A man in a blue sweater staring intensely at a beer stein

Dr. Ron Wilburn



Adjunct Associate Professor (Teaching)

Faculty of Arts, Department of Philosophy

Contact information

Web presence

Phone number

Cell: 587.893.0701


Office: Social Sciences 1250

For media enquiries, contact


Preferred method of communication





I specialize in contemporary epistemology and metaphysics, as well as the history of analytic philosophy, modern philosophy, philosophy of language, philosophy of mind, and moral realism. My areas of competence include history of science, philosophy of science, logic, ethics, applied ethics (specifically in engineering, professional, information technology, and biomedical contexts), American philosophy, and classics of Western civilization. I have taught a wide range of courses, such as History and Philosophy of Science, Great Philosophers: Plato and Nietzsche, Philosophy of Death and Dying, and many others. My teaching experience includes seven years of online instruction and twenty years of on-site instruction.

Some of my selected works include (list of publications available at PhilPapers):

  • "Why Hume's Censure of the Monkish Virtues Is Not Question-Begging," The European Legacy (2024)
  • "What is the Relation between Semantic and Substantive Epistemic Contextualism?" Logos and Episteme (2021)
  • "Linguistic Evidence and Substantive Epistemic Contextualism," Logos and Episteme (2021)
  • "The Probability of the Possible," European Journal of Analytic Philosophy (2014)
  • "Possible worlds of doubt," Acta Analytica (2010)

My current interests involve delving deeper into the intersections of epistemology, metaphysics, and ethics, particularly in how these areas influence our understanding of knowledge, reality, and moral values. I also have interests in how philosophical concepts are applied in real-world contexts.


Course number Course title Semester
PHIL 259 Sex, Love and Death
PHIL 249 Morality, Virtue and Society
PHIL 314 Information Technology Ethics
