications for teacher education. Routledge.. (2023)
- Network leadership for research impact in higher education: A literature review and case study. MacGregor, S.. In M. Drinkwater, & Y. Waghid (Eds.), The Bloomsbury Handbook of Values and Ethical Change in Transformative Leadership in Higher Education. Bloomsbury.. (2024)
- An application of the social ecological systems framework to promoting evidence-informed policy and practice. MacGregor, S., Malin, J. R., & Farley-Ripple, E. N.. In S. W. Lenhoff, J. Singer, & M. Gottfried (Eds.), Thinking ecologically in educational policy and research [invited reprint of special issue articles]. Routledge.. (2024)
- A network of emerging scholars in education. MacGregor, S.. Canadian Journal for New Scholars in Education. (2020)
- Perseverance and higher education in Canada. MacGregor, S.. Canadian Journal for New Scholars in Education. (2020)
- Embracing creativity in co-production using the arts. MacGregor, S., Cooper, A., Searle, M., & Kukkonen, T.. Evidence & Policy Blog. (2022)
- Maximising the benefits of professional learning networks: Finding ways to achieve research-informed practice at scale. Brown, C., Flood, J., & MacGregor, S.. Rethinking Research for Schools. (2019)
- Mapping proposals submitted to the Mental Health in Schools Pilot: A report for Alberta Education. Turner, J, MacGregor, S., & Friesen, S.. Centre for Wellbeing in Education, Werklund School of Education, University of Calgary. (2023)
- An environmental scan of institutional knowledge mobilization planning resources. MacGregor, S.. Research Impact Canada. (2023)
- Knowledge mobilization in the production of education research: A mixed methods study. Farley-Ripple, L., MacGregor, S., & Mazal, M.. Center for Research Use in Education, University of Delaware. (2023)
- Mapping proposals for the Mental Health in Schools Pilot: Interim report 1 status update. Turner, J, MacGregor, S., Friesen, S., & Sumara, D.. Centre for Wellbeing in Education, Werklund School of Education, University of Calgary. (2023)
- Mapping proposals for the Mental Health in Schools Pilot: Interim report 2 status update. Turner, J., MacGregor, S., Friesen, S., & Sumara, D.. Centre for Wellbeing in Education, Werklund School of Education, University of Calgary. (2024)
- The implementation and evaluation of school based mental health supports: An initial draft framework. Turner, J., MacGregor, S., Friesen, S., & Sumara, D. . Centre for Wellbeing in Education, Werklund School of Education, University of Calgary. (2024)
- The implementation and evaluation of school-based mental health supports: A scoping review and environmental scan. Turner, J., MacGregor, S., Friesen, S., Sumara, D., McMorris, C., Domene, J., Allan, S., & Mesner, B.. Centre for Wellbeing in Education, Werklund School of Education, University of Calgary. . (2023)
- Why failure isn't the f-word in knowledge brokering. MacGregor, S.. Evidence & Policy Blog. (2024)
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