Dr. Saeid Saidi
Associate Professor
Schulich School of Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering
Contact information
Web presence
Phone number
office: 403.2207.479
Office: ENF258
Preferred method of communication
Educational Background
B.Sc. Industrial and Systems Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, 2008
M.Sc. Civil Engineering - Transportation Specialization , University of Calgary, 2010
Ph.D. Civil Engineering - Transportation Specialization , University of Calgary, 2016
Postdoctoral Fellowship. Institute for Data, Systems, and Society, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2019
Dr. Saeid Saidi is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Civil Engineering at the University of Calgary. Prior to join the University of Calgary, he was a Postdoctoral Associate at the Institute for Data, Systems and Society (IDSS) at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and a member of the MIT Transit Lab. He earned his PhD and MSc in civil engineering with transportation engineering and planning specialization from the University of Calgary. He received his bachelor degree in industrial and system engineering from the Sharif University of Technology.
He is a member of Rail Transit Systems Committee (AP065) at the Transportation Research Board of the National Academies and is a recipient of several awards including NSERC PDF, NSERC CGS, and Izaak Walton Killam Memorial Scholarship.
Areas of Research
Dr. Saidi’s main research activities are on transportation network modeling, public transportation planning and operation, and big data analytics using mobility sensing data. He is working on different applications of data analytics in transportation systems to create actionable intelligence for cities and transportation authorities.
Participation in university strategic initiatives
Course number | Course title | Semester |
ENCI 604 | Uncertainty, Risk and Reliability | Winter 2024 |
ENCI 595 | System Dynamics Modeling for Urban and Engineering Sustainability | Winter 2024 |
ENCI 604 | Uncertainty, Risk and Reliability | Winter 2023 |
ENCI 711 | Advanced Analysis and Modeling of Public Transit Systems | Fall 2023 |
ENCI 711 | Advanced Analysis and Modeling of Public Transit Systems | Winter 2023 |
ENCI 595 | System Dynamics Modeling for Urban and Engineering Sustainability | Winter 2023 |
ENCI 504 | Uncertainty Concepts in Civil Engineering | Winter 2022 |
ENCI 711 | Advanced Analysis and Modeling of Public Transit Systems | Winter 2022 |
ENCI 595 | System Dynamics Modeling for Urban and Engineering Sustainability | Fall 2021 |
ENCI 711 | Advanced Analysis and Modeling of Public Transit Systems | Winter 2021 |
ENCI 504 | Uncertainty Concepts in Civil Engineering | Winter 2021 |
- Early Research Excellence Award, Schulich School of Engineering . 2023
- Award for Teaching Excellence, Schulich School of Engineering . 2023
- Remote Teaching Award, Schulich School of Engineering . 2021
- Postdoctoral Fellowship, NSERC. 2017
- Alexander Graham Bell Canada Scholarship, NSERC. 2013
- Izaak Walton Killam Memorial Scholarship, Killam Trust. 2013
- Unveiling mobility patterns beyond home/work activities: A topic modeling approach using transit smart card and land-use data. Aminpour, N., Saidi. S.. Travel Behaviour and Society. 38, 100905. (2024)
- A critical review of analytical approaches in public bus transit network design and operations planning with focus on emerging technologies and sustainability. R. Mahmoudi, S. Saidi, S.C. Wirasinghe. Journal of Public Transportation. (2024)
- Impact of Station Design and Passengers Flow on Urban Rail Dwell Time: A Systemwide Analysis Using APC and AVL Data. S. Buchunde, S. Saidi, S. Ataeian. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board. (2024)
- Train following model for urban rail transit performance analysis. Saeid Saidi, Haris N Koutsopoulos, Nigel HM Wilson, Jinhua Zhao. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies. (2023)
- Exploring alternative bus operations strategies for adaptive and efficient transit systems in the face of disruptions. N. Heidarigharehsoo and S. Saidi. Journal of Public Transportation . (2023)
- Optimal vehicle capacity and dispatching policy considering crowding in public bus transit services. R. Mahmoudi, S. Saidi, and S. C. Wirasinghe. Transportmetrica A: Transport Science. 1 - 25. (2023)
- Data-Driven Multi-Criteria Assessment Framework for Analyzing the Reliability of Bus Services. E. Hassannayebi, H. Hashemi, M. Basirati, S. Saidi, and A. Ebrahimi. Transportation Research Record. (2023)
- Impact of mobility on COVID-19 spread–A time series analysis. Zargari, F., Aminpour, N., Ahmadian, M. A., Samimi, A., & Saidi, S. . Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives. 13, 100567. (2022)
- Waiting time and headway modeling considering unreliability in transit service. Ansari Esfeh, M. A., Saidi, S., Wirasinghe, S. C., & Kattan, L. . Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice. 155, pp 219-233. (2022)
- Integrating COVID-19 health risks into crowding costs for transit schedule planning. Devasurendra, K. W., Saidi, S., Wirasinghe, S. C., & Kattan, L. . Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives. 13, 100522. (2022)
- Flood Impact Assessments on Transportation Networks: A Review of Methods and Associated Temporal and Spatial Scales. Rebally, A., Valeo, C., He, J., Saidi, S.. Frontiers in Sustainable Cities . (2021)
- Waiting Time and Headway Modeling for Urban Transit Systems – A Critical Review and Proposed Approach. Asnari Esfeh, M., Wirasinghe, S.C., Saidi, S. and Kattan, L. . Transport Reviews. 41(2). Pp 141-163. (2021)
- Evaluation of Subway Bottleneck Mitigation Strategies Using Microscopic Agent-Based Simulation. Zhou, J., Koutsopoulos, H. N. and Saidi, S. . Transportation Research Records: Journal of Transportation Research Board. 2674(5). pp 649-661.. (2020)
- Integrated Infrastructure Systems – A Review. Saidi, S., Kattan, L., Jayasinghe, P., Hettiaratchi, J.P., and Taron, J. . Journal of Sustainable Cities and Society. 36. pp 1-11. (2018)
- Optimization of Demand-Responsive Transit Systems Using Zonal Strategy. Wang, L., Wirasinghe, S.C., Kattan, L., and Saidi, S.. International journal of urban sciences. 22(3). pp 1226-5934. (2018)
- Long-Term Planning for Ring-Radial Urban Rail Transit Networks. Saidi, S., Wirasinghe, S.C., and Kattan, L.. Journal of Transportation Research Part B: Methodological. 86. pp 128-146. (2016)
- A Generalized Framework for Complex Urban Rail Transit Network Analysis. Saidi, S., Wirasinghe, S.C., Kattan, L., and Esmaeilnejand, S.. Transportmetrica A: Transport Science Journal. 13(10). pp 874-892. (2017)
- Planning an Urban Ring Rail Transit Line: A Case Study of Shanghai, China. Saidi, S., Ji, Y., Cheng, C., Guan, J., Jiang, S., Kattan, L., Du, Y. and Wirasinghe, S.C.. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board. 2540. pp 56-65. (2016)
- Rail Transit: Exploration with Emphasis on Networks with Ring Lines. Saidi, S., Wirasinghe, S.C., and Kattan, L.. Journal of the Transportation Research Board. 2419. pp 23–32. (2014)
- Comparative Analysis of Probe Based Ramp Metering with Detector Based and Pretimed Ramp Metering. Kattan, L. and Saidi, S. . Journal of Advanced Transportation. 47(1). pp 61-78. (2013)
- Microsimulation Evaluation of the Potential Impacts of Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communication (V2V) in Disseminating Warning Information under High Incident Occurrence Conditions. L. Kattan, C. Harschnitz, M. Mousavi, A. Radmanesh, B. Far, and Saidi, S. . International Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems. 10. pp 137-147. (2012)
In the News
- There's no room on future buses for long waits and uncertainty. University of Calgary. (2020)
- Calling all commuters: You can help shape the future of transportation at UCalgary. University of Calgary. (2020)
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