Dr. Shelleyann Scott
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Educational Background
PhD Education, Curtin University, Australia, 2002
MEd (thesis) Education, Curtin University, Australia, 1997
Bachelor of Applied Science Human Biology/Multidisciplinary Science (Chemistry/Physics), Edith Cowan University, Australia, 1993
Dr. Shelleyann Scott is a Professor in Leadership, Policy & Governance specialisation in the Werklund School of Education. She has held numerous leadership roles within the university context including most recently the Associate Dean, Professional and Community Engagement and Director of Graduate Programs at the University of Calgary. Prior to joining the University of Calgary in 2007, Shelley was the Director and Coordinator of Teaching and Learning at Curtin University's Business School, the largest business school in Australia at that time. Shelley has experience in education, government, and business contexts. Her work experience encompasses leadership in an education district office, high school teaching, medical technology, and business consultancy. She has extensive experience as a professional developer and a quality assurance auditor in: Australia, Fiji, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, and Sri Lanka.
Professional & Community Affiliations
Dr. Scott is a member of the Canadian Society for Studies in Education, Canadian Association for Studies in Educational Administration. Shelley served as Vice President, President, and Past President of CASEA. Her memberships have also included American Educational Research Association (AERA), and the British Educational Leadership Management and Administration Society, (BELMAS).
Areas of Research
Dr. Scott’s research interests include capacity building for leaders, individuals, and organisational reputation and effectiveness; leadership development; professional development; instructional strategies; and trends and issues in student assessment. Drs. Shelleyann and Donald E. Scott established the International Study of Leadership Development in Higher Education (ISLDHE) which encompasses research partners in Australia, Canada, England, Fiji, New Zealand, Poland, Turkey, and Cyprus. This scholarly collective is exploring the the availability and effectiveness of leadership preparation and development programs and experiences focusing on varied levels of leadership in higher education, for example, Associate Deans, Department Heads/Chairs, Deans, Provosts/ProVice Chancellors/Presidents. Shelleyann is also a long time member of the International Study of Principal Preparation (ISPP) - an established international scholarly collective aimed at exploring the effectiveness of principals’ leadership development across different cultural contexts.
- Educational administration and leadership
- Higher education administration and leadership
- Leadership development
- Capacity building of individuals and organizations
- Professional development
Participation in university strategic initiatives
Course number | Course title | Semester |
EDER 619.12 | Leading an Evidence-Informed Learning Culture | Winter 2022 |
EDER 604 | Collaboratory of Practice | Winter 2022 |
International Study of Leadership Development in Higher Education (ISLDHE)
This project, “Re-Imagining and innovating Leadership Development and Leadership Theory: Promoting University leadership, Change Agency, and Job Satisfaction”, was awarded a SSHRC grant in 2021 ($84,442).
- The Walter D Neal Award for Excellence in Educational Research (Doctoral Research), 2002
- Australian Postgraduate Award with Stipend (APAWS) scholarship for Doctoral studies, 1998
- Western Australian Institute of Educational Research (WAIER) Award for Postgraduate Research, 1998
- Australian College of Education Prize for Excellence in Pre-service Teacher Education, 1994
- Member of the Vice-Chancellors List, 1994
- Leadership across the lifespan. Steinberg, S., Scott, S., & Scott, D. E. . Springer. (2022)
- Accelerating change in schools: Leading rapid, successful, and complex change initiatives. Dudar, L. M., Scott, S., & Scott, D. E.. Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. (2017)
- Reflections about leadership in higher education: A Chilean case. Kri, F., Scott, S., & Scott, D. E. . (2022)
- Health sector industrial labour troubles in Nigeria: Implications for leaders and other stakeholders. Maduforo, A. N., & Scott, S. . (2022)
- Sabbaticals in a research-intensive university: Supports, tensions, and outcomes. Scott, D. E., & Scott, S. . (2022)
- Sabbaticals – The gift of time! A thematic literature review. Scott, S., & Scott, D. E. . (2022)
- Wholescale transformational change at pace: Abertay University’s approach to developing academic leadership – Reader response. Scott, S. . Routledge. (2020)
- Beyond the academic gateway: Looking back on the tenure-track journey: A Book Review. Scott, S. . (2019)
- A refreshing perspective on the toxic university and zombie leadership. Scott, S.. Journal of Educational Administration and History. 397-398. (2018)
- A thematic literature review about academic leadership development: Exploring and comparing Latin American with Non-Latin American leadership literature. Kri, F., Scott, S., & Scott, D. E. . Research in Educational Administration and Leadership. 378-430. (2021)
- Inclusive leadership during COVID-19 pandemic: How to respond within an inclusion framework. Fournier, E., Scott, S., & Scott, D. E. International Studies in Educational Administration. 17-23. (2020)
- (Re)imagining leadership and supports to promote enhanced outcomes for Autism Spectrum Disorder students in universities: Exploring the perspectives of Canadian leaders, accessibility services personnel, teaching faculty, and autistic students. Waisman, T. C., Scott, S., & Scott, D. E.. Antistasis. (2020)
- Leadership challenges in the educational program of a UAE juvenile detention center: A contextual analysis. Litz, D. R., Blaik-Hourani, R., & Scott, S.. International Journal of Educational Development. 1-13. (2021)
- Contemporary expectations for entrepreneurship: Lessons to be learned from a case about the shift in Canadian decanal responsibilities. Scott, D. E., Scott, S., Anne, A., Crosby, S. L., Dudar, L. M., Fournier, E., & Litz, D. R.. Canadian Journal of Educational Administration and Policy. 6-19. (2020)
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