Portrait of woman with medium length blond hair wearing a black shirt against a bright white background.

Samantha Charette

Pronouns: She/her


Contact information

Web presence


Office: AB727




Samantha Charette (she/her) is a visual artist situated in Calgary, located on Treaty 7 region of Southern Alberta, Canada. Charette received her Bachelor of Fine Arts from the University of Alberta and a Master of Fine Arts from the University of Calgary. Charette combines academic research with the production of art, with the goal of contributing to contemporary art discourse on interdisciplinary feminist practices.

Charette’s work has been presented in exhibitions across Canada including at the Art Gallery of Alberta, Western GM Drumheller Art Gallery, Harcourt House, Nickle Galleries, Okotoks Art Gallery, Leighton Art Center, Alberta Printmakers Society, Latitude 53, FAB Gallery, and Museum London. She has completed residencies with the Calgary Allied Arts Foundation and the Alberta University of the Arts. She has received awards from the University of Alberta, University of Calgary, Alberta Society of Artists, and the Alberta Foundation for the Arts. Charette is a member of the Calgary-based artist collective, The Fem Assembly. She is a visual art instructor at the University of Calgary and Alberta University of the Arts.