Placeholder Profile Image

Shaobo Xie


Contact information

Phone number

Office: +1 (403) 220-5478


Educational Background

B.A. English Lang & Or Literature, Hunan University, 1979

Doctor of Philosophy English Lang & Or Literature, University of Calgary, 1993

M.A. English Lang & Or Literature, University of British Columbia, 1987

M.A. English Lang & Or Literature, Hunan University, 1982


Course number Course title Semester
ENGL 303 LEC 01 01 Theories for Reading 2020
ENGL 51731 SEC 01 S01 Adv Topic Thrt'l Cultr'l Study 2021
ENGL 60764 SEC 01 S01 Topics Thrtc'l/Cltr'l Studies 2021