Dr. Sharon Friesen
Werklund School of Education, Specialization, Leadership
Contact information
Permanent Professional Teaching Certificate, Alberta Education, 1989
Permanent ECS Diploma, Alberta Education, 1986
Educational Background
Doctor of Philosophy Curriculum Theory, University of Calgary, 2000
M.Ed. Curriculum, University of Calgary, 1991
Bach of Education University of Calgary, 1986
Dr. Sharon Friesen is a professor at the Werklund School of Education at the University of Calgary. She was the co-founder and President of the Galileo Educational Network from 1999-2021. She served as the Vice Dean of the Werklund School of Education for 8 years, as well as the Associate Dean Graduate Programs in Education, and the Associate Dean of Professional and Community Engagement. Her research interests include the ways in which K-12 educational structures, leadership, teaching, and learning need to be redesigned. This redesign involves reframing the current standardized system into one that acknowledges the strengths and needs of an increasingly diverse society and one that honours and respects First Nations, Metis, and Inuit ways of being and knowing. She draws upon and contributes to the fields of the learning sciences and educational leadership to study: (i) design-based professional learning, (ii) school and district leadership, (iii) educational reform, and (iv) research-practice partnerships. She has co-authored six books. From the outset, she has systematically created, studied and published first from within her own classrooms (K – graduate students) and for more than 20 years from within the work of the Galileo Educational Network.
Professional & Community Affiliations
Service and leadership are a significant part of Dr. Friesen's academic life. While service and leadership are part of the obligations all academics must provide to sustain a research culture within a research university, the lines between research and scholarship, teaching and learning, and service and leadership tend to blur in her research and writing.
In 1999, Dr. Friesen co-founded Galileo Educational Network (http://www.galileo.org) in the Werklund School of Education at the University of Calgary. This provincial, national, and international network was built with the understanding that changes in education needed to be systemic and sustained, and that all educational stakeholders needed to be involved in growing the changes that were required for contemporary learning environments.
Dr. Friesen is honoured to have served the Werklund School of Education as Vice Dean, Associate Dean Graduate Programs in Education, and Associate Dean Professional and Community Engagement.
Dr. Friesen continues to offers her expertise to a variety of government and non-government organizations across Canada and internationally.
Areas of Research
- PI. Mapping a Community Response Model to Mental Health, Community Safety, and Wellbeing (with Sharon Friesen (PI), Stephen MacGregor (Co-PI), Jennifer Turner (Co-PI), Kate Storey (Co-Applicant), Joelle Rodway (Co-Applicant), Kevin Cameron (Collaborator), Lori Prediger (Collaborator), Stephanie Mills (Collaborator), George Alvarez (Collaborator). Funded by Alberta Children’s Hospital Foundation – One Child.
- PI. Development of a Mental Health Implementation and Evaluation Framework for Schools and School Authorities (with Sharon Friesen (PI), Stephen McGregor (Co-PI), Dennis Sumara (Co-Investigator), Carly McMorris (Collaborator), and José Domene (Collaborator). Funded by Alberta Education.
- PI. Change Can’t Wait (with Sharon Friesen (PI), Paul Arnold (Co-PI, Jennifer Turner, Co-PI, Gena Rotstein, Collaborator). Funded by Converge Mental Health Coalition Inc.
- CO-PI. Online supervision of doctoral students. This case study focuses on professors’ and doctoral students’ experiences with online supervision relationships in the context of field-focused, doctoral research as part of a blended education doctorate (EdD) program in the Werklund School of Education.
- Collaborator. An exploration of the Systems and Societal Norms that Contribute to the Marginalization of Youth. SSHRC
Many of the studies Dr. Friesen undertakes are longitudinal, employing design-based research methodologies. Currently she is focused on the role that students' mental health and well-being play in students' overall success in schools. Students' social-emotional health and well-being have traditionally been treated as an add-on to students' academic achievement. As surfaced in her 2009 What Did You Do in School Today study with Doug Willms and Penny Milton, student well-being played a signifant role in students' overall success in schools. Students' mental health, particularly anxiety and depression surfaced as requiring attention in Canadian schools as early as 2009 in that research. Today, it is a pressing issue needing teachers, school and district leaders, and provincial leaders attention and action.
Dr. Friesen's body of research encompasses several key themes: innovative pedagogies and inquiry-based learning, educational leadership and systemic change, design-based professional learning, and the integration of technology in education. Her research often transcends these boundaries, reflecting the interconnected nature of these themes.
Innovative Pedagogies and Inquiry-Based Learning
Dr. Friesen has extensively explored inquiry-based learning, emphasizing student engagement through exploration and critical thinking. Her publication "Focus on Inquiry" provides a comprehensive guide for educators to implement this approach effectively.
Educational Leadership and Systemic Change
She has examined the role of leadership in educational reform, highlighting the necessity for systemic changes to support innovative teaching practices. Her work underscores the importance of leadership in fostering environments conducive to contemporary learning.
Design-Based Professional Learning
Dr. Friesen emphasizes the significance of design-based professional learning for educators, promoting iterative, collaborative approaches to professional development that align with the evolving educational landscape.
Integration of Technology in Education
She investigates the role of technology in enhancing learning environments, advocating for its thoughtful integration to support participatory and engaging educational experiences.
Many of Dr. Friesen's publications intersect these categories, reflecting the interconnected nature of her research. For instance, her work on inquiry-based learning often involves elements of educational leadership and the integration of technology, demonstrating how these themes collectively contribute to transforming K-12 education.
Participation in university strategic initiatives
Course number | Course title | Semester |
EDUC 556.02 SEC 02 S02 | Professional Development and Lifelong Learning | Winter 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024 |
EDER 619.22 | Leading Student Learning | Summer 2021 |
EDER 719.14 | Advanced Studies in Educational Leadership | Summer 2021, 2023 |
EDER 708 | Collaboratory of Practice II | Winter 2021, 2022, 2023 |
EDUC 521 | Designs for Learning | Fall 2023 |
EDER 678.21 | Design-Based Professional Learning | Spring 2024 |
EDER 678.70 | Leading Citizenry in a Digital Age | Spring 2024 |
EDER 705 | Doctoral Seminar in Educational Leadership | Summer 2022 |
EDER 719.14 | Advanced Studies in Educational Leadership | Summer 2021, 2023 |
- Research on Teacher Education, Canadian Association for Teacher Education. 2023
- ARCH Award Career Achievement University of Calgary Alumni, University of Calgary. 2021
- Outstanding Graduate Supervision Award, Werklund School of Education, University of Calgary. 2021
- Leadership in Education Award, Werklund School of Education, University of Calgary. 2013
- Distinguished Lecturer, Werklund School of Education, University of Calgary. 2011
- Distinguished Research Lecture Award, Werklund School of Education, University of Calgary. 2011
- U Make a Difference Award, University of Calgary. 2011
- Nominated: Student's Union Teaching Excellence Award, University of Calgary Student' Association. 2010
- Calgary Educational Partnership Foundation Special Settings Award, 2009
- The Calgary Stampede Western Legacy Award for Innovation, Calgary Stampede. 2009
- Teaching Excellence Nomination, Werklund School of Education. 2008
- Teaching Excellence Nomination - Graduate Students, University of Calgary Students Association. 2008
- Calgary Stampede Innovation Award, Calgary Stampede. 2007
- Mathematics Educator Award for activism in improving mathematics education across western Canada., University of British Columbia. 2007
- Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences Education prize, Pacific Institute of the Mathematical Sciences. 2007
- 2006 AERA Division B Outstanding Book Award for Back to the Basics of Teaching and Learning, 2006
- AERA Division B Outstanding Book award, 2005
- Canadian E-Content Award for Education, 2004
- Conference Board of Canada Partnership National Partnerships Award, 2000
- Prime Minister's Award for Teaching Excellence, 1999
- Prime Minister's Award for Teaching Excellence, 1999
- The Alberta Teachers' Association Research Award, 1999
- Aoki Award for research work in the area of curriculum that most embraced the work and vision of Dr. Ted Aoki, 1997
- ASCD - Celebrating Educational Success in Alberta, 1996
- Awarded, Teacher Explorer Centre in Robotics, 1995
- National Institute Award - Nortel, 1995
- Nomination, Alberta Excellence in Teaching Award, 1992
- Elementary teacher professional learning to explore and extend meaning of number. . Miwa Takeuchi; Sharon L Friesen; Barbara Anna Brown; Armando Paulino Preciado Babb; Krista Francis. International Congress on Mathematical Education. (2021)
- Teachers’ Professional Learning Focused on Designs for Early Learners and Technology. Barbara Anna Brown; Michele DM Jacobsen; Sharon L Friesen. IGI Global. 456-477. (2020)
- The education system of Canada: Foundations of the Canadian education system. Michele DM Jacobsen; Sharon L Friesen. Springer. na. (2020)
- Building/knowledge creation in the school, classroom, and beyond. Sharon L Friesen. ebook ITSummit. 101-108. (2020)
- The Education System of Canada: Foundations of the Canadian Education System. Michele DM Jacobsen; Sharon L Friesen. Springer. 21-Jan. (2020)
- Transforming conceptions of number for the learning of students, teachers, and an educational system. Armando Paulino Preciado Babb; Krista Francis; Ronna Mosher; Sharon L Friesen. University of Calgary. 17-22. (2020)
- Transforming conceptions of number for the learning of students, teachers, and an educational system. Armando Paulino Preciado Babb; Krista Francis; Sharon L Friesen; Ronna Mosher. University of Calgary. 17-22. (2020)
- Transforming pedagogies. Sharon L Friesen. University of Calgary. 1-6. (2020)
- Leading collaborative professional learning for school systems. Christy Thomas; Rita Marler; Sharon L Friesen; James Edward Brandon; Shan Jorgenson-Adam. University of Calgary. 51-56. (2020)
- Selected proceedings of the IDEAS Conference 2019: Transforming pedagogies – Learn - Design – Innovate. . Sharon L Friesen. University of Calgary. 1-100. (2020)
- Conceptualizng and enacting overall instructional leadership ion the Alberta context. Sharon L Friesen; James Edward Brandon; Candace Saar. University of Calgary. 57-76. (2020)
- STEM Education by Design: Opening Horizons of Possibility. S. Friesen; B. Davis; K. Francis. Routledge. 137. (2019)
- What is Optimum Learning?. Sharon L Friesen; Barbara Anna Brown. University of Calgary. 28-Jan. (2019)
- The superintendency: The cost of making a difference--The personal toll. . James Edward Brandon; Dennis George Parsons; Sharon L Friesen; Michele DM Jacobsen. Information Age Publishing. 219-245. (2019)
- Steps toward a more inclusive mathematics pedagogy.. J. Holm; J. Towers; E. Chernoff; S. Friesen; M. Drefs; O. Chapman; R. Karpe; A. Kajander; B. Davis. Springer. 89-99. (2018)
- Teachers’ Professional Learning Focused on Designs for Early Learners and Technology. M. Jacobsen; A. Good; T. Petty; B. Brown; S. Friesen; D. Polly. IGI Global. 417-438. (2018)
- Cultivating essential teaching capacities through research informed and adaptive teacher education.. Nickel; J. Brandon; J.; D. Gereluk; Hirschkorn M; S. Friesen; L. Thomas. Canadian Association for Teacher Education/ Association Canadienne de la Formation en Enseignement. 100-127. (2016)
- Pioneering STEM education: A course for pre-service teachers. Dianne Gereluk; Preciado Babb; Friesen; Miwa Takeuchi; Alonso Yáñez; Francis. IEEE Educon. 324-331. (2016)
- Pedagogical leadership teams: Magnifying and spreading impact.. M. Takeuchi; D. Yee; A.P. Preciado Babb; C. Saar; B. Brown; J. Brandon; S. Friesen; J. Lock. University of Calgary. 152-161. (2016)
- NEIL Leading and Learning Cycles. S.; J. Brandon; M. Takeuchi; J. Lock; A.P. Preciado Babb; Friesen; C. Saar. University of Calgary. 141-151. (2016)
- Innovative methods to study school system dynamics. G . Alonso-Yanez; S. Friesen; M. Takeuchi; B. Brown; J. Lock; A.P. Preciado Babb; Michele Jacobsen. University of Calgary. 12-21. (2016)
- Assessment for learning in a math classroom. S. Scott; D. Scott; C. Webber; Sharon Friesen. Springer. 141-170. (2015)
- Twenty-first-century learning and student diversity. S.; J. L. Lupart; Friesen; J. Lock; J. W. Andrews. Nelson. 74-103. (2015)
- Focus on Inquiry. C. Saar; A. Park; S. Friesen; J. Martin; T. Hampshire; B. Martin; C. Marcotte; B. Brown. self published online. 232. (2015)
- Engaging high school students in an engineering thermodynamics project.. Preciado Babb; Saar; James Brandon; Friesen. IEEE Educon. 222-228. (2014)
- Two high performing school jurisdictions in the application of 21st Century Learning. S. Friesen; J; Jennifer Vivian Lock; J. Brandon. Henday Publishing. 233-292. (2013)
- Using mobile technology for fostering intellectual engagement.. Preciado Babb; Saar; Friesen; Marcotte; James Brandon. IEEE Educon. 367-374. (2013)
- Curriculum in Abundance. . Sharon L Friesen. Mahwah, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum and Associates. (2006)
- Back to the basics of teaching and learning: Thinking the world together . Sharon L Friesen; Pat A Clifford; David W Jardine. Mahwah, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum and Associates. (2002)
- Emergence in school systems: Lessons from complexity and pedagogical leadership. Gabriela Alonso Yanez, Amando Paulino Preciado-Babb, Barbara Brown, & Sharon Friesen. Canadian Journal of Educational Administration and Policy, 196. 65-82. (2021)
- Adapting to a design-based professional learning intervention. Barbara Brown, Sharon Friesen, Ronna Mosher, Man-Wai Chu, & Kirk Linton. Educational Design Research. (2021)
- Dwelling in liminal spaces: Twin moments of the same reality. Sharon Friesen. Journal of Professional Capital and Community. 71-82. (2022)
- Advancing knowledge creation in education through tripartite partnerships. Sharon Friesen & Barbara Brown. Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology, 47(4). (2021)
- Collaborative design of professional graduate programs in education. Sharon Friesen & Michele Jacobsen. International Journal of Designs for Learning, 12(1). 64-76. (2021)
- Graduate supervision in a blended doctoral program: Mentoring dissertation research on changes and innovations in practice. Michele Jacobsen, Sharon Friesen, & Sandra Becker. Innovations in Education and Teaching International. (2021)
- Elementary teacher professional learning to explore and extend meaning of number. . Krista Francis, Sharon Friesen, Miwa Takeuchi, Armando Paulino Preciado Bavv, & Barbara Brown. Proceedings of 2020 International Congress on Mathematical Education, Shanghai, China, July 18, 2021. . (2021)
- Does school mathematics support stem education? – Exploring specialized mathematics knowledge for stem education.. Armando Paulino Preciado Babb & Sharon Friesen. Proceedings of the 6th International STEM in Education Conference (STEM 2021). . 331-336. (2021)
- Engaging in educational research-practice partnerships: Guided strategies and applied case studies for scholars in the field. . Sharon Friesen & Barbara Brown. Routledge. (2023)
- Online doctoral student-supervisor relationships: Exploring relational trust. Michele Jacobsen, Sharon Friesen, & Sandra Becker. Canadian Association for Teacher Education. . pp. 282-306. (2022)
- Continuing the design discourse in the learning sciences. Sharon Friesen, Doug Clark, Beaumie Kim, & Michele Jacobsen. Routledge. pp. 135-142. (2023)
- Engaging in design discourse with learning scientists. Beaumie Kim, Doug Clark, Sharon Friesen, & Michele Jacobsen. Routledge. pp. 67-75. (2023)
- Learning to count what counts: Narrative hermeneutics for teachers and teaching.. Dennis Sumara, Sharon Friesen, Catherine Takasugi, Jennifer Turner . Elsevier. pp. 4075-4081. (2023)
- An examination of teacher leaders and a shared leadership approach: Contributions to School Improvement in a school distric. Barbara Brown & Sharon Friesen. Asia Pacific Journal of Educators and Education, 38(2). 249-273. (2023)
- Psychometric properties of the design-based professional learning for teachers’ survey.. Man-Wai Chu, Barbara Brown, & Sharon Friesen. Professional Development in Education, 48(4), . 594-610. (2022)
- Dwelling in liminal spaces: Twin moments of the same reality. Sharon Friesen. Journal of Professional Capital and Community, 7(1). 71-82. (2022)
- Knowledge brokering pivotal in professional learning: Quality use of research boosts teacher-leaders’ confidence. . Sharon Friesen & Barbara Brown. Frontiers in Education. (2024)
- Design-based professional learning: A promising approach to continuous professional learning.. Sharon Friesen & Barbara Brown. International Journal of Leadership in Learning, 22(1). 218-251. (2022)
- What is it like to do community-engaged research? Lessons learned from university researchers’ perspectives.. Holden, M., McDermott, M., Brown, B., & Friesen, S. . Journal of Community Engagement and Scholarship. (2022)
- Mapping education leadership of mental health promotion in one school district in British Columbia: A strength-based case study. Jennifer Turner & Sharon Friesen. Social and Emotional Learning: Research, Practice, and Policy. (2024)
- Teacher leaders: Developing collective responsibility through design-based professional learning. Sharon Friesen & Barbara Brown. Teaching Education, 33(3). 254-271. (2022)
- Engaging in educational research-practice partnerships: Guided strategies and applied case studies for scholars in the field.. Sharon Friesen and Barb Brown. Routledge. (2023)
- Continuing the design discourse in the learning sciences. Sharon Friesen, Doug Clark, Beaumie Kim, & Michele Jacobsen. Routledge. 135-142. (2023)
- Engaging in design discourse with learning scientists. Beaumie Kim, Doug Clark, Sharon Friesen, & Michele Jacobsen. Routledge. 67-75. (2023)
- An examination of teacher leaders and a shared leadership approach: Contributions to School Improvement in a school district. . Barb Brown and Sharon Friesen. Asia Pacific Journal of Educators and Education, 38(2). 249-273. (2023)
- Knowledge brokering pivotal in professional learning: Quality use of research contributes to teacher-leaders’ confidence. Sharon Friesen and Barb Brown. Frontiers in Education, 9. 1-13. (2024)
- Learning doctoral supervision in education: A case study of on-the-job development of effective mentoring practices. Michele jacobsen, Sandra Becker, and Sharon Friesen. International Journal of Doctoral Studies, 19(12). 1-22. (2024)
- The side effects of universal school-based mental health supports: An integrative review. . Stephen MacGregor, Sharon Friesen, Jennifer Turner, Jose Domene, Carly McMorris, Sharon Allan, Brenna Mesner. Review of Research in Education (online). (2024)
- Drivers of digital realities for ongoing teacher professional learning. Trevisan, O., Christensen, R., Drossel, K., Friesen, S., Forkosh-Baruch, A., & Phillips, M. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10758-024-09771-0. (2024)
- Mapping education leadership of mental health promotion in one school district in British Columbia: A strength-based case study. . Jennifer Turner and Sharon Friesen. Social and Emotional Learning: Research, Practice, and Policy. (2024)
In the News
- Inquiry-based Learning. EdTechLens Newsletter. (2015)
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