Sadeq Fallahtafti
Postdoctoral Associate
University of Calgary
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In this qualitative study, we are investigating how people choose to communicate their unforgiveness in interpersonal relationships.
Revenge in interpersonal relationships including romantic ones, has been studied by researchers from different disciplines, including social psychology (e.g., Boon et al., 2009, 2011; Rasmussen & Boon, 2014), economics (Amegashie & Runkel, 2012), communications (Yoshimura, 2007; Yoshimura & Boon, 2012), and neuroscience (Chester & DeWall, 2016; de Quervain et al., 2004; Fehr & Gächter, 2002). To determine if a scoping review synthesizing research on revenge in romantic relationships has been carried out, researchers conducted a preliminary search on Google Scholar and found that there are currently no published scoping reviews on this subject. This scoping review aims to fill this gap by systematically mapping the research scope on revenge within romantic relationships, identifying key themes, gaps in the existing literature, and opportunities for future research through a comprehensive examination of available studies.
In this study, we aim to see how much an individual's reaction to their partners wronging in the romantic relationship, is associated and even predicted by other variables like Romantic Love Myths and Early Maladaptive Schemas (EMSs).
More Information
- Fallahtafti, S., Azadfallah, P., & Farahani, H. (2022). The Psychometric Properties and Factor Structure of the Persian version of Romantic Love Myths Questionnaire. Rooyesh-e-Ravanshenasi Journal (RRJ), 11(8), 1-12.
- Karandashev, V., Evans, N. D., Neto, F., Zarubko, E., Artemeva, V., Fallahtafti, S., ... & Dincer, D. (2022). Four-dimensional hierarchical structure of love constructs in a cross-cultural perspective. Measurement Instruments for the Social Sciences, 4(1), 1-13.
- Fallahtafti, S., Ghanbari, N., Alizadeh, S., & Kazemi, N. (2021). Investigating depression and FoMo among adolescents with smartphone addiction, at risk, and normal. Rooyesh-e-Ravanshenasi journal (RRJ), 10(6), 21-30.
- Fallahtafti, S., Ghanbari, N., Alizade, Sh., and Safiyarirovoshi, R. (2020). Psychometric properties of the Smartphone Addiction Scale – Short Version (SAS-SV) in a sample of Iranian adolescents. International Journal of Developmental Science. DOI; 10.3233/DEV-200002.
- Zarani, F., Panaghi, L., Mohammadinasab, H., and Fallahtafti, S. (2020). Meaning in life among university students in Iran, a qualitative study. Journal of developmental psychology, Iranian psychologists, 17(65), 53-69.
- Fallahtafti, S., Ghanbari, N., Alizade, Sh., and Zamanipour, F. (2019). Predicting Smartphone Addiction among Adolescents based on depression fear of missing out, and Identity diffusion. Journal of developmental psychology, Iranian psychologists, 16(61), 87-95.
- Nikmanesh, E., Dehghani, M., Habibi, M., Fallahtafti, S., and Salavati, S. (2019). Family Functioning and Substance-use Tendency in Adolescents: The mediating role of identity coherence and confusion. journal of family research, 14 (4): 563-577.
- Fallahtafti, S., Dehghani, M., Habibi, M., and Nikmanesh, E. (2016). Family Functioning, Behavioral Activation System, and Problem Behaviors in Adolescents: The Mediating Role of Identity. Clinical Psychology Achievements, 1(4), 47-66. DOI: 10.22055/jacp.2017.12532.
- Esmailian, N., Dehghani, M., and Fallahtafti, S. (2016). Evaluating the Psychometric Features of Emotion Regulation Checklist (ERC) in Children and Adolescents. Clinical Psychology Achievements, 2(1), 15-34. DOI: 10.22055/jacp.2017.18725.1023.
- Barnhill, J. W. (Ed.). (in press). DSM-5® Clinical Cases (S. Fallahtfati, P. Rafiee, and N. Kazemi, Trans.). Tehran: Neevand. (Original work published 2013). {chapters 7, 8, & 18 as Volume II}
- Barnhill, J. W. (Ed.). (2018). DSM-5® Clinical Cases (S. Fallahtfati, E. Nikmanesh, and M. Taherifard, Trans.). Tehran: Neevand. (Original work published 2013) {chapters 1, 2, & 3 as Volume I}
- Sandra H., Ivan B. (2015). Is Your Child Ready for School? A Guide for Parents (H. Amani and S. Fallahtfati, Trans.). Tehran: Neevand. (Original work published 2006)
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