Dr Noreen Humble
Associate Director
Contact information
Phone number
Office: +1 (403) 220-4560
Educational Background
BA Classics, University of Alberta, 1988
MA Classics, McMaster University, 1990
PhD Classics, McMaster University, 1997
Participation in university strategic initiatives
Course number | Course title | Semester |
GREK 301 | Ancient Greek II | Fall 2023 |
GRST 455 | Ancient Biography | Fall 2023 |
- Mark Golden Book Award for Xenophon of Athens: A Socratic on Sparta (Cambridge University Press 2021), Classical Association of Canada. 2022
- Faculty of Arts International Research Award, University of Calgary. 2020
- Annual Fellowship, Calgary Institute for the Humanities. 2013
- "La innovación genérica en Lacedaimonion Politeia revisitada". (translated by L. Milman). Archai 31, edited by R. Illarraga and M. L. Nembrot. (2021)
- "Worn out in the reading: Xenophon's Cyropaedia in the sixteenth century", in B. Jacobs (ed.), Ancient Information on Persia Re-assessed: Xenophon's Cyropaedia. Classica et Orientalia 22. 341-366. (2020)
- Spectral Cities. special issue, eds. J. Ellis, N. Humble & G. Livesey. Western Humanities Review 73.3. (2019)
- "Isocrates and Xenophon on Sparta", in M. Tamiolaki (ed.), Isocrates and Xenophon. Trends in Classics 10.1. 56-74. (2018)
- "Translating Ancient Greek: Jacob Kauffmann and Xenophon's Cyropaedia", in I. Deligiannis (ed.) Investigating the Translation Process in Humanistic Latin Translations of Greek Texts. Mediterranean Chronicle 7. 181-185. (2018)
- "Élie Bouhéreau (1643-1719): a scholar at work in his libraries". Lias 44.2. 143-198. (2017)
- Latin and the Early Modern World: Linguistic Identity and the Polity from Petrarch to the Habsburg Novelists. special journal issue, eds. T. Hass, N. Humble & M. Pade. Renaessanceforum 10. (2016)
- "Re-dating a lost painting : Euphranor's battle of Mantineia". Historia 57.4. 1-20. (2008)
- "Reality and ideology in the representation of women and war in Xenophon". Ancient World 35.2. 166-183. (2004)
- "Fast track language learning in Latin and Greek", in D. Fitzpatrick (ed.), The Cutting Edge of Classics: Debates and Dilemmas. CUCD Bulletin 31. section 2. (2002)
- "The lost notebooks of Élie Bouhéreau: reading, recording and retrieving in the seventeenth century", in A. Boylan & J. Allsman (eds), Élie Bouhéreau and the World of the Huguenots . Dublin: Four Courts Press. 161-176. (2025)
- Mythologies of Outer Space. (eds) J. Ellis and N. Humble. Calgary: University of Calgary Press. Pp. xx, 193. (2025)
- "Imaginary voyages to the Moon: Lucian and his Legacy", in J. Ellis & N. Humble (eds), Mythologies of Outer Space. Calgary: University of Calgary Press. 16-29. (2025)
- "Xenophon's Agesilaus: expedient rhetoric or ethical paradigm?", in Claudia Marsico & D.R. Nunes Lopes (eds), Xenophon Philosopher. Argumentation and Ethics. 165-185. (2023)
- "Plutarch in Byzantium", in F.B. Titchener & A.V. Zadorojnyi (eds.), Cambridge Companion to Plutarch. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 302-322. (2023)
- "Plutarch's Imaginary Sparta: Hybridity and Identity in a Paradoxical Community", in C. Giroux (ed.), Plutarch: Cultural Practice in a Connected World. Teiresias Supplements Online, Volume 3. 148-163. (2022)
- Henri Estienne: On Books. J. De Keyser, N. Humble & K. Sidwell. Ghent: Lysa. Pp. 488. (2022)
- "The reception of Xenophon's Anabasis in the 15th and 16th centuries", in T. Rood & M. Tamiolaki (eds), Anabases in Antiquity and Beyond. Berlin: De Gruyter. 395-421. (2022)
- Plutarch's Unexpected Silences: Suppression and Selection in the Lives and Moralia. (eds) J. Beneker, C. Cooper, N. Humble and F. Titchener . Leiden: Brill. Pp. xiii, 307. (2022)
- "Silencing Sparta", in J. Beneker, C. Cooper, N. Humble & F. Titchener (eds), Plutarch's Unexpected Silences: Suppression and Selection in the Lives and Moralia. Brill: Leiden. 223-244. (2022)
- "Sparta and the Socratics", in C. Marsico (ed.), Socrates and the Socratic Philosophies. Selected papers from SOCRATICA I. Sankt Augustin: Akademia Verlag. 51-64. (2022)
- "Sparta: Separating Reality from Mirage", in A. Glazebrook & C. Vester (eds), Themes in Greek Society and Culture, 2nd Edition. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 194-216. (2022)
- Xenophon of Athens: A Socratic on Sparta. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Pp. xxx, 368. (2021)
- "Xenophon of Athens", in K. De Temmerman (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Ancient Biography. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 111-124. (2020)
- "The well-thumbed Attic Muse: Cicero and the reception of Xenophon's Persia in the early modern period", in J. Grogan (ed.), Beyond Greece and Rome: Reading the Ancient Near East in Early Modern Europe. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 29-52. (2020)
- "True History: Xenophon's Agesilaus and the encomiastic genre", in A. Powell & N. Richer (eds), Xenophon and Sparta.. Swansea: Classical Press of Wales. 225-251. (2019)
- "Xenophon's Cyropaedia: fictionalities and receptions", in C. Jouanno & B. Pouderon (eds), Aux marges du roman antique. Paris: Beauchesne Éditeur. 105-130. (2018)
- "Erudition, emulation and enmity in the dedication letters to Filelfo's Greek to Latin translations", in J. De Keyser (ed.), Francesco Filelfo, Man of Letters. Leiden: Brill. 127-173. (2018)
- "Sparta in Xenophon and Plato", in G. Danzig, D. Johnson & D. Morrison (eds), Plato and Xenophon: Comparative Studies. Leiden: Brill. 547-575. (2018)
- "Xenophon's philosophical approach to writing: Socratic elements in the non-Socratic Works", in A. Stavru & C. Moore (eds), Socrates and the Socratic Dialogue. Leiden: Brill. 577-597. (2018)
- "Joachim Camerarius and Xenophon's Cyropaedia", in T. Baier (ed.), Camerarius Polyhistor. Tübingen: Narr. 169-185. (2017)
- "Sparta: Separating Reality from Mirage", in A. Glazebrook & C. Vester (eds), Themes in Greek Society and Culture. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 106-129. (2017)
- "Xenophon and the instruction of princes", in M.A. FLower (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Xenophon . Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 416-434. (2016)
- "L'innovation générique dans la Constitution des Lacédémoniens", in P. Pontier (ed.), Xenophon et la rhétorique. Paris: PUPS. 213-234. (2014)
- "Imitation as commentary? Plutarch and Byzantine historiography in the 10th century", in G. Pace & P. Volpe Cacciatore (eds), Gli Scritti di Plutarco: tradizione, traduzione, ricezione, commentao. Naples: M. D'Auria. 219-225. (2013)
- "The Renaissance reception of Xenophon's Spartan Constitution", in F. Hobden & C. Tuplin (eds), Xenophon: Historical Enquiry and Ethical Principles. Leiden: Brill. 63-88. (2012)
- Mediterranean Travels: Writing Self and Other from the Ancient World to Contemporary Society. (eds) P. Crowley, N. Humble & S. Ross. Oxford: Legenda. Pp. xii, 244. (2011)
- "Introduction", in P. Crowley, N. Humble & S. Ross (eds), Mediterranean Travels: Writing Self and Other from the Ancient World to Contemporary Society. P. Crowley, N. Humble & S. Ross. Oxford: Legenda. 1-13. (2011)
- "Xenophon's Anabasis: Self and Other in fourth-century Greece", in P. Crowley, N. Humble & S. Ross (eds.), Mediterranean Travels: Writing Self and Other from the Ancient World to Contemporary Society. Oxford: Legenda. 14-31. (2011)
- Plutarch's Lives: Parallelism and Purpose. (ed.) N. Humble. Swansea: Classical Press of Wales. Pp. xxii, 282. (2010)
- "Parallelism and the Humanists", in N. Humble (ed.), Plutarch's Lives: Parallelism and Purpose. Swansea: Classical Press of Wales. 237-266. (2010)
- "Introduction", in N. Humble (ed.), Plutarch's Lives: Parallelism and Purpose. Swansea: Classical Press of Wales. ix-xix. (2010)
- "Xenophon, Aristotle and Plutarch on Sparta", in N. Birgalias, K. Buraselis & P. Cartledge (eds), The Contribution of Ancient Sparta in Plitical Thought and Practice. Athens: Alexandria. 291-301. (2007)
- "Dreams of glory: Lucian as autobiographer", in B. McGing & J. Mossman (eds), Biographical LImits . N. Humble & K. Sidwell. Swansea: Classical Press of Wales. 213-225. (2006)
- "Why the Spartans fight so well, even if they are in disorder - Xenophon's view", in S. Hodkinson & A. Powell (eds), Sparta and War. Swansea: Classical Press of Wales. 219-233. (2006)
- Rhetorika. Essays for Chris Gaynor on his 65th birthday, (ed.) N. Humble. Cork: Department of Classics. Pp. 87. (2005)
- "True History: Xenophon's Agesilaos and the encomiastic genre", in N. Humble (ed.), Rhetorika. Essays for Chris Gaynor on his 65th birthday. Cork: Department of Classics. 19-30. (2005)
- "Xenophon's sons in Sparta? Perspectives/perceptions on xenoi in the Spartan upbringing", in T.J. Figueira (ed.), Spartan Society . Swansea: Classical Press of Wales. 231-350. (2004)
- "The author, date and purpose of Chapter 14 of the Lakedaimonion Politeia", in C. Tuplin (ed.), Xenophon and his World. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner. 215-228. (2004)
- "Sôphrosynê revisted: was it ever a Spartan virtue?, in A. Powell & S. Hodkinson (eds), Sparta: Beyond the Mirage. Swansea: Classical Press of Wales. 85-109. (2002)
- "The limits of biography: the case of Xenophon", in K. Sidwell (ed.), Pleiades Setting: Essays for Pat Cronin on his 65th birthday. Cork: Department of Classics. 66-87. (2002)
- "Sôphrosynê and the Spartans in Xenophon", in A. Powell & S. Hodkinson (eds.), Sparta: New Perspectives. Swansea: Classical Press of Wales. 339-353. (1999)
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