Rei Safavi-Naini
Assistant Head, Graduate Scholarships and Awards
NSERC/TELUS Industrial Research Chair in Information Security
Contact information
Educational Background
Doctor of Philosophy Electrical Engineering, University of Waterloo, 1978
Rei Safavi-Naini is the NSERC/Telus Industrial Research Chair and Alberta Innovates Strategic Chair in Information Security. She co-founded (with Dr. Hugh Williams) Institute for Security, Privacy and Information Assurance at the University of Calgary in 2009 and served as its Director until January 2019. She joined he University of Calgary in 2007 as the iCORE Chair in Information Security, and before that was a Professor of Computer Science and the Director of Telecommunication and Information Technology Research Institute at the University of Wollongong, Australia.
She has over 400 published peer-reviewed papers in journals and conferences, has served as an Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Information Theory (two times), ACM Transactions on Information and System Security (TISSEC), IEEE Transactions on Secure and Dependable Computing, and is currently Associate Editor of IET Information Security and Journal of Mathematical Cryptology. She has served as Program Chair/co-Chair of numerous conferences, including Privacy, Security and Trust (PST 2017), ACM CCSW 2014, Financial Cryptography 2014, ACNS 2013 and Crypto 2012.
She has led major industry collaborative research and development teams in Canada and Australia, and has an. established collaborative research program with Telus Communications.
She has a PhD in Electrical Engineering from University of Waterloo, Canada.
Participation in university strategic initiatives
Course number | Course title | Semester |
CPSC 329 | Explorations in Information Security and Privacy | Fall 2022 |
CPSC 530 | Information Theory and Security | Winter 2023 |
Research Areas
- Cryptography: Cryptography, Quantum-safe cryptography, Information theoretic cryptography
- Information security: Communication and Network Security, Cloud Security, Distributed Ledger and Smart Contracts
Research Interests
Rei Safavi-Naini's research interests are cryptography, and information security and privacy. Her research is driven by the challenges of securing digital world in everyday life, and exploring fundamental limits of securing information communication system and design of systems that achieve these limits. Her current research interests are information theoretic security, quantum-safe cryptography, network and communication security, Cloud security, and Distributed Ledger and Smart Contracts.
Professional Activities
- Steering Committee:
- Foundations and Practice of Security
- Blockchain Technology Symposium
- Associate Editor:
- ACM Computing Surveys
- IET Information Security
- Journal of Mathematical Cryptology
- Program Committees:
- Program Committee Member:
- Best Paper Award, ACM SIGCOMM 2018 Workshop of IoT Security and Privacy (IoT S&P). 2019
- Japan Telecom System Technology Award, Japan Telecommunications Advancement Foundation.
- IEEE Senior Member, 2014
- Best Student Paper Award, 2012
- Best Student Paper Award, 26th Anual IFIP WG 11.3 Working Conference on Data and Applications Security (DBSec 2012).
- Outstanding Paper Award, 2012
- Outstanding Paper Award, 2nd ACM Conference on Data and Application Security and Privacy CODASPY 2012.
- Content-Sharing in Digital Rights Management. S Lian; N P Sheppard; T Kalker; F Hartung; R Safavi-Naini. CRC Press. 00-00. (2014)
- Digital Rights Management. N Sheppard; B Rosenberg; R Safavi-Naini. Chapman and Hall/CRC Press. 192-220. (2010)
- CryptoTopics and Applications II. M J Attallah; C Charnes; J Pieprzyk; M Blanton; J Seberry; R Safavi-Naini. CRC Press. 13.1-13.32. (2009)
- Efficient 1-Round Almost-Perfect Secure Message Transmission Protocols with Flexible Connectivity. Tuhin MAA*; E Kranakis; R Safavi-Naini. Springer. 231-256. (2013)
- Security and Privacy in the Smart Grid. N Zhang; R Safavi-Naini; A Cardenas; S Das; K Kant. Morgan Kaufman. 637-654. (2012)
- Advances in Cryptology - Crypto 2012, Proceedings of the 31st Annual Cryptology Conference. R Canetti; R Safavi-Naini. Springer. 888. (2012)
- Information Hiding, 12th International Conference, IH 2010. R Böhme; Philip Fong; S J Ryu; R Safavi-Naini. Springer. 277. (2010)
- Information Theoretic Security, Third International Conference, ICITS 2008. J A Garay; R Safavi-Naini. Springer. 260. (2008)
- Applied Cryptography and Network Security. M Jacobson; M Locasto; R Safavi-Naini; P Mohassel. Springer. 572. (2013)
- Proceedings of Privacy, Security and Trust. R Safavi-Naini; F Kirschbaum; C Boyd. IEEE. (2018)
- Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on ACM Symposium on Information, Computer and Communications Security, ASIACCS 2009. P A Karger; W Susilo; W Li; U Tupakula; V Varadhajaran; R Safavi-Naini. ACM. 408. (2009)
- Financial Cryptography and Data Security, FC'14. N Christin; R Safavi-Naini. Springer, Lecture Notes in Computer Science. (2014)
- Proceedings of the 6th edition of the ACM Workshop on Cloud Computing Security. A Opera; Safavi-Naini R(Eds.). ACM New York, Sheridan publishing. (2014)
- Selected Areas in Cryptography, 16th annual international workshop, SAC 2009. V Rijmen; X Sun; R Safavi-Naini; M J Jacobson. Springer. 467. (2009)
- PST 2008, Proceedings of the Sixth Annual Conference on Privacy, Security and Trust. V Krammer; L Korba; S Marsh; R Safavi-Naini. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers ( IEEE ). 256. (2008)
- Adversarial Knowledge in Secure communication. R Safavi-Naini. (2015)
- Exploiting Routing Tree Construction in CTP. R Safavi-Naini; I Hegazy; Carey Williamson; S Jung; M Yung. Springer. 256-270. (2012)
- Securing Random Key Predistribution Against Semi-Honest Adversaries. R Safavi-Naini; M Burmester; T Mukherjee; G* Taban; T He. IEEE Press. 121-124. (2009)
- Economically Optimal Variable Tag Length Message Authentication. L Viliam; D Yvo; R Safavi-Naini. (2017)
- A Modular Semantically Secure Wiretap Code with Shared Key for Weakly Symmetric Channels. S* Sharifian; R Safavi-Naini. (2019)
- Directional Distance-Bounding Identification Protocols. R Safavi-Naini; A* Ahmadi. (2018)
- Privacy Consensus in Anonymization Systems Via Game Theory. Kenneth Edwin Barker; M Askari; N Cuppens-Boulahia; F Cuppens; R Safavi-Naini; R K Adl; J Garcia-Alfaro. Springer. 74-89. (2012)
- New attacks and secure design for anonymous distance-bounding. M* Akand; R Safavi-Naini; A* Ahmadi. (2018)
- Bounds and Constructions for 1-Round (0, \delta )--Secure Message Transmission against Generalized Adversary. S Vaudenay; R Safavi-Naini; Tuhin MAA*; A Mitrokotsa. Springer. 82-98. (2012)
- Privacy-enhanced Profile-based Authentication using Sparse Random Projection. M* Islam; S* Taheri; R Safavi-Naini. (2017)
- Utility of Knowledge Extracted from Un-sanitized Data when Applied to Sanitized Data. M Sramka; R Safavi-Naini; R Safavi-Naini; S Marsh; Jorg Denzinger; J* Gao; L Korba; M* Askrai. IEEE Computer Society. 227-231. (2008)
- An information theoretic privacy and utility measure for data sanitization mechanisms. R Safavi-Naini; M Askari; Kenneth Edwin Barker; R Sandhu. ACM. 283-294. (2012)
- New Results on Secret Key Establishment over a Pair of Broadcast Channels. R Safav-Naini; H* Ahmadi. IEEE - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. 191-196. (2010)
- New attacks and secure design for proof-of-location systems. M Kneppers; P Lafourcade; R Safavi-Naini; M* Akand; M Giraud. (2019)
- Secret Key Establishment over a Pair of Independent Broadcast Channels. R Safavi-Naini; H* Ahmadi. IEEE - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. 185-190. (2010)
- Privacy Preserving EHR System using Attribute-based Infrastructure. M Gagne; A Perrig; R Safavi-Naini; R Sion; K Narayan. ACM - Association for Computing Machinery. 47-52. (2010)
- Achieving Mobility and Anonymity in IP-Based Networks. R* Wiangsripanawan; C Xing; W Susilo; R Safavi-Naini; T Okamoto; H Wang; S Ling; F Bao. Spriinger. 60-79. (2007)
- Secret Sharing with Binary Shares. V Guruswami; H Wang; R Safavi-Naini; M Cheraghchi; F* Lin. (2019)
- Location-based DRM using WiFi Access-Points. M Surminen; N Sheppard; R Safavi-Naini. IEEE Press. 882-886. (2007)
- On Applicability of Random Graphs for Modeling Random Key Predistribution for Wireless Sensor Networks. M Fischer; R Safavi-Naini; S DolevBen-Gurion; Carey Williamson; T* Vu; J Cobb; M Yung. Springer. 159-175. (2010)
- Optimal Message Transmission Protocols with Flexible Parameters. R Sandhu; R Safavi-Naini; D S Wong; Tuhin MAA*. ACM - Association for Computing Machinery. 453-458. (2011)
- A Fuzzy Vault for Behavioral Authentication Systems. R Safavi-Naini; M* Islam. (2019)
- A General Construction for 1-round \delta--RMT and (0,\delta)-SMT. J Zhou; F Bao; R Safavi-Naini; P* Wang; Tuhin MAA*; P Samarati. Springer. 344-362. (2012)
- Towards Defining Semantic Foundations for Purpose-Based Privacy Policies. E Bertino; Kenneth Edwin Barker; N P Sheppard; R Safavi-Naini; M* Jafari; Fong PWL. ACM - Association for Computing Machinery. 213-224. (2011)
- Secret Keys from Channel Noise. H* Ahmadi; R Safavi-Naini; Kimiko G Paterson. Springer. 266-283. (2011)
- HCAP: A History-Based Capability System for IoT Devices. R Safavi-Naini; Fong P; L* Tandon. (2018)
- Optimal One Round Almost Perfectly Secure Message Transmission. Tuhin MAA *; R Safavi-Naini; G Danezis. Springer. 173-181. (2011)
- Secret Key Establishment over Noisy Channels. P Lafourcade; R Safavi-Naini; J Garcia-Alfaro; H* Ahmadi. Springer. 132-147. (2012)
- Secure Localization using Dynamic Verifiers. Safa NA*; V Atluri; S* Sarkar; C Diaz; Majid Ghaderi; R Safavi-Naini. Springer. 1-20. (2011)
- Automated Verification of Block Cipher Modes of Operation, an Improved Method. Y Lachnes; J Garcia-Alfaro; M Gagne; P Lafourcade; P Lafourcade; R Safavi-Naini. Springer. 23-31. (2012)
- Practical RFID Ownership Transfer Scheme. R Safavi-Naini; Y Mu; Ng CY*; Y Li; J Zhou; W Susilo. IOS Press. 319-341. (2010)
- Construction of Universal Designated-Verifier Signatures andIdentity-Based Signatures from Standard Signatures. R Safavi-Naini; R Cramer; S* Shahandashti. Springer. 121-140. (2008)
- Non-malleable Coding for Arbitrary Varying Channels. F* Lin; H Wang; S Ling; R Safavi-Naini. (2019)
- Secret Sharing with Binary Shares. V Guruswami; F* Lin; M Cheraghchi; R Safavi-Naini; H Wang. (2019)
- Detecting Algebraic Manipulation in Leaky Storage Systems. P* Wag; R Safavi-Naini; F* Lin. 129-150. (2016)
- Batch Verifiable Computation of Polynomials on Outsourced Data. Zhang LF*; R Safavi-Naini. 167-185. (2015)
- Distance-Bounding Identification: Secure against Malicious Adversary. R Safavi-Naini; A* Ahmadi. (2017)
- (epsilon,0)-Secure Message Transmission. R Safavi-Naini; Tuhin MAA*; H* Shi. IEEE Press. 152-156. (2009)
- Unconditionally Secure Approximate Message Authentication. Y M Chee; C Xing; C Li; H Wang; P Nickolas; R Safavi-Naini; Y Desmedt; S Ling; D Tonien. Springer. 345-359. (2009)
- Almost Optimum Secret Sharing with Cheating Detection. R Safavi-Naini; Jhanwar MP*. 359-372. (2015)
- Erasure Adversarial Wiretap Channels. R Safavi-Naini; F* Lin; P* Wang. 1061-1068. (2015)
- Efficient Deniable Key Exchange Protocol (Extended Abstract). S Jiang; G Tsudik; R Safavi-Naini. Springer. 47-52. (2008)
- Public Key Encryption with Keyword Search Revisited. B Murgante; J Baek; W Susilo; D Taniar; A Laganà; O Gervasi; Marina L Gavrilova; R Safavi-Naini; Y Mun. Springer. 1249-1259. (2008)
- Performance Analysis of Linux RNG in Virtualized Environments. M* Alimomeni; R Safavi-Naini; R* Kumari. 29-39. (2015)
- In-region Authentication. R Safavi-Naini; M* Akand. (2018)
- Outsourcing Scheme of ABE Encryption Secure against Malicious Adversary. Zhang LF*; R Safavi-Naini; G Ohtake. 71-82. (2017)
- Distance Lower Bounding. H* Ahmadi; R Safavi-Naini; X* Zheng. 89-104. (2015)
- Non-Malleable Codes against Active Physical Layer Adversary. M Cheraghchi; F* Lin; H Wang; R Safavi-Naini. (2019)
- Privacy-Preserving Implicit Authentication. N* Safa; R Safavi-Naini; S Shahandashti. 471-484. (2014)
- Secure obfuscation of authoring style. R Safavi-Naini; A* Galib; H* Le. 88-103. (2015)
- Generalized homomorphic MACs with efficient verification. R Safavi-Naini; Zhang LF*. 3-12. (2014)
- Ranking Attack Graphs with Graph Neural Networks. W Susilo; F Bao; Yong SL*; A C Tsoi; R Safavi-Naini; Joan Marie Horton; G Wang; M Hagenbuchner; L* Lu; H Li. Springer. 345-359. (2009)
- Compact Accumulator using Lattices. Jhanwar MP*; R Safavi-Naini. 347-358. (2015)
- New Privacy Results on Synchronized RFID Authentication Protocols Against Tag Tracing. M Backes; W Susilo; Ng CY*; R Safavi-Naini; Y Mu; P Ning. Springer. 321-336. (2009)
- Wiretap Secret Key Capacity of Tree-PIN. R Safavi-Naini; A* Poostindouz. (2019)
- A Behavioural Authentication System for Mobile Users. M* Islam; R Safavi-Naini. 1742-1744. (2016)
- Corruption-Localizing Hashing. P Ning; Di Cresenzo G; R Safavi-Naini; S Jiang; M Backes. Springer. 489-504. (2009)
- On the Share Efficiency of Robust Secret Sharing and Secret Sharing with Cheating Detection. Jhanwar MP*; R Safavi-Naini. 7-10. (2013)
- Privacy Enhanced Secure Location Verification. Akand MR*; R Safavi-Naini. 1793-1795. (2016)
- A Digital Rights Management Model for Healthcare. N P Sheppard; R Safavi-Naini; M* Jafari. IEEE Press. 106-109. (2009)
- An Attack on the Privacy of Sanitized Data That Fuses the Outputs of Multiple Data Miners. Xu Yu J; P S Yu; S Ranka; Jorg Denzinger; H Kargupta; M Sramka; Y Saygin; R Safavi-Naini; Wenjie Wang; X Wu. IEEE Computer Society. 130-137. (2009)
- Message Transmission and Key Establishment: Conditions for Equality of Weak and Strong Capacities. A Miri; H* Ahmadi; F Cuppens; R Safavi-Naini; J Garcia-Alfaro; N Tawbi; N Cuppens-Boulahia. Springer. 78-94. (2012)
- An Attack on the Privacy of Sanitized Data That Fuses the Outputs of Multiple Data Miners. Xu Yu J; Jorg Denzinger; Wenjie Wang; H Kargupta; X Wu; M Sramka; S Ranka; R Safavi-Naini; P S Yu; Y Saygin. IEEE Computer Society. 130-137. (2009)
- Towards a Resilient Smart Home (Best Paper Award). Fong PWL; S* Avizheh; S* Li; T* Doan; V* Kumaramangalam; R Safavi-Naini. (2018)
- Detection of Algebraic Manipulation in the Presence of Leakage. H* Ahmadi; R Safavi-Naini. (2013)
- Incentivize Cooperative Sensing in Distributed Cognitive Radio Networks with Reputation-based Pricing. T Zhang; Zongpeng Li; R Safavi-Naini. 2490-2498. (2014)
- User Authentication Using Human Cognitive Abilities. A* Ghalib; R Safavi-Naini. 254-271. (2015)
- Automated Security Proofs for Symmetric Encryption Modes. Y Lakhnech; M Gagne; R Safavi-Naini; P Lafourcade; A Datta. Springer. 39-53. (2009)
- Simulation modeling of secure wireless sensor networks. J Mairesse; R Savfavi-Naini; J Mendes; Carey Williamson; T* Vu. ICST - Institute for Computer Science, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering. 1-10. (2009)
- Verifiable local computation on distributed data. R Safavi-Naini; Zhang LF*; X W Liu. 3-10. (2014)
- Non-Malleable Codes against Active Physical Layer Adversary. H Wang; R Safavi-Naini; M Cheraghchi; F* Lin. (2019)
- Efficient Codes for Adversarial Wiretap Channels. P* Wang; R Safavi-Naini. 40-44. (2014)
- Secret key agreement using a virtual wiretap channel. F* Lin; S* Sharifian; R Safavi-Naini. (2017)
- Decompression Quines and Anti-Viruses. C Lauradoux; M Rakotomanga; R Safavi-Naini; M Canet; A Kumar. (2017)
- Private Outsourcing of Polynomial Evaluation and Matrix Multiplication Using Multilinear Maps. Zhang LF*; R Safavi-Naini. 20-22. (2013)
- Codes for Limited View Adversarial Channels. R Safavi-Naini; P* Wang. 266-270. (2013)
- A Practice-oriented Framework for Measuring Privacy and Utility in Data Sanitization Systems. R Safavi-Naini; M* Askari; M Sramka; Jorg Denzinger. ACM Press. 1-10. (2010)
- Securing Wireless Sensor Networks against Large-scale Node Capture Attacks. D Basin; P Liu; D Feng; R Safavi-Naini; Carey Williamson; Vu TM*. ACM Press. 112-123. (2010)
- Towards Securing MintRoute in Wireless Sensor Networks. R Safavi-Naini; I* Hegazy; Carey Williamson. IEEE - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. 1-6. (2010)
- Codes for Detection of Limited View Algebraic Tampering. P* Wang; F* Lin; R Safavi-Naini. 309-320. (2016)
- A True Randomness Generators using Human Gameplay. M* Alimomeni; R Safavi-Naini; S* Sharifian. 10-28. (2013)
- Modeling Social Networks as Authorized Domains with Decay. R Grimm; N Sheppard; J Nutzel; R Safavi-Naini; B Hass. Nova Science Publishers. 183-195. (2007)
- Distributed Detection of Wormhole Attacks in Wireless Sensor Networks. R deGraaf; J Zheng; H Zhu; I* Hegazy; S F Midkiff; S Mao; Joan Marie Horton; R Safavi-Naini. Springer. 208-223. (2009)
- Non-interactive conference key distribution and its applications. R Safavi-Naini; M Abe; V Gligor; S Jiang. ACM Press. 271-282. (2008)
- Implementing Trusted Terminals with a TPM and SITDRM. F Massacci; R Safavi-Naini; F Piessens; S* Stamm; N P Sheppard. Elsevier Science Publishers. 73-85. (2007)
- Limited view adversary codes: bounds, constructions and applications. P* Wang; R Safavi-Naini. 214-235. (2015)
- Privacy and Utility of Inference Control Mechanisms for Social Computing Applications. S H Ahmadinejad; R Safavi-Naini; Fong PWL. 829-840. (2016)
- Key agreement over partially corrupted channels. P* Wang; R Safavi-Naini. (2018)
- Secure Key Agreement over Partially Corrupted Channels. R Safavi-Naini; P* Wang. (2018)
- Securing Medical Research Data with a Rights Management System. A Rubin; M* Jafari; C Saunders; R Safavi-Naini; N P Sheppard; K Fu; T Kohno. Queensland University of Technology. (2010)
- Threshold Attribute-Based Signcryption. J A Garay; De Prisco R; K Narayan; R Safavi-Naini; M Gagne. Springer. 154-171. (2010)
- A Rights Management Approach to Securing Data Distribution in Coalitions. N Sheppard; F* Salim; R Safavi-Naini. IEEE Computer Society. 560-568. (2010)
- Scalable Behavioural Authentication Systems. M* Islam; R Safavi-Naini. (2019)
- Efficient Codes for Limited View Adversarial Channels. P* Wang; R Safavi-Naini. (2013)
- Unconditionally-Secure Robust Secret Sharing with Optimal Share Size. R Safavi-Naini; Jhanwar MP*. (2013)
- HCAP: A History-Based Capability System for IoT Devices. R Safavi-Naini; L* Tandon; Fong P. (2018)
- RFID Privacy Models Revisited. S Jajodia; R Safavi-Naini; Y Mu; J Lopez; W Susilo; Ng CY*. Springer. 251-266. (2008)
- Proofs of Retrievability via Fountain Code. F Cuppens; S Sarkar; N Tawbi; A Miri; R Safavi-Naini; J Garcia-Alfaro; N Cuppens-Boulahia. Springer. 18-32. (2012)
- RAFR: Remote Assessment of File Redundancy. R Safavi-Naini; S Sarkar; Zhang L F*. 27-31. (2013)
- Verifiable Multi-Server Private Information Retrieval. R Safavi-Naini; Zhang LF*. 62- 79. (2014)
- Interactive Message Transmission over AdversarialWiretap Channel II. R Safavi-Naini; P* Wang. (2017)
- K2SN-MSS: An Efficient Post-Quantum Signature. S* Karati; R Safavi-Naini. (2019)
- Threshold Attribute-Based Signatures and Their Application to Anonymous Credential System. Shahandashti SF*; B Preneel; R Safavi-Naini. Springer. 198-216. (2009)
- ReDiSen: Reputation-based Secure Cooperative Sensing in Distributed Cognitive Radio Networks. R Safavi-Naini; Zongpeng Li; T* Zhang. 1194-1198. (2013)
- Verifiable Delegation of Computations with Storage-Verification Trade-off. R Safavi-Naini; Zhang LF*. 112-129. (2014)
- A New Look at the Refund Mechanism in the Bitcoin Payment Protocol. S* Avizheh; R Safavi-Naini; S F Shahandashti. (2018)
- Adversarial Wiretap Channel with Public Discussion. P* Wang; R Safavi-Naini. 281 - 289. (2015)
- In-region Authentication. M* Akand; R Safavi-Naini. (2018)
- Short Pairing-Efficient Threshold-Attribute-Based Signature. M Abdalla; M Gagne; T Lange; R Safavi-Naini; S Narayan. Springer. 295-313. (2012)
- Private Message Transmission using Partial Access over Multipath Systems. H* Ahmadi; R Safavi-Naini. 116-133. (2014)
- Human Assisted Randomness Generation Using Video Game. R Safavi-Naini; M* Alimomeni. 378-390. (2015)
- How to Prevent to Delegate Authentication. R Safavi-Naini; M* Alimomeni. 477-499. (2016)
- An information theoretic framework for web inference detection. R Safavi-Naini; A Kapadia; H* Le; V N Venkatakrishan. ACM. 25-36. (2012)
- Optimal Secure Message Transmission by Public Discussion. H* Shi; S Jiang; Tuhin MAA*; R Safavi-Naini. IEEE Press. 1313-1317. (2009)
- A Virtual Wiretap Channel for Secure Message Transmission and Secret Key Agreement. S* Sharifian; R Safavi-Naini; F Lin. (2017)
- An information theoretic framework for web inference detection. A Kapadia; V N Venkatakrishan; R Safavi-Naini; H* Le. ACM. 25-36. (2012)
- An Edge-based Computing Architecture for Smart Homes. S* Avizheh; M* Venkateswarlu; R Safavi-Naini. (2019)
- An Efficient Post-Quantum One-Time Signature Scheme. K Kallach; R Safavi-Naini. 331-351. (2015)
- Privacy-Preserving Distance-Bounding Proof-of-Knowledge. A* Ahmadi; R Safavi-Naini. 74-88. (2015)
- MOVTCHA: A Captcha based on Human Cognitive and Behavioural Features Analysis. A* Ghalib; R Safavi-Naini. 290-304. (2015)
- Game-theoretic Analysis of An Incentivized Verifiable Computation System. S* Avizheh; M* Nabi; R Safavi-Naini; M* Venkateswarlu. (2019)
- LoSt: Location Based Storage. S Kamara; M Locasto; R Safavi-Naini; M* Alimomeni; S Capkun; George Douglas Watson; K Narayan. ACM - Association for Computing Machinery. 59-70. (2012)
- On De-anonymization of Single Tweet Messages. R Safavi-Naini; H* Le. (2018)
- Outsourcing of Verifiable Attribute-Based Keyword Search. Zhang LF*; R Safavi-Naini; G Ohtake. 18-35. (2017)
- A Secure Event Logging System for Smart Homes. Doan T*Liu X*; R Safavi-Naini; S* Avizheh. (2017)
- Path Hopping: an MTD Strategy for Quantum-safe Communication. A* Poostindouz; V Lisy; R Safavi-Naini. (2017)
- Guessing Secrecy and its Randomness Requirements. Ashley Smith; R Safavi-Naini; M* Alimomeni. 1-13. (2012)
- Using Digital Rights Management for Securing Data in a Medical Research Environment. E Al-Shaer; M Joye; R Safavi-Naini; N P Sheppard; H Jin; C Saunders; M* Jafari. ACM - Association for Computing Machinery. 55-60. (2010)
- Private Fingerprint Matching. P Ogunbona; W Susilo; R Safavi-Naini; J Seberry; Y Mu; S F Shahandashti. Springer. 426-433. (2012)
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