Paul Anthony Binding
Professor Emeritus
Faculty of Science, Department of Mathematics and Statistics
Contact information
Educational Background
PHD University of Cambridge, 1973
MA University of Cambridge, 1970
Areas of Research
- Eigenvalue problems of an unusual type, e.g. containing several parameters, or of indefinite type; sample problems include oscillation of eigenfunctions, variational principles and asymptotics.
- Differential equations of an unusual type, e.g. containing discontinuous or set-valued right hand sides, with application to control theory
- Minimum energy problems for musculoskeletal models.
More Information
- Binding, Paul, Browne, Patrick and Watson, Bruce. Spectral isomorphisms between generalized {S}turm-{L}iouville problems 130. Birkh\"auser, 2002. 135-152. Print.
- Binding, Paul. Full- and partial-range completeness 130. Birkh\"auser, 2002. 121-133. Print.
- Binding, Paul. Elliptic spectral problems of higher order with eigenparameter dependent boundary conditions 124. Birkh\"auser, 2001. 145-153. Print.
- Binding, Paul and Huang, Y. X.. Two parameter problems for the {$p$}-{L}aplacian de Gruyter, 1996. 891-900. Print.
- Binding, Paul and Najman, B.. Regularity of finite type critical points for self-adjoint operators in {K}re\u\i n space 80. Birkh\"auser, 1995. 79-89. Print.
- Binding, Paul. Indefinite {S}turm-{L}iouville theory via examples of two-parameter eigencurves 254. Longman Sci. Tech., 1991. 38-49. Print.
- Binding, Paul and Browne, Patrick. A definiteness result for determinantal operators 1032. Springer, 1983. 17-30. Print.
Journal article
- Binding, Paul and Ko{\v{s}}ir, Toma. "Root vectors for geometrically simple two-parameter eigenvalues". Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 356.5 (2004): 1705-1726 (electronic). Print.
- Binding, Paul and {\'C}urgus, Branko. "A counterexample in {S}turm-{L}iouville completeness theory". Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Section A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences 134.2 (2004): 244-248. Print.
- Binding, Paul, Browne, Patrick and Watson, Bruce. "Equivalence of inverse {S}turm-{L}iouville problems with boundary conditions rationally dependent on the eigenparameter". J. Math. Anal. Appl. 291.1 (2004): 246-261. Print.
- Binding, Paul and Volkmer, Hans. "Right semidefinite eigenvalue problems". Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society. Series II 46.3 (2003): 561-573. Print.
- Binding, Paul, Browne, Patrick and Watson, Bruce. "Decomposition of spectral asymptotics for {S}turm-{L}iouville equations with a turning point". Advances in Differential Equations 8.4 (2003): 491-511. Print.
- Binding, Paul. "A hierarchy of {S}turm-{L}iouville problems". Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 26.4 (2003): 349-357. Print.
- Binding, Paul and Dr{\'a}bek, P.. "Sturm-{L}iouville theory for the {$p$}-{L}aplacian". Studia Scientiarum Mathematicarum Hungarica. A Quarterly of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences 40.4 (2003): 375-396. Print.
- Binding, Paul, Browne, Patrick and Watson, Bruce. "Sturm-{L}iouville problems with boundary conditions rationally dependent on the eigenparameter. {I}". Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society. Series II 45.3 (2002): 631-645. Print.
- Binding, Paul, Browne, Patrick and Watson, Bruce. "Spectral asymptotics for {S}turm-{L}iouville equations with indefinite weight". Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 354.10 (2002): 4043-4065 (electronic). Print.
- Binding, Paul, Browne, Patrick and Watson, Bruce. "Sturm-{L}iouville problems with boundary conditions rationally dependent on the eigenparameter. {II}". Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 148.1 (2002): 147-168. Print.
- Binding, Paul and {\'C}urgus, Branko. "Form domains and eigenfunction expansions for differential equations with eigenparameter dependent boundary conditions". Canadian Journal of Mathematics. Journal Canadien de Math\'ematiques 54.6 (2002): 1142-1164. Print.
- Binding, Paul, Browne, Patrick and Watson, Bruce. "Inverse spectral problems for left-definite {S}turm-{L}iouville equations with indefinite weight". J. Math. Anal. Appl. 271.2 (2002): 383-408. Print.
- Binding, Paul, Browne, Patrick and Watson, Bruce. "Transformations between {S}turm-{L}iouville problems with eigenvalue dependent and independent boundary conditions". The Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society 33.6 (2001): 749-757. Print.
- Binding, Paul, Langer, H. and Najman, B.. "Elliptic eigenvalue problems with eigenparameter dependent boundary conditions". J. Differential Equations 174.1 (2001): 30-54. Print.
- Binding, Paul and Volkmer, H.. "Existence and asymptotics of eigenvalues of indefinite systems of {S}turm-{L}iouville and {D}irac type". J. Differential Equations 172.1 (2001): 116-133. Print.
- Binding, Paul and Volkmer, H.. "Oscillation theory for {S}turm-{L}iouville problems with indefinite coefficients". Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Section A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences 131.5 (2001): 989-1002. Print.
- Bhattacharya, T., Binding, Paul and Seddighi, K.. "Two-parameter right definite {S}turm-{L}iouville problems with eigenparameter-dependent boundary conditions". Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Section A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences 131.1 (2001): 45-58. Print.
- Bhattacharyya, T., Binding, Paul and Seddighi, K.. "Multiparameter {S}turm-{L}iouville problems with eigenparameter dependent boundary conditions". J. Math. Anal. Appl. 264.2 (2001): 560-576. Print.
- Binding, Paul. "Relative boundedness and relative compactness for linear operators in {B}anach spaces". Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 128.8 (2000): 2287-2290 (electronic). Print.
- Binding, Paul, Browne, Patrick and Watson, Bruce. "Inverse spectral problems for {S}turm-{L}iouville equations with eigenparameter dependent boundary conditions". Journal of the London Mathematical Society. Second Series 62.1 (2000): 161-182. Print.
- Binding, Paul, Browne, Patrick and Watson, Bruce. "Spectral problems for non-linear {S}turm-{L}iouville equations with eigenparameter dependent boundary conditions". Canadian Journal of Mathematics. Journal Canadien de Math\'ematiques 52.2 (2000): 248-264. Print.
- Binding, Paul and Najman, Branko. "The minimal index of a self-adjoint pencil". Glasnik Matemati\v cki. Serija III 35(55).1 (2000): 25-44. Print.
- Binding, Paul, Dr{\'a}bek, Pavel and Huang, Yin. "Existence of multiple solutions of critical quasilinear elliptic {N}eumann problems". Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods \& Applications. An International Multidisciplinary Journal. Series A: Theory and Methods 42.4, Ser. A: Theory Methods (2000): 613-629. Print.
- Binding, Paul and Browne, Patrick. "Sturm-{L}iouville problems with non-separated eigenvalue dependent boundary conditions". Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Section A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences 130.2 (2000): 239-247. Print.
- Binding, Paul, Eschw{\'e}, David and Langer, Heinz. "Variational principles for real eigenvalues of self-adjoint operator pencils". Integral Equations and Operator Theory 38.2 (2000): 190-206. Print.
- Binding, Paul, Dr{\'a}bek, Pavel and Huang, Yin. "Positive solutions of critical quasilinear elliptic equations in {${\bf R}\sp N$}". Math. Bohem. 124.2-3 (1999): 149-166. Print.
- Binding, Paul and Browne, Patrick. "Left definite {S}turm-{L}iouville problems with eigenparameter dependent boundary conditions". Differential Integral Equations 12.2 (1999): 167-182. Print.
- Binding, Paul and Browne, Patrick. "Form domains for sectorial operators related to generalized {S}turm-{L}iouville problems". The Quarterly Journal of Mathematics. Oxford. Second Series 50.198 (1999): 155-178. Print.
- Binding, Paul and Volkmer, Hans. "A spectrum determined by eigencurves". Mathematische Nachrichten 202. (1999): 5-15. Print.
- Binding, Paul and Ko{\v{s}}ir, Toma. "Multiparameter spectral theory". Dru\v stvo Matematikov, Fizikov in Astronomov Slovenije. Obzornik za Matematiko in Fiziko 46.2 (1999): 42-44. Print.
- Binding, Paul, Najman, Branko and Ye, Qiang. "A variational principle for eigenvalues of pencils of {H}ermitian matrices". Integral Equations and Operator Theory 35.4 (1999): 398-422. Print.
- Binding, Paul, Dr{\'a}bek, Pavel and Huang, Yin. "On the {F}redholm alternative for the {$p$}-{L}aplacian". Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 125.12 (1997): 3555-3559. Print.
- Biles, D. C. and Binding, Paul. "On {C}arath\'eodory's conditions for the initial value problem". Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 125.5 (1997): 1371-1376. Print.
- Binding, Paul, Browne, Patrick and Seddighi, K.. "Two parameter asymptotic spectra in the uniformly elliptic case". Results in Mathematics. Resultate der Mathematik 31.1-2 (1997): 1-13. Print.
- Binding, Paul, Dr{\'a}bek, Pavel and Huang, Yin. "On {N}eumann boundary value problems for some quasilinear elliptic equations". Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, (1997): No. 05, approx. 11 pp. (electronic). Print.
- Biles, Daniel C. and Binding, Paul. "Subfunctions and cone conditions for initial value problems". The Canadian Applied Mathematics Quarterly 5.4 (1997): 321-329. Print.
- Binding, Paul and Browne, Patrick. "Oscillation theory for indefinite {S}turm-{L}iouville problems with eigenparameter-dependent boundary conditions". Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Section A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences 127.6 (1997): 1123-1136. Print.
- Binding, Paul, Dr{\'a}bek, P. and Huang, Y. X.. "The range of the {$p$}-{L}aplacian". Applied Mathematics Letters. An International Journal of Rapid Publication 10.6 (1997): 77-82. Print.
- Binding, Paul and Ko{\v{s}}ir, Toma. "Second root vectors for multiparameter eigenvalue problems of {F}redholm type". Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 348.1 (1996): 229-249. Print.
- Binding, Paul and Volkmer, Hans. "Eigencurves for two-parameter {S}turm-{L}iouville equations". SIAM Review. A Publication of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics 38.1 (1996): 27-48. Print.
- Binding, Paul and Huang, Y. X.. "Existence and nonexistence of positive eigenfunctions for the {$p$}-{L}aplacian". Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 123.6 (1995): 1833-1838. Print.
- Binding, Paul and Huang, Y. X.. "Bifurcation from eigencurves of the {$p$}-{L}aplacian". Differential Integral Equations 8.2 (1995): 415-428. Print.
- Binding, Paul and Huang, Y. X.. "The principal eigencurve for the {$p$}-{L}aplacian". Differential Integral Equations 8.2 (1995): 405-414. Print.
- Binding, Paul and Ye, Qiang. "Variational principles for indefinite eigenvalue problems". Linear Algebra and its Applications 218. (1995): 251-262. Print.
- Binding, Paul. "A new angle on {S}turm-{L}iouville problems". The Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 25.1 (1995): 51-56. Print.
- Binding, Paul, Farenick, D. R. and Li, Chi. "A dilation and norm in several variable operator theory". Canadian Journal of Mathematics. Journal Canadien de Math\'ematiques 47.3 (1995): 449-461. Print.
- Binding, Paul and Browne, Patrick. "Application of two parameter eigencurves to {S}turm-{L}iouville problems with eigenparameter-dependent boundary conditions". Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Section A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences 125.6 (1995): 1205-1218. Print.
- Binding, Paul and Najman, Branko. "A variational principle in {K}re\u\i n space". Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 342.2 (1994): 489-499. Print.
- Binding, Paul, Browne, Patrick and Seddighi, K.. "Sturm-{L}iouville problems with eigenparameter dependent boundary conditions". Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society. Series II 37.1 (1994): 57-72. Print.
- Azizov, T., Binding, Paul, Bogn{\'a}r, J. and Najman, B.. "Nondegenerate {J}ordan subspaces of selfadjoint operators in indefinite spaces". Linear Algebra and its Applications 207. (1994): 37-48. Print.
- Binding, Paul and Huang, Y. X.. "Linked eigenvalue problems for the {$p$}-{L}aplacian". Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Section A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences 124.5 (1994): 1023-1036. Print.
- Binding, Paul and Volkmer, H.. "On the geometry of degree conditions for multiparameter oscillation theorems". Differential Integral Equations 6.2 (1993): 277-290. Print.
- Binding, Paul, Browne, Patrick and Ji, Xing. "A numerical method using the {P}r\"ufer transformation for the calculation of eigenpairs of two-parameter {S}turm-{L}iouville problems". IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis 13.4 (1993): 559-569. Print.
- Binding, Paul and Ye, Qiang. "Some general local variational principles". Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 114.1 (1992): 107-114. Print.
- Binding, Paul and Volkmer, Hans. "On a problem of {R}. {G}. {D}. {R}ichardson". Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society. Series II 35.3 (1992): 337-348. Print.
- Binding, Paul, Browne, Patrick and Seddighi, K.. "Two parameter asymptotic spectra". Results in Mathematics. Resultate der Mathematik 21.1-2 (1992): 12-23. Print.
- Herzog, Walter and Binding, Paul. "Predictions of antagonistic muscular activity using nonlinear optimization". Mathematical Biosciences 111.2 (1992): 217-229. Print.
- Binding, Paul. "More on cross products". The American Mathematical Monthly 98.9 (1991): 850-851. Print.
- Binding, Paul and Li, Chi. "Joint ranges of {H}ermitian matrices and simultaneous diagonalization". Linear Algebra and its Applications 151. (1991): 157-167. Print.
- Binding, Paul and Ye, Qiang. "Variational principles without definiteness conditions". SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 22.6 (1991): 1575-1583. Print.
- Binding, Paul and Browne, Patrick. "Asymptotics of eigencurves for second order ordinary differential equations. {II}". J. Differential Equations 89.2 (1991): 224-243. Print.
- Binding, Paul, Browne, Patrick, Huang, Y. X. and Picard, R. H.. "On eigencurves of elliptic boundary value problems". Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Section A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences 118.1-2 (1991): 161-171. Print.
- Binding, Paul and Sleeman, B. D.. "Spectral decomposition of uniformly elliptic multiparameter eigenvalue problems". J. Math. Anal. Appl. 154.1 (1991): 100-115. Print.
- Binding, Paul. "Simultaneous diagonalisation of several {H}ermitian matrices". SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications 11.4 (1990): 531-536. Print.
- Binding, Paul, Browne, Patrick and Picard, R. H.. "Corrigendum: ``{S}pectral properties of two-parameter eigenvalue problems. {II}'' [{P}roc.\ {R}oy.\ {S}oc.\ {E}dinburgh {S}ect.\ {A} {\bf 106} (1987), no.\ 1-2, 39-51; \refmr {MR}0899939 (88m:47036)\endrefmr] by {B}inding and {B}rowne". Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Section A. Mathematics 115.1-2 (1990): 87-90. Print.
- Binding, Paul and Browne, Patrick. "Asymptotics of eigencurves for second order ordinary differential equations. {I}". J. Differential Equations 88.1 (1990): 30-45. Print.
- Binding, Paul. "Multiparameter root vectors". Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society. Series II 32.1 (1989): 19-29. Print.
- Binding, Paul and Browne, Patrick. "Two parameter eigenvalue problems for matrices". Linear Algebra and its Applications 113. (1989): 139-157. Print.
- Binding, Paul and Browne, Patrick. "Eigencurves for two-parameter selfadjoint ordinary differential equations of even order". J. Differential Equations 79.2 (1989): 289-303. Print.
- Binding, Paul and Browne, Patrick. "Classification of eigentuples for uniformly elliptic multiparameter problems". J. Math. Anal. Appl. 139.1 (1989): 268-281. Print.
- Binding, Paul. "A canonical form for selfadjoint pencils in {H}ilbert space". Integral Equations and Operator Theory 12.3 (1989): 324-342. Print.
- Binding, Paul and Browne, Patrick. "Applications of two parameter spectral theory to symmetric generalised eigenvalue problems". Applicable Analysis. An International Journal 29.1-2 (1988): 107-142. Print.
- Binding, Paul and Seddighi, K.. "Elliptic multiparameter eigenvalue problems". Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society. Series II 30.2 (1987): 215-228. Print.
- Binding, Paul and Browne, Patrick. "Spectral properties of two-parameter eigenvalue problems. {II}". Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Section A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences 106.1-2 (1987): 39-51. Print.
- Binding, Paul and Seddighi, K.. "On root vectors of selfadjoint pencils". Journal of Functional Analysis 70.1 (1987): 117-125. Print.
- Binding, Paul. "Erratum: ``{M}ultiparameter definiteness conditions. {II}'' [{P}roc.\ {R}oy.\ {S}oc.\ {E}dinburgh {S}ect.\ {A} {\bf 93} (1982/83), no.\ 1-2, 47-61; \refmr {MR}0688284 (84f:47055)\endrefmr]". Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Section A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences 103.3-4 (1986): 359. Print.
- Binding, Paul, Browne, Patrick and Turyn, Lawrence. "Existence conditions for higher order eigensets of multiparameter operators". Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Section A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences 103.1-2 (1986): 137-146. Print.
- Binding, Paul and Volkmer, Hans. "Existence and uniqueness of indexed multiparametric eigenvalues". J. Math. Anal. Appl. 116.1 (1986): 131-146. Print.
- Binding, Paul. "Hermitian forms and the fibration of spheres". Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 94.4 (1985): 581-584. Print.
- Binding, Paul. "Indicial equivalents of multiparameter definiteness conditions in finite dimensions". Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society. Series II 27.3 (1984): 283-296. Print.
- Binding, Paul. "The inertia of a {H}ermitian pencil". Linear Algebra and its Applications 63. (1984): 179-191. Print.
- Binding, Paul. "Perturbation and bifurcation of nonsingular multiparametric eigenvalues". Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods \& Applications. An International Multidisciplinary Journal. Series A: Theory and Methods 8.4 (1984): 335-352. Print.
- Binding, Paul and Browne, Patrick. "Multiparameter {S}turm theory". Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Section A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences 99.1-2 (1984): 173-184. Print.
- Binding, Paul, Browne, Patrick and Turyn, Lawrence. "Spectral properties of compact multiparameter operators". Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Section A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences 98.3-4 (1984): 291-303. Print.
- Binding, Paul, Browne, Patrick and Turyn, Lawrence. "Existence conditions for eigenvalue problems generated by compact multiparameter operators". Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Section A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences 96.3-4 (1984): 261-274. Print.
- Binding, Paul. "Nonuniform right definiteness". J. Math. Anal. Appl. 102.1 (1984): 233-243. Print.
- Binding, Paul. "Abstract oscillation theorems for multiparameter eigenvalue problems". J. Differential Equations 49.3 (1983): 331-343. Print.
- Binding, Paul. "Dual variational approaches to multiparameter eigenvalue problems". J. Math. Anal. Appl. 92.1 (1983): 96-113. Print.
- Binding, Paul. "Multiparameter definiteness conditions. {II}". Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Section A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences 93.1-2 (1982/83): 47-61. Print.
- Binding, Paul. "Left definite multiparameter eigenvalue problems". Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 272.2 (1982): 475-486. Print.
- Binding, Paul. "Multiparameter variational principles". SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 13.5 (1982): 842-855. Print.
- Binding, Paul, K{\"a}llstr{\"o}m, A. and Sleeman, B. D.. "An abstract multiparameter spectral theory". Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Section A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences 92.3-4 (1982): 193-204. Print.
- Binding, Paul. "Erratum: ``{O}n a problem of {B}. {D}. {S}leeman''". J. Math. Anal. Appl. 90.1 (1982): 270-271. Print.
- Binding, Paul. "On a problem of {B}. {D}. {S}leeman". J. Math. Anal. Appl. 85.2 (1982): 291-307. Print.
- Binding, Paul, Browne, Patrick and Turyn, Lawrence. "Existence conditions for two-parameter eigenvalue problems". Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Section A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences 91.1-2 (1981/82): 15-30. Print.
- Binding, Paul. "Variational methods for one and several parameter nonlinear eigenvalue problems". Canadian Journal of Mathematics. Journal Canadien de Math\'ematiques 33.1 (1981): 210-228. Print.
- Binding, Paul. "Multiparameter definiteness conditions". Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Section A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences 89.3-4 (1981): 319-332. Print.
- Binding, Paul and Browne, Patrick. "Spectral properties of two-parameter eigenvalue problems". Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Section A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences 89.1-2 (1981): 157-173. Print.
- Binding, Paul. "On generalised and quadratic eigenvalue problems". Applicable Analysis. An International Journal 12.1 (1981): 27-45. Print.
- Binding, Paul. "Another positivity result for determinantal operators". Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Section A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences 86.3-4 (1980): 333-337. Print.
- Binding, Paul. "Corrections to: ``{B}ounded variation evolution equations'' [{J}. {M}ath. {A}nal. {A}ppl. {\bf 48} (1974), 70-94;\ {MR} {\bf 50} \#10967]". J. Math. Anal. Appl. 74.2 (1980): 635-636. Print.
- Binding, Paul. "On the use of degree theory for nonlinear multiparameter eigenvalue problems". J. Math. Anal. Appl. 73.2 (1980): 381-391. Print.
- Binding, Paul and Browne, Patrick. "Comparison cones for multiparameter eigenvalue problems". J. Math. Anal. Appl. 77.1 (1980): 132-149. Print.
- Binding, Paul. "The differential equation {$\dot x=f\circ x$}". J. Differential Equations 31.2 (1979): 183-199. Print.
- Binding, Paul and Browne, Patrick. "A variational approach to multi-parameter eigenvalue problems in {H}ilbert space". SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 9.6 (1978): 1054-1067. Print.
- Binding, Paul and Browne, Patrick. "Positivity results for determinantal operators". Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Section A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences 81.3-4 (1978): 267-271. Print.
- Binding, Paul and Browne, Patrick. "A variational approach to multiparameter eigenvalue problems for matrices". SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 8.5 (1977): 763-777. Print.
- Binding, Paul. "On infinite-dimensional differential equations". J. Differential Equations 24.3 (1977): 349-354. Print.
- Binding, Paul and Browne, Patrick. "{$L\sp{p}$} spaces generated by certain operator valued measures". Canadian Mathematical Bulletin. Bulletin Canadien de Math\'ematiques 19.4 (1976): 403-416. Print.
- Binding, Paul. "Singularly perturbed optimal control problems. {I}. {C}onvergence". SIAM J. Control Optimization 14.4 (1976): 591-612. Print.
- Binding, Paul and Browne, Patrick. "{$L\sp{p}$} spaces from matrix measures". Canadian Mathematical Bulletin. Bulletin Canadien de Math\'ematiques 18.1 (1975): 19-25. Print.
- Binding, Paul. "Bounded variation evolution equations". J. Math. Anal. Appl. 48. (1974): 70-94. Print.
- Binding, Paul, Hoskins, W. D. and Ponzo, P. J.. "Bounds for characteristic values of positive definite matrices". Canadian Mathematical Bulletin. Bulletin Canadien de Math\'ematiques 15. (1972): 51-56. Print.
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