Rachel Friedman
Associate Professor (Teaching), Arabic Language and Muslim Cultures
Faculty of Arts, School of Languages, Linguistics, Literatures and Cultures
Contact information
Office: CH D 326
Educational Background
AB Arabic & Theology, Georgetown University, 2010
MA Near Eastern Studies, University of California, Berkeley, 2011
PhD Near Eastern Studies, University of California, Berkeley, 2015
Course number | Course title | Semester |
ALMC 202 | Beginners' Arabic I | Fall 2022 |
ALMC 301 | Continuing Arabic I | Fall 2022 |
ALMC 204 | Beginners' Arabic II | Winter 2022 |
ALMC 303 | Continuing Arabic II | Winter 2022 |
ALMC 333 | Intermediate Arabic II | Winter 2022 |
- Wayne O. McCready Emerging Fellow, Calgary Institute for the Humanities. 2022
- Teaching Excellence Award Honourable Mention, Students' Union. 2022
- Teaching Excellence Award, Students' Union. 2020
- Teaching Award (emerging teacher category), Faculty of Arts. 2019
- 'Reclaiming What Was Lost’ and Gaining Something New: A Kaleidoscope of Identities and Motivations for Studying Arabic. in 俄烏戰爭對中東國家政治、經濟、安全、社會及文化之影響論文集 (Proceedings of the 2022 Sino-Arabian Symposium). Taipei.. (2024)
- Online Language Teaching in Diverse Contexts. edited with Angela George. Cambridge Scholars Publishing. (2022)
- The Love of Religion or the Religion of Love? Revisiting the Ġazal of Ibrāhīm ibn Sahl. Revista al-Qantara. (2022)
- Getting a Sense for Culture: Bridging the Distance in Remote Learning. Films for the Feminist Classroom. (2021)
- Teaching literature to advanced learners of Arabic: Strategies and Tools. The Arabic Classroom Context, Text and Learners (ed. Mbaye Lo). Routledge.. (2019)
- Theological Echoes of Literary Controversies: Reading Abū Bakr al-Bāqillānī’s Iʿjāz al-Qurʾān Text in Light of the Debate over Badīʿ Style. Journal of Arabic Literature. 305-329. (2018)
- Scriptural Intertextuality in the Poetry of a Late Andalusi Convert. Prooftexts. 335-354. (2018)
- The Poetics of Devotion in ʿĀʾisha al-Bāʿūniyya’s Praise of God and Muḥammad. The Muslim World. 539-560. (2016)
- Significant Intersections between Legal and Rhetorical Theories: Lessons from an Interdisciplinary Reading of al-Bāqillānī’s Theory of Language. The Journal of Arabic and Islamic Studies. 99-123. (2016)
- Interrogating Structural Interpretation of the Qur’ān. Der Islam. 130-156. (2012)
- Locating the Secular in Sayyid Quṭb. (co-authored). Arab Studies Journal. 104-131. (2012)
More Information
Students wishing to enroll in an Arabic language course at the University of Calgary for the first time should follow the instructions here.
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