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Noushin Mehran

M.A. Greek and Roman Studies
Pronouns: she/her/hers


Master of Arts Student (Thesis-based)

Faculty of Arts, Department of Classics and Religion

Contact information


Educational Background

M.A. Philosophy of Art, Art University of Tehran, 2022

B.A. Dramatic Literature, Art University of Tehran, 2019


I was born and raised in Esfahan, Iran, and got a Math and Physics diploma from SAMPAD. However, I was always in love with humanities and especially literature. So, I decided to pursue my studies in Arts. After finishing my B.A. final project focusing on the classical structure of Greek tragedies, I decided to continue my education in Philosophy of Art as the closest major to Classics in Iran with a focus on Rhetoric in Plato's dialogues. My first M.A. thesis title was 'On Rhetoric: Based on Plato's Gorgias.' With this background, I started my second M.A. in Greek and Roman Studies at the University of Calgary and moved to Canada. Here, I tend to continue my research on more detailed aspects of the Ancient Greek world and literature.

In addition to English as my second language, I know Farsi (native), Ancient Greek (intermediate), and French (B1). I have also started to learn Latin.