liu headshot

Dr. Qian Liu

Pronouns: she/her


Contact information

Phone number

Office: 4032206512


Office: Social Sciences 948

For media enquiries, contact

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Study participants

Asian Canadian lawyers and law students to share experiences in the legal profession and law school;

Chinese immigrants to share experience dealing with family/community/workplace disputes in Canada.


Educational Background

Ph.D. Law and Society, University of Victoria, 2020


Dr. Qian Liu's research has examined legal consciousness in Asian and Canadian societies, Asian Canadians in the legal profession, legal consciousness, Chinese family relations, gender and sexualities in the Chinese context, and dispute resolution among Chinese immigrants. She has published several articles in leading law and society journals, such as Law & Society Review, Law & Social Inquiry, Journal of Law and Society, Law & Policy, Asian Journal of Law and Society, and International Journal of Law in Context, among others.

Dr. Liu is working on a book manuscript on the legal consciousness of leftover women in China (under contract, University of California Press). Since June 2023, Dr. Liu has been conducting a research project on the legal consciousness of Chinese immigrants in Alberta and British Columbia (funded by the SSHRC Insight Development Grant) and another project on the experiences of Asian Canadian lawyers and law students (funded by Faculty of Arts EDIA Grant). 

She is on the Asian Law and Society Association Board of Trustees and the Editorial Board of the Asian Journal of Law and Society.



Areas of Research

Law and society, legal consciousness, legal pluralism, sexual orientation and the law, gender and China, Chinese law, feminist legal theory, relational theory, reproductive rights, family relations


Course number Course title Semester
LWSO 201 Introduction to Legal Studies Fall 2023/Winter 2024
LWSO 313 Research Methods in Law and Society Fall 2023
LWSO 591 Integrative Seminar Winter 2024


Relational Legal Consciousness of Chinese Immigrants to Canada

Funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council 2023 Insight Development Grant (June 2023 to present).

Racism in the Canadian Legal Profession and Legal Consciousness of the Asian Canadian Lawyer

Funded by UCalgary Faculty of Arts Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Accessibility Grant (June 2023 to present).


  • 2019 Asian Law and Society Association Graduate Student Article Award (for the article “Legal Consciousness of the Leftover Woman: Law and Qing in Chinese Family Relations,” published in the Asian Journal of Law and Society.), Asian Law and Society Association . 2019
  • Käte Hamburger Kolleg “Legal Unity & Pluralism” Digital Fellowship (6,400 EUR), The University of Münster, Germany. 2021
  • International Development Research Centre Doctoral Research Award (C$ 16,547), International Development Research Centre of Canada. 2016
  • University of Victoria Doctoral Fellowship (C$54,000), University of Victoria. 2014


In the News

  • Chinese Women’s Egg Freezing. BBC World News. (2017)