Rohana Ambagaspitiya

Rohana Ambagaspitiya

Contact information


Phone number

Office: +1 (403) 220-7679


Office: MS556


Educational Background

PhD Mathematical Statistics, McMaster University, 1991

MSc Statistics, McMaster University, 1987

BSc (Hons) Mathematics, University of Sri Lanka, 1982


Areas of Research

Renewal risk processes


More Information


Journal article

  • Ambagaspitiya, Rohana. "Aggregate survival probability of a portfolio with dependent subportfolios". Insurance: Mathematics \& Economics 32.3 (2003): 431-443. Print.
  • Ambagaspitiya, Rohana. "On the distributions of two classes of correlated aggregate claims". Insurance: Mathematics \& Economics 24.3 (1999): 301-308. Print.
  • Ambagaspitiya, Rohana. "Compound bivariate {L}agrangian {P}oisson distributions". Insurance: Mathematics \& Economics 23.1 (1998): 21-31. Print.
  • Balakrishnan, N. and Ambagaspitiya, Rohana. "Classical classification procedure based on {$k$} dichotomous and one continuous variables". Parisankhyan Samikkha. An International Journal of Statistics 2.1 (1995): 1-11. Print.
  • Ambagaspitiya, Rohana. "A family of discrete distributions". Insurance: Mathematics \& Economics 16.2 (1995): 107-127. Print.
  • Balakrishnan, N. and Ambagaspitiya, Rohana. "A robust method of estimation based on the {MML} estimators for a simple linear regression model". Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 30.2 (1992): 267-279. Print.
  • Tiku, M. L., Balakrishnan, N. and Ambagaspitiya, Rohana. "Error rates of a robust classification procedure based on dichotomous and continuous random variables". Communications in Statistics. Simulation and Computation 18.2 (1989): 571-588. Print.
  • Balakrishnan, N. and Ambagaspitiya, Rohana. "An empirical power comparison of three tests of exponentiality under mixture- and outlier-models". Biometrical Journal. Journal of Mathematical Methods in Biosciences 31.1 (1989): 49-66. Print.
  • Balakrishnan, N. and Ambagaspitiya, Rohana. "Relationships among moments of order statistics in samples from two related outlier models and some applications". Communications in Statistics. Theory and Methods 17.7 (1988): 2327-2341. Print.


  • Ambagaspitiya, Rohana. "On the aggregate survival probability of a portfolio with dependent sub-portifolios.". , (September 2003). Print.