Reza Deabae

Reza Deabae

Pronouns: He/Him


PhD Student

Schulich School of Engineering

Graduate Teaching Assistant

Schulich School of Engineering

Contact information


Educational Background

M.Sc. Automotive Engineering , Iran University of Science and Technology, 2019

B.Sc. Automotive Engineering, Technical University of Mashhad, 2015


Reza is a PhD student at the Schulich School of Engineering, University of Calgary, specializing in biomechanics. With a Master's degree from the Iran University of Science and Technology, they have a solid foundation in the study of vehicle-pedestrian crash dynamics and pedestrian head injury mechanisms.

Since joining the University of Calgary in January 2022, Reza has continued to explore the intersection of engineering and human biology. Their research aims to improve our understanding of injury biomechanics.


Areas of Research

Biomechanics, Injury Assessment and Prevention, Passive Safety, Crash
