Professor Shirley R. Steinberg
Professor of Education
Werklund School of Education, Specialization, Leadership
Contact information
Phone number
Office: 403.210.6447
Office: EDT932
For media enquiries, contact
Clayton MacGillivray
Content and Media Specialist
Email: clmacgil@ucalgary.ca
Twitter: @UCalgaryEduc
Preferred method of communication
Email: steinbes@ucalgary.ca msgramsci@gmail.com
Educational Background
PhD Education K-12, Pennsylvania State University, 1997
MEd Gifted Girls and Leadership, University of Lethbridge, 1990
BEd Education K-12, University of Lethbridge, 1987
Shirley R. Steinberg is a Professor of Education (Leadership) at the University of Calgary. She is the author and editor of many books on critical pedagogy, urban and youth culture, and cultural studies. A regular contributor to Canadian and American press, she is an internationally known speaker and teacher. She is also the Founding Editor of Taboo: The Journal of Culture and Education, the Founding and Managing Editor of The International Journal of Critical Pedagogy, and Co-founder and Co-editor of The International Journal for Leadership in Learning.
Professional & Community Affiliations
As an international speaker, teacher, and author, Shirley is a collaborator with several countries on several continents. Formerly the Werklund Research Chair in Youth Leadership, she continues her work in creating a robust global network infrastructure for critical pedagogy, critical youth studies, and community workers. Her work on Islamophobia is rooted in re-articulating the changing nature of Islamophobia, in what she terms the Third Wave. For the past ten years, she has collaborated with Southern Alberta Blackfoot Nation communities.
Steinberg serves on the Executive Boards of OBAT Canada, a Canadian nonprofit organization that provides ocular procedures to restore eyesight and places community wells in Bangladesh and Pakistan, https://obatcanada.org/ and Think For Actions, a Calgary-based group that researches equity issues in diverse populations, www.thinkforactions.com. She is the Chief Information Organizational Officer for S.I.Y.S. (Struggle Is Your Success), a grassroots non-profit organization that works with youth to understand their potential and become successful entrepreneurs https://www.siys.ca/ and the Educational Advisor for the Robb Nash Project, a Canadian organization with goals to reach young people who are struggling, to hear their voices and to be supported, https://www.robbnash.com/about.
Current Research Professor Affiliations:
- The University of Barcelona
- Sapienza University, Rome, Italy
- Murdoch University, Perth, Australia
- IPEC, Instituto de Pedagogia Critica Chihuahua, Mexico
- Griffith University, Brisbane, Australia
Areas of Research
Dr. Steinberg's work focuses on cultural/social/education development and transformative leadership which includes critical communities and youth involvement. She is concerned with how society views young people and those who are marginalized, and with creating an environment in which all are viewed as positive democratic leaders within society. As a Research Chair, she established an international network of youth and community workers engaged in a critical pedagogical approach to activism, leadership and pedagogy. Her work continues to be focused on social theory and critical pedagogy within issues of Leadership and Youth, Critical Diversity/Inclusion Studies, and Critical Qualitative Research; and a strong commitment to facilitating and publishing new and emerging scholars.
- Transformative Leadership
- Critical Pedagogy
- Youth Studies and Community Activism
- Social Justice Pedagogies, Critical Pedagogy
- Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, & Accessibility
- Critical Media Literacies
- Qualitative Research/Interpretive Inquiry
- Women in Leadership
Social Inequality and Social Justice
Social Networks in Leadership and Learning
Transformative Leadership
Leadership and Youth
Immigrant, Refugee, Ethno-Cultural, and Racialized Groups
Community-based Education
Critical Qualitative Research Methods
Participation in university strategic initiatives
Course number | Course title | Semester |
EDER 719 | Advanced Special Topics in Educational Leadership | Summer 2022 |
EDER 720 | Advanced Approaches to Interpretive Inquiry | Fall 2022 |
EDER 783.02 | Critical Praxis as Social Justice | Summer 2021 |
This grant facilitated Hip-hop artists to collaborate with KHS English teacher and KHS counselors in using poetry through Hip-hop and Photovoice as methods of self-expression, Grant: Indigenous Welcome Grant 2020
This grant facilitated Elders from Kainai and Pilkani Nations to speak to students and faculty about the historical significance and erasure of pandemic effects on First Nations Peoples, Grant: Indigenous Welcome Grant 2021.
This new grant (2023) has been created to work with Kainai HS science teachers, counselors, and environmental researchers to investigate the importance of land-based learning and the notion or becoming stewards or the land, Grant: Ptarmigan Foundation Indigenous Education Grants
- Critics Choice Book Award, American Education Studies Association 2022. 2022
- 17 different Film Festival Awards for film: "Elders' Room", International Film Festival. 2021
- Best Director, Short Documentary, Toronto International Women's Film Festival. 2021
- The Whitworth Award for Career Education Research Excellence (2019-2022), EdCan Canada: https://www.edcan.ca/awards/the-whitworth-award/. 2019
- Woman of Wonder Award, Islamic Circle of North American INCA Calgary Chapter. 2016
- Lifetime Achievement Award , International Conference for Critical Media Literacy. 2015
- Paulo Freire Lifetime Achievement Award for Social Justice and Education, Chapman University Faculty of Education. 2011
- Helen Divitis Jones Medal for Excellence in Teaching, Texas Tech University Faculty of Education. 2009
- Distinguished Alumnus of the Year, The University of Lethbridge. 2006
- Paulo Freire Legacy Award 2024, American Educational Research Association. 2024
- Social Justice Scholar Award, Islamic Circle of North America (Canada) . 2024
- Sage Handbook of Critical Pedagogies. Shirley R Steinberg and Barry Down. Sage Publishing. (2020)
- On Being a Warrior. Michael Fisher; Shirley Steinberg. Peter Lang Publishing. (2018)
- Creating a Third Wave Islamophobia: Formulating Prejudices Through Media.. Shirley Steinberg; Joe Kincheloe; Shirley Steinberg. Peter Lang Publishing. (2018)
- Contextualizing the Possible for Transformative Youth Leadership.. Shirley Steinberg. Peter Lang Publishing. (2018)
- “Worth More than 1000 Words: Re-constructing Images from Refugee to Newcomer.” . M Sadiku; K Harrison; Shirley Steinberg; F Tochon. Deep University Press. (2018)
- It’s a Post-Truth World After All. . Michael Hoechsmann; Gina Theséé; Paul Carr; Shirley Steinberg. Brill/Sense Publishers. (2018)
- Finding Our Papers. Shirley Steinberg; Judith Summerfield. Brill/Sense Publishers. (2018)
- Knowing Henry Giroux. J Sandlin; Shirley Steinberg. Myers Educational Press. (2018)
- “Creating a Pedagogy of Ambulatory Reflection.”. Shirley R Steinberg. Routledge. (2018)
- Introduction: Effecting Change, Making a Difference—Celebrating Youth Activism.. Shirley Steinberg; Shirley Steinberg. Brill/Sense Publishers. (2018)
- Rural Tourist. Shirley Steinberg. Peter Lang Publishing. (2017)
- We Must Kill Our Darlings. Shirley Steinberg. Peter Lang Publishing. (2017)
- Advancing the Dialogue: Naming White Supremacy and Patriarchy as Power Blocs in Education. Shirley Steinberg. Palgrave Macmillan. 279-294. (2017)
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