Shibao Guo
Werklund School of Education, Specialization, Adult Learning
Contact information
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Office: 403.220.8275
Office: EDT610
For media enquiries, contact
Clayton MacGillivray
Content and Media Specialist
Email: clmacgil@ucalgary.ca
Twitter: @UCalgaryEduc
Educational Background
Doctor of Philosophy Other Education, University of British Columbia, 2002
M.Phil. Other Education, University of Nottingham, 1993
B.A. Other Education, Shandong Normal University, 1986
Born and raised in China, Dr. Shibao Guo received his MPhil in Adult Education from the University of Nottingham and his PhD in Educational Studies from the University of British Columbia. He joined the Department of Educational Policy Studies at the University of Alberta in 2003 as tenure-track assistant professor. In 2005, he moved to the University of Calgary, where he teaches in the area of Adult Learning. Dr. Guo is past president of the Comparative and International Education Society of Canada (CIESC) (2017-2019), Canadian Ethnic Studies Association (2012-2018), and Canadian Association for the Study of Adult Education (2009-2011). Currently he serves as Co-Editor of Canadian Ethnic Studies. He also co-edits two book series published by Brill|Sense Publishers: Spotlight on China and Transnational Migration and Education.
Professional & Community Affiliations
Dr. Guo contributes his knowledge and expertise to a number of local, national, and international organizations. He is Advisor of Calgary Chinese Community Service Association. He was member of the Adjudication Committee of Immigrants of Distinction Award (2006-2009). At the national level, he was treasurer (2007-2009) and then co-president (2009-2011) of the Canadian Association for the Study of Adult Education. He also serves on the Aid to Scholarly Publications Committee, Canadian Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences (CFHSS). He was President of Canadian Ethnic Studies Association and currently he serves as Co-Editor of Canadian Ethnic Studies. Internationally, he serves as reviewer for the American Educational Research Association (AERA); the University Grants Committee, the Hong Kong Research Grants Council; and a number of international journals.
- World Council of Comparative Education Societies (WCCES) – Member of Publications Standing Committee and Chinese Language Coordinator
- Comparative and International Education Society of Canada (CIESC) – Past President and Member of the Executive
- Canadian Association for the Study of Adult Education (CASAE) – Member and Past-President
- Canadian Ethnic Studies Association (CESA) – Past President and Member of the Executive
- Canadian Ethnic Studies – Co-editor
Areas of Research
Dr. Guo’s research focuses on transnational migration and adult education in the context of globalization. He has been actively involved in a number of studies on the integration experience of recent Chinese immigrants in Canada and the role of community-based voluntary organizations in helping immigrants with their settlement and adaptation. Specifically, he examines issues pertaining to the devaluation of immigrants’ prior learning and work experience and traces its root causes. He also studies the experience of recent Chinese immigrants who “return” to China. One of his current projects explores internal migration in China with a focus on the experience of migrant teachers. Over the years he has developed research expertise in the areas of work, learning, mobility, knowledge recognition, and citizenship in the age of transnational migration.
- Adult education and community development
- Chinese immigrants in Canada
- Citizenship and immigration
- Comparative and international education
- Ethnic relations in Canada
- Social justice and equity in education
- Multicultural education
Course number | Course title | Semester |
EDER 63105 LEC 05 05 | Special Topics Adult Learning | 2021 |
EDER 63119 LEC 02 02 | Special Topics Adult Learning | 2020 |
- Citizenship and identity: An inquiry into the role of ethno-cultural organizations in Canada, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC), Principal-Investigator
- Teaching under China’s market economy: Five case studies, Education International, Brussels, Principal-Investigator (Co-PI: Yan Guo; Co-Investigators: Gulbahar Beckett, Qing Li, Linyuan Guo)
- The 2019 Distinguished Research Lecture Award, Werklund School of Education, University of Calgary,
- The 2016 Research Excellence Award, Werklund School of Education, University of Calgary,
- The 2012 Killam Emerging Research Leader Award Nomination, University of Calgary,
- The 2011 Immigrants of Distinction Awards Nomination, Immigrant Services Calgary,
- The 2008 Award for Contributions to the Contemporary Chinese Youth, World Federation of Overseas Chinese Associations,
- Reclaiming the radical roots of adult education: Toward community-based anti-racism education through participatory action research. Guo, S., Liu, J., Nizamuddin, S., Cai, L. J., & Jurkova, S. . New Directions for Adult and Continuing Education. 1-13. (2024)
- Constructing workplace subjectivity: Exploring workplace learning of immigrant settlement workers in Canada, . Liu, J., & Guo, S.. Studies in Continuing Education, 46(2). 213-229. (2024)
- Brain drain, brain gain and brain circulation: Emerging trends and patterns of Chinese transnational talent mobility.. Wong, L., & Guo, S.. Journal of Chinese Overseas. 1-33. (2023)
- The making of ideal immigrant settlement workers: Examining the technologies of ruling power in Canadian immigrant service organisations. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 1-18, . Liu, J., & Guo, S. . Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 49(9). 2229–2246. (2023)
- Reimagining Chinese diasporas in a transnational world: Toward a new research agenda. Guo, S.. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 48(4). 847-872. (2022)
- Researching inequality and lifelong education from 1982 to 2020: A critical review. . Ilieva-Trichkova, P., Galloway, S., Schmidt-Hertha, B., Guo, S., Larson, A., Duckworth, V., & Maruatona T. . International Journal of Lifelong Education, 41(6) . 597-614.. (2022)
- Internationalization of Chinese higher education: Is it Westernization? . Guo, Y., Guo, S., Yochim, L., & Liu, X. . Journal of Studies in International Education, 26(4). 436–453. (2022)
- Beyond multiculturalism: Revisioning a model of pandemic anti-racism education in post-Covid-19 Canada. . Lei, L., & Guo, S.. International Journal of Anthropology and Ethnology, 6(1). 1-22. (2022)
- Combating anti-Asian racism and xenophobia in Canada: Toward pandemic anti-racism education in post-COVID-19. Guo, S., & Guo, Y. Beijing International Review of Education. 3(2), 187-211. (2021)
- Taking stock of research on immigration and adult education in Canada: 1981- 2020. Guo, S., & Liu, J. Canadian Journal for the Study of Adult Education. 33(2), 135-155. (2021)
- Exploring initial school integration among Syrian refugee children. Guo, Y., Maitra, S., & Guo, S. International Migration. 59(6), 172–185. (2021)
- Toward transnational communities of practice: An inquiry into the experiences of transnational academic mobility. Guo, S., & Lei, L. Adult Education Quarterly. 70(1), 26-43. (2020)
- Conceptualizing virtual transnational diaspora: Returning to the 'return' of Chinese transnational academics. Lei, L., & Guo, S. Asian and Pacific Migration Journal. 29(2), 227-253. (2020)
- Researching education in the age of transnational migration: Towards a new research agenda. Guo, S. Comparative and International Education / Éducation Comparée et Internationale. 48(2), Article 2. (2019)
- Adult education in China: Exploring the lifelong learning experience of older adults in Beijing. Guo, S., & Shan, W. New Directions for Adult and Continuing Education. 162, 111-124. (2019)
- Mapping racial and ethnic studies in Canada: Retrospective and prospective views of Canadian ethnic studies chairs. Frideres, J., Guo, S., Kazemipur, A., Weinfeld, M., & Wong, L. Canadian Ethnic Studies. 51(2), 1-18. (2019)
- Theorising decolonisation in the context of lifelong learning and transnational migration: Anti-colonial and anti-racist perspectives. Maitra, S. & Guo, S. International Journal of Lifelong Education. 38(1), 5-19. (2019)
- “I belong to nowhere”: Syrian refugee children’s perspectives on school integration. Guo, Y., Maitra, S., & Guo, S. Journal of Contemporary Issues in Education. 14(1), 89-105. (2019)
- Connecting transculturalism with transformative learning: Toward a new horizon of adult education. Jurkova, S., & Guo, S. Alberta Journal of Educational Research. 64(2), 173-187. (2018)
- Foe or friend of adult education? The paradox of multicultural policy for adult immigrants in Canada. Guo, S. Studies in the Education of Adults. 49(2), 253-268. (2017)
- Internationalization of Canadian higher education: Discrepancies between policies and international student experiences. Guo, Y., & Guo, S. Studies in Higher Education. 42(5), 851-868. (2017)
- Revisioning curriculum in the age of transnational mobility: Towards a transnational and transcultural framework. Guo, S., & Maitra, S. Curriculum Inquiry. 47(1), 80-91. (2017)
- From international migration to transnational diaspora: Theorizing "double diaspora" from the experience of Chinese Canadians in Beijing. Guo, S. Journal of International Migration and Integration. 17(1), 153-171. (2016)
- Immigration, integration and welcoming communities: Neighbourhood-based initiative to facilitate the integration of newcomers in Calgary. Guo, S., & Guo, Y. Canadian Ethnic Studies. 48(3), 45-67. (2016)
- The colour of skill: Contesting a racialized regime of skill from the experience of recent immigrants in Canada. Guo, S. Studies in Continuing Education. 37(3), 236-250. (2015)
- Revisioning Education for All in the age of migration: Global challenges and opportunities for lifeong learning. Guo, S. International Review of Education. 60(4), 481-497. (2014)
- Economic integration of recent Chinese immigrants in Canada's second-tier cities: The triple glass effect and immigrants' downward social mobility. Guo, S. Canadian Ethnic Studies. 45(3), 95-115. (2013)
- The changing face of work and learning in the context of immigration: The Canadian experience. Guo, S. Journal of Education and Work. 26(2), 162-186. (2013)
- Changes in Chinese education under globalisation and market economy: Emerging issues and debates. Guo, S., Guo, Y., Beckett, G., Li, Q., & Guo, L. COMPARE: A Journal of Comparative and International Education. 43(2), 144-164. (2013)
- Decolonising lifelong learning in the context of transnational migration. Guo, S., & Maitra, S. (Eds.). London, UK: Routledge. (2020)
- Market economy, social change, and educational inequality: Notes for a critical sociology of Chinese education. Michael Mu; Allan Luke; Karen Dooley; Yan Guo; Shibao Guo. Routledge. 20-44. (2019)
- Researching transnational migration and lifelong learning. Shibao Guo. Palgrave Macmillan. 667-686. (2018)
- Immigration, racial and ethnic studies in 150 years of Canada: An introduction. Lloyd Wong; Shibao Guo. Brill|Sense Publishers. 17-Jan. (2018)
- Overseas Chinese organizations in Canada: Two case studies. Yan Guo; Shibao Guo. Chinese Overseas Publishing House. 187-208. (2017)
- Double diaspora: The experience of Chinese Canadians in Beijing . Shibao Guo. UBC Press. 282-301. (2017)
- Immigration, racial and ethnic studies in 150 years of Canada: Retrospects and prospects. Guo, S., & Wong, L. (Eds.). Leiden, the Netherlands: Brill | Sense Publishers. (2018)
- Work, learning and transnational migration: Opportunities, challenges and debates. Guo, S. (Ed.). London, UK: Routledge. (2016)
- Spotlight on China: Chinese education in the globalized world. Guo, S., & Guo, Y. (Eds.). Rotterdam, the Netherlands: Sense Publishers. (2016)
- Spotlight on China: Changes in education under China's market economy. Guo, S., & Guo, Y. (Eds.). Rotterdam, the Netherlands: Sense Publishers. (2016)
- Revisiting multiculturalism in Canada: Theories, policies and debates. Guo, S., & Wong, L. (Eds.). Rotterdam, the Netherlands: Sense Publishers. (2015)
- Transnational migration, social inclusion and adult education. Guo, S., & Lange, E. (Eds.). New Directions for Adult and Continuing Education, no. 146. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. (2015)
- Canadian immigration, enduring racial and ethnic conflict over 150 years: Retrospects and prospects. Shibao Guo. Canadian Association for the Study of Adult Education. 119-121. (2019)
- The paradox of multiculturalism: Opportunities and constraints of multicultural policy for adult immigrants in Canada. Shibao Guo. Canadian Association for the Study of Adult Education. 88-91. (2018)
- Transnational social space and the maintenance of knowledge networks: Toward transnational communities of practice for Chinese transnational academics. Ling Lei; Shibao Guo. Canadian Association for the Study of Adult Education . 200-205. (2019)
- Chinese Diasporas Studies in a Transnational World. Guo, S. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 48(4). (2022)
- Decolonising Lifelong Learning in the Age of Transnational Migration. Guo, S., & Maitra, S. International Journal of Lifelong Education. Vol. 38, No. 1 . (2019)
- Market economy, social change, and education inequality in China. Guo, S., & Guo, Y. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Education. New York: Oxford University Press. (2018)
- Talent Mobility between Canada and China. Guo, S., & Guo, Y. International Journal of Chinese Education. Vol. 6, No. 2. (2017)
- Work, Learning and Transnational Migration. Guo, S. (Ed.). Globalisation, Societies and Education. Vol. 13, No. 2. (2015)
In the News
- Triple-glass effect and language barriers erode Canadian charm, say experts. New Canadian Media . (2023)
More Information
- Citizenship and identity: An inquiry into the role of ethno-cultural organizations in Canada, Social Sciences and Humanities Research
- Radio Canada International – Chinese Services (Montreal), interviewing for my research report on Transnational Migration and Return Chinese Immigrants for Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada, April 20, 2011.
- OMNI TV – Mandarin Edition, interviewing for my research report “Understanding immigrants’ downward social mobility: A comparative study of economic and social integration of recent Chinese immigrants in Calgary and Edmonton”, published by the Prairie Metropolis Centre, Working Paper #WP10-12, March 11, 2011.
- OMNI TV – Mandarin Edition interview, in response to MacLean’s article ‘Too Asian?’, November 19, 2010.
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