Ralph Maier
Sessional Instructor, Guitar
Sessional Instructor, Musicology
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A seasoned performer and educator, Ralph Maier has been engaging Canadian audiences for over forty years in concert programs covering a broad range of periods from the Renaissance to contemporary music. His current duties at the University of Calgary include instruction on classical guitar and chamber music, as well as teaching courses in music history, and music in popular culture.
Ralph Maier concertizes frequently, and is in high demand as a soloist, chamber musician, and continuo player on classical guitar and period instruments. He has appeared in Canada and abroad, and his performances have been broadcast on television and radio. In 2012, Ralph completed his Ph.D. at the University of Calgary, specializing in 16th-Century Spanish music for the vihuela. In addition to his activities as a performer and educator, Ralph has engineered, mixed, and mastered a wide range of recording projects and livestreams for many artists and ensembles, including his own solo CDs, The Art of Vihuela (2008), and Variations (2015), featuring performances on vihuela, baroque guitar, romantic guitar, classical guitar, and electric guitars. Ralph’s recent scholarly work includes a chapter contribution to The Cambridge Companion to the Rolling Stones (2019), entitled, “The Rolling Stones’ Sound: At the Crossroads of Roots and Technology.” Recent musical pursuits include solo and chamber performances on the fourteen-string baroque theorbo.
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