Robert Edward Woodrow
Faculty Professor
Faculty of Science, Department of Mathematics and Statistics
Professor Emeritus
Faculty of Science, Department of Mathematics and Statistics
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Educational Background
PhD Mathematics, Simon Fraser University, 1977
BSc (Hons) Mathematics, University of Calgary, 1971
Areas of Research
- Canadian Mathematical Society Graham Wright Distinguished Service Award, 2010
- Order of the University of Calgary, 2010
More Information
Journal Articles
Laflamme, Claude, Pouzet, Maurice, Woodrow, Robert and Sauer, Norbert. "The Poset of Copies for Automorphism Groups of Countable Relational Structures". J. of Mult.-Valued Logic & Soft Computing 36.4 (2021): 353–381. Print.
Scheidler, Renate and Woodrow, Robert. "Richard Kenneth Guy (1916-2020)". CMS Notes 52.4 (2020). Print.
Laflamme, Claude, Woodrow, Robert, Soukup, Daniel T and Aranda, Andres. "A universal partition result for infinite homogeneous Kn-free and related graphs.". Discrete Math. 344.1 (2020). Print.
Laflamme, Claude, Woodrow, Robert, Soukup, Daniel and Aranda, Andres. "Balanced independent sets in graphs omitting large cliques". Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B 137. (2019). Print.
Laflamme, Claude, Pouzet, Maurice and Woodrow, Robert. "Equimorphy - The Case of Chains". Archive for Math. Logic 56 Special issue in honour of Jim Baumgartner.7 (2017): 811-829. Print.
Laflamme, Claude, Jasinski, Jakub, Woodrow, Robert and Nguyen Van The, Lionel. "Ramsey precompact expansions of homogeneous directed graphs". Electronic J. Combinatorics 21. (2014): 4-42. Print.
Laflamme, Claude, Duffus, Dwight, Pouzet, Maurice and Woodrow, Robert. "Convex sublattices and a fixed point property.". Contributions to Discrete Mathematics 8.1 (2013): 1-30. Print.
Cameron, Peter, Laflamme, Claude, Pouzet, Maurice, Tarzi, Sam and Woodrow, Robert. "Overgroups of the automorphism group of the Rado graph.". Fields Inst. Commun. 68. (2013). Print.
Laviolette, Fran, Sauer, Norbert and Woodrow, Robert. "On cop-win graphs". Discrete Math. 258.1-3 (2002): 27-41. Print.
Fouquet, Jean, Tuza, Zsolt and Woodrow, Robert. "On magnitude networks". Congressus Numerantium. A Conference Journal on Numerical Themes 133. (1998): 75-84. Print.
Sauer, Norbert, Woodrow, Robert and R{\"o}dl, Vojtech. "Chromatic {R}amsey theory". European Journal of Combinatorics 18.1 (1997): 93-102. Print.
Macpherson, H. D., Pouzet, M. and Woodrow, Robert. "Countable structures of given age". The Journal of Symbolic Logic 57.3 (1992): 992-1010. Print.
Duffus, Dwight, R{\"o}dl, V., Sauer, Norbert and Woodrow, Robert. "Coloring ordered sets to avoid monochromatic maximal chains". Canadian Journal of Mathematics. Journal Canadien de Math\'ematiques 44.1 (1992): 91-103. Print.
Pouzet, Maurice, Woodrow, Robert and Zaguia, Nejib. "Generating boxes from ordered sets and graphs". Order 9.2 (1992): 111-126. Print.
Duffus, Dwight, R{\"o}dl, Vojt, Sands, Bill and Woodrow, Robert. "Enumeration of order preserving maps". Order 9.1 (1992): 15-29. Print.
Macpherson, Dugald and Woodrow, Robert. "The permutation group induced on a moiety". Forum Mathematicum 4.3 (1992): 243-255. Print.
Duffus, Dwight, Sands, Bill, Sauer, Norbert and Woodrow, Robert. "Two-colouring all two-element maximal antichains". Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series A 57.1 (1991): 109-116. Print.
Milner, Eric C. and Woodrow, Robert. "Infinite friendship graphs with infinite parameters". Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series B 52.1 (1991): 30-41. Print.
Brown, Jason I., Kelly, David, Sch{\"o}nheim, J. and Woodrow, Robert. "Graph coloring satisfying restraints". Discrete Math. 80.2 (1990): 123-143. Print.
Bonnet, R., Duffus, Dwight and Woodrow, Robert. "Coloring chains". Order 6.1 (1989): 69-89. Print.
Milner, E. C. and Woodrow, Robert. "On directed graphs with an independent covering set". Graphs and Combinatorics 5.4 (1989): 363-369. Print.
Duffus, Dwight, Sands, Bill and Woodrow, Robert. "Lexicographic matchings cannot form {H}amiltonian cycles". Order 5.2 (1988): 149-161. Print.
Duffus, Dwight, Sands, Bill and Woodrow, Robert. "On the chromatic number of the product of graphs". Journal of Graph Theory 9.4 (1985): 487-495. Print.
Sauer, Norbert and Woodrow, Robert. "Finite cutsets and finite antichains". Order 1.1 (1984): 35-46. Print.
Woodrow, Robert and Knight, Julia F.. "A complete theory with arbitrarily large minimality ranks". The Journal of Symbolic Logic 48.2 (1983): 321-328. Print.
Sands, Bill, Sauer, Norbert and Woodrow, Robert. "On monochromatic paths in edge-coloured digraphs". Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series B 33.3 (1982): 271-275. Print.
Rose, Bruce I. and Woodrow, Robert. "Ultrahomogeneous structures". Zeitschrift f\"ur Mathematische Logik und Grundlagen der Mathematik 27.1 (1981): 23-30. Print.
Lachlan, A. H. and Woodrow, Robert. "Countable ultrahomogeneous undirected graphs". Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 262.1 (1980): 51-94. Print.
Woodrow, Robert. "There are four countable ultrahomogeneous graphs without triangles". Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series B 27.2 (1979): 168-179. Print.
Woodrow, Robert. "Theories with a finite number of countable models". The Journal of Symbolic Logic 43.3 (1978): 442-455. Print.
Woodrow, Robert. "A note on countable complete theories having three isomorphism types of countable models". The Journal of Symbolic Logic 41.3 (1976): 672-680. Print.
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