
Dr. Rowland Caesar Apentiik

Contact information

Phone number

Office no. +1(403)220-4857: Cell no.+1(403)4734473


Office: Earth Sciences (ES)844

For media enquiries, contact

Preferred method of communication

Email and phone (cell Number)


Educational Background

PhD Interdisciplinary Studies , University of Calgary, 2003

Doctor of Philosophy Resources and Environment, University of Calgary, 2003

M.A. Archaeology, University of Calgary, 1997


  • 2015 Faculty of Arts Award for Sustainability Leadership, Faculty of Arts . 2015
  • 2015 University of Calgary Faculty of Arts Internationalization Award, Faculty of Arts . 2015
  • The Carnegie Foundation Next Generation of Academics in African Diaspora Fellowship, The Carnegie Foundation . 2014
  • Chief Snow Teaching Excellence Award , Native Centre and First Nations Association, the University of Calgary.. 2012