Noreen Humble

Dr Noreen Humble

Pronouns: she/her

Contact information

Phone number

Office: +1 (403) 220-4560


Educational Background

BA Classics, University of Alberta, 1988

MA Classics, McMaster University, 1990

PhD Classics, McMaster University, 1997


Participation in university strategic initiatives


Course number Course title Semester
GREK 301 Ancient Greek II Fall 2023
GRST 455 Ancient Biography Fall 2023


  • Mark Golden Book Award for Xenophon of Athens: A Socratic on Sparta (Cambridge University Press 2021), Classical Association of Canada. 2022
  • Faculty of Arts International Research Award, University of Calgary. 2020
  • Annual Fellowship, Calgary Institute for the Humanities. 2013


  • "The lost notebooks of Élie Bouhéreau: reading, recording and retrieving in the seventeenth century", in A. Boylan & J. Allsman (eds), Élie Bouhéreau and the World of the Huguenots . Dublin: Four Courts Press. 161-176. (2025)
  • Mythologies of Outer Space. (eds) J. Ellis and N. Humble. Calgary: University of Calgary Press. Pp. xx, 193. (2025)
  • "Imaginary voyages to the Moon: Lucian and his Legacy", in J. Ellis & N. Humble (eds), Mythologies of Outer Space. Calgary: University of Calgary Press. 16-29. (2025)
  • "Xenophon's Agesilaus: expedient rhetoric or ethical paradigm?", in Claudia Marsico & D.R. Nunes Lopes (eds), Xenophon Philosopher. Argumentation and Ethics. 165-185. (2023)
  • "Plutarch in Byzantium", in F.B. Titchener & A.V. Zadorojnyi (eds.), Cambridge Companion to Plutarch. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 302-322. (2023)
  • "Plutarch's Imaginary Sparta: Hybridity and Identity in a Paradoxical Community", in C. Giroux (ed.), Plutarch: Cultural Practice in a Connected World. Teiresias Supplements Online, Volume 3. 148-163. (2022)
  • Henri Estienne: On Books. J. De Keyser, N. Humble & K. Sidwell. Ghent: Lysa. Pp. 488. (2022)
  • "The reception of Xenophon's Anabasis in the 15th and 16th centuries", in T. Rood & M. Tamiolaki (eds), Anabases in Antiquity and Beyond. Berlin: De Gruyter. 395-421. (2022)
  • Plutarch's Unexpected Silences: Suppression and Selection in the Lives and Moralia. (eds) J. Beneker, C. Cooper, N. Humble and F. Titchener . Leiden: Brill. Pp. xiii, 307. (2022)
  • "Silencing Sparta", in J. Beneker, C. Cooper, N. Humble & F. Titchener (eds), Plutarch's Unexpected Silences: Suppression and Selection in the Lives and Moralia. Brill: Leiden. 223-244. (2022)
  • "Sparta and the Socratics", in C. Marsico (ed.), Socrates and the Socratic Philosophies. Selected papers from SOCRATICA I. Sankt Augustin: Akademia Verlag. 51-64. (2022)
  • "Sparta: Separating Reality from Mirage", in A. Glazebrook & C. Vester (eds), Themes in Greek Society and Culture, 2nd Edition. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 194-216. (2022)
  • Xenophon of Athens: A Socratic on Sparta. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Pp. xxx, 368. (2021)
  • "Xenophon of Athens", in K. De Temmerman (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Ancient Biography. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 111-124. (2020)
  • "The well-thumbed Attic Muse: Cicero and the reception of Xenophon's Persia in the early modern period", in J. Grogan (ed.), Beyond Greece and Rome: Reading the Ancient Near East in Early Modern Europe. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 29-52. (2020)
  • "True History: Xenophon's Agesilaus and the encomiastic genre", in A. Powell & N. Richer (eds), Xenophon and Sparta.. Swansea: Classical Press of Wales. 225-251. (2019)
  • "Xenophon's Cyropaedia: fictionalities and receptions", in C. Jouanno & B. Pouderon (eds), Aux marges du roman antique. Paris: Beauchesne Éditeur. 105-130. (2018)
  • "Erudition, emulation and enmity in the dedication letters to Filelfo's Greek to Latin translations", in J. De Keyser (ed.), Francesco Filelfo, Man of Letters. Leiden: Brill. 127-173. (2018)
  • "Sparta in Xenophon and Plato", in G. Danzig, D. Johnson & D. Morrison (eds), Plato and Xenophon: Comparative Studies. Leiden: Brill. 547-575. (2018)
  • "Xenophon's philosophical approach to writing: Socratic elements in the non-Socratic Works", in A. Stavru & C. Moore (eds), Socrates and the Socratic Dialogue. Leiden: Brill. 577-597. (2018)
  • "Joachim Camerarius and Xenophon's Cyropaedia", in T. Baier (ed.), Camerarius Polyhistor. Tübingen: Narr. 169-185. (2017)
  • "Sparta: Separating Reality from Mirage", in A. Glazebrook & C. Vester (eds), Themes in Greek Society and Culture. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 106-129. (2017)
  • "Xenophon and the instruction of princes", in M.A. FLower (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Xenophon . Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 416-434. (2016)
  • "L'innovation générique dans la Constitution des Lacédémoniens", in P. Pontier (ed.), Xenophon et la rhétorique. Paris: PUPS. 213-234. (2014)
  • "Imitation as commentary? Plutarch and Byzantine historiography in the 10th century", in G. Pace & P. Volpe Cacciatore (eds), Gli Scritti di Plutarco: tradizione, traduzione, ricezione, commentao. Naples: M. D'Auria. 219-225. (2013)
  • "The Renaissance reception of Xenophon's Spartan Constitution", in F. Hobden & C. Tuplin (eds), Xenophon: Historical Enquiry and Ethical Principles. Leiden: Brill. 63-88. (2012)
  • Mediterranean Travels: Writing Self and Other from the Ancient World to Contemporary Society. (eds) P. Crowley, N. Humble & S. Ross. Oxford: Legenda. Pp. xii, 244. (2011)
  • "Introduction", in P. Crowley, N. Humble & S. Ross (eds), Mediterranean Travels: Writing Self and Other from the Ancient World to Contemporary Society. P. Crowley, N. Humble & S. Ross. Oxford: Legenda. 1-13. (2011)
  • "Xenophon's Anabasis: Self and Other in fourth-century Greece", in P. Crowley, N. Humble & S. Ross (eds.), Mediterranean Travels: Writing Self and Other from the Ancient World to Contemporary Society. Oxford: Legenda. 14-31. (2011)
  • Plutarch's Lives: Parallelism and Purpose. (ed.) N. Humble. Swansea: Classical Press of Wales. Pp. xxii, 282. (2010)
  • "Parallelism and the Humanists", in N. Humble (ed.), Plutarch's Lives: Parallelism and Purpose. Swansea: Classical Press of Wales. 237-266. (2010)
  • "Introduction", in N. Humble (ed.), Plutarch's Lives: Parallelism and Purpose. Swansea: Classical Press of Wales. ix-xix. (2010)
  • "Xenophon, Aristotle and Plutarch on Sparta", in N. Birgalias, K. Buraselis & P. Cartledge (eds), The Contribution of Ancient Sparta in Plitical Thought and Practice. Athens: Alexandria. 291-301. (2007)
  • "Dreams of glory: Lucian as autobiographer", in B. McGing & J. Mossman (eds), Biographical LImits . N. Humble & K. Sidwell. Swansea: Classical Press of Wales. 213-225. (2006)
  • "Why the Spartans fight so well, even if they are in disorder - Xenophon's view", in S. Hodkinson & A. Powell (eds), Sparta and War. Swansea: Classical Press of Wales. 219-233. (2006)
  • Rhetorika. Essays for Chris Gaynor on his 65th birthday, (ed.) N. Humble. Cork: Department of Classics. Pp. 87. (2005)
  • "True History: Xenophon's Agesilaos and the encomiastic genre", in N. Humble (ed.), Rhetorika. Essays for Chris Gaynor on his 65th birthday. Cork: Department of Classics. 19-30. (2005)
  • "Xenophon's sons in Sparta? Perspectives/perceptions on xenoi in the Spartan upbringing", in T.J. Figueira (ed.), Spartan Society . Swansea: Classical Press of Wales. 231-350. (2004)
  • "The author, date and purpose of Chapter 14 of the Lakedaimonion Politeia", in C. Tuplin (ed.), Xenophon and his World. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner. 215-228. (2004)
  • "Sôphrosynê revisted: was it ever a Spartan virtue?, in A. Powell & S. Hodkinson (eds), Sparta: Beyond the Mirage. Swansea: Classical Press of Wales. 85-109. (2002)
  • "The limits of biography: the case of Xenophon", in K. Sidwell (ed.), Pleiades Setting: Essays for Pat Cronin on his 65th birthday. Cork: Department of Classics. 66-87. (2002)
  • "Sôphrosynê and the Spartans in Xenophon", in A. Powell & S. Hodkinson (eds.), Sparta: New Perspectives. Swansea: Classical Press of Wales. 339-353. (1999)