Naser El-Sheimy

Naser El-Sheimy




Schulich School of Engineering, Department of Geomatics Engineering

Tier I Canada Research Chair in Geomatics Multi-Sensor Systems

Schulich School of Engineering

Contact information


Phone number

Office: 403.220.7587

For media enquiries, contact

Joe McFarland
Media Relations and Communications Specialist

Cell: +1.403.671.2710

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Please contact me by email.



Fellow, Canadian Academy of Engineering (CAE), 2018

Fellow, The US Institute of Navigation (ION), 2017

Educational Background

B.S. Civil Engineering, Ain Shams University, 1984

Doctor of Philosophy Geomatics Engineering, University of Calgary, 1996

M.S. Surveying Engineering, Ain Shams University, 1990


Dr. Naser El-Sheimy is Professor and former Head of the Department of Geomatics Engineering, the University of Calgary. He held a Tier-I Canada Research Chair (CRC) in Geomatics Multi-sensor Systems. He is the founder and former scientific advisor of TECTERRA Centre of Excellence for Commercialization and Research. His research expertise includes multi-sensor systems for self-driving cars and unmanned ground vehicles, GNSS/INS integration, and mobile mapping systems. He is a Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Engineering and a Fellow of the US Institute of Navigation (ION).

Dr. El-Sheimy is an entrepreneur who led the establishment of 3 Companies and one research center (TECTERRA) from the University of Calgary. He is the founder and chairman of the board of directors of Micro Engineering Group and founder of Profound Positioning Inc., a leading company in navigation technologies. 

Dr. El-Sheimy published two books, 6 book chapters and over 500 papers in academic journals, conference and workshop proceedings, in which he has received over 30 national and international paper awards. He supervised and graduated over 100 Masters and PhD students. He is the recipient of many national and international awards including the ASTech “Leadership in Alberta Technology” Award the Association of Professional Engineers, Geologists, and Geophysicists of Alberta (APEGGA) Educational Excellence Award.

Dr. El-Sheimy was the president of Commission I on "Sensors and Platforms" of the International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS) from 2008 - 2012. He organized and participated in organizing many national and international conferences and chaired many conferences such as the USA Institute of Navigation Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS).  Dr. El-Sheimy is currently editor-in-chief of Geomatics journal (MDPI), a member of the associate editor of the ION Navigation Journal and the editorial Board of Journal of Satellite Navigation, MDPI Sensors, Journal of Applied Geodesy, and Coordinates.


Areas of Research

Satellite technologies
Multi-sensor systems
Wireless positioning
Vehicles & transportation systems
Driverless cars
Navigation & positioning technologies

Dr. El-Sheimy’s research interests include multi-sensor systems, mobile mapping systems, estimation techniques, real-time kinematic positioning, and digital photogrammetry and their applications in transportation, mapping and Geospatial Information Systems (GIS). Through his work at the University of Calgary, he was able to achieve outstanding international status with his team in three specific areas:

1. The development of inertial techniques for positioning and navigation. Dr. El-Sheimy work in this field contributed pioneering algorithms, products, and results which were recognized worldwide; for example, he:

• Developed a strap-down inertial navigation mechanization algorithm in Earth Fixed Earth Centered (EFEC) Frame of reference.

• Developed a new calibration technique for inertial systems that does not require any lab calibration

• Developed a software for pipeline integrity monitoring using Pipeline Inspection Gauge (PIG)

2. Achieving international stature for his pioneering work on the integration techniques of inertial navigation systems with GPS for navigation and mobile multi-sensor systems. In this area, Dr. El-Sheimy research team:

• Invented and developed the concept of direct geo-referencing using INS/GPS data

• Developed VISAT, one of the first commercial Mobile Mapping System (MMS) in the world.

• Developed one of the first software in the world for integrating Inertial Navigation Systems data with data from GPS.

3. The third area which achieved international recognition is MEMS-based sensors algorithms for navigation systems. Dr. El-Sheimy’s pioneering work on this area led to:

• The development of the first techniques for smartphone-based navigation applications

• Developed the first Mat-lab toolbox for MEMS-base inertial navigation applications


  • Killam Professor, Killam Annual Professor Award, Killam Laureates Canada. 2022
  • Outstanding Research Impact Award, Schulich School of Engineering, University of Calgary. 2022
  • Fellow of The Engineering Institute of Canada (EIC) , The Engineering Institute of Canada (EIC) . 2023
  • Geomatica 2023 Award, The Canadian Institute of Geomatics (CIG). 2023
  • Influencer of the Year Award, TECTERRA, CECR NCE, Canada. 2020
  • Graduate Educator, Schulich School of Engineering, University of Calgary. 2020
  • Teaching Achievement Award, Schulich School of Engineering, University of Calgary. 2019
  • Research Achievement Award, Schulich School of Engineering, University of Calgary. 2018
  • Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Engineering , The Canadian Academy of Engineering . 2018
  • Fellow of the US Institute of Navigation (ION), The US Institute of Navigation (ION). 2017
  • Peak Scholar Award, University of Calgary. 2017
  • Samuel Gamble Award , The International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS). 2016
  • Teaching Excellence Award, Schulich School of Engineering, University of Calgary. 2016
  • “Leadership in Alberta Technology” Award, ASTech (The Alberta Science and Technology Leadership Foundation) . 2011
  • 2021


  • Digital Mobile Mapping Systems – state of the Art and Future Trends. K P Schwarz; Naser El-Sheimy. Taylor & Francis Group. 18-Mar. (2007)
  • Georeferencing Component of LiDAR Systems. C Toth; J Shan; Naser El-Sheimy. CRC Press. 195-214. (2008)
  • Land Mobile Mapping Systems. J Chen; Naser El-Sheimy; E Baltsavias; Zongpeng Li. Taylor&Francis Group. 85-100. (2008)
  • Performance Analysis of Integrated IMU/DGPS Systems for Mobile Mapping Systems. A Ip; M Mostafa; Naser El-Sheimy. Taylor&Francis Group. 63-78. (2007)
  • MEMS-Based Integrated Navigation (GNSS Technology and Applications. P Aggarwal; Naser El-Sheimy; A Noureldin; Z Syed. Artech House Inc. (2010)
  • Digital Terrain Modeling - Acquisition, Manipulation and Applications. Naser . El-Sheimy; C. Valeo; A. Habib. Artech House Inc. (2005)
  • Thermal Calibration of Low Cost MEMS Sensors for Land Vehicle Navigation System. Naser El-Sheimy; Z Syed; P Aggarwal. 2859-2863. (2008)
  • Indoor Map aided INS/Wi-Fi integrated LBS onsmartphone platform.. Naser El-Sheimy; Chunyang Yu. (2019)
  • Efficient Wi-Fi Signal Strength Maps Using Sparse Gaussian Process Models. Naser El-Sheimy; Mostafa Sakr. (2019)
  • Vision-AidedInertial Navigation System with Point and Vertical Line Observations for LandVehicle Applications. editors. China; J Liu; Weiming Yu; J Sun; Y Yang; S Fan. 445–457. (2019)
  • Real-time UAV-borne multi-sensor data processing forrapid-response mapping applications. Naser . El-Sheimy; Z. Lari. (2019)
  • Comparisons of SR-UKF family for a Visual-IMU Tightly-coupled SystemBased on Tri-focal Tensor Geometry. Maosong Wang; Wenqi Wu; Naser El-Sheimy. 25-29. (2017)
  • A Novel Approach for Step Detection Using aFree-Moving Handheld Device. Naser El-Sheimy; M. Khedr. (2017)
  • Low-Cost UAV ImagerySystem for Site-Specific Weed Management. N. El-Sheimy; M. Hassanein. (2017)
  • A novel adaptive Kalman filter forMEMS-IMU/Magnetometer fusion. Naser El-Sheimy; M. Khedr; Q. Zhoua. (2017)
  • CORNERFEATURES AIDED INDOOR SLAM FOR UNMANNED VEHICLES. H. A. Mohamed; M. M. Elhabiby; Abu B. Sesay; N. El-Sheimy; A. M. Moussa. (2017)
  • Smart phone orientation tracking algorithm forpedestrian navigation. Naser El-Sheimy; M. Khedr. (2017)
  • OpticalFlow Based Approach for Vision Aided Inertial Navigation Using Regression Trees. M. Mostafa; A. Abu Sesay; A. Moussa; N. El-Sheimy. (2017)
  • VanishingPoint / Vehicle Motion Constraints Aided Ground Vehicle Navigation. Yongyuan Qin; Naser El-Sheimy; Zhenbo Liu; Chunyang Yu. 292–300. (2017)
  • Quality assessment of 3D surfacereconstruction using multi-platform photogrammetric systems. Z. Lari; Naser El-Sheimy; N.. (2019)
  • IndoorMap Aiding/Map Matching Smartphone Navigation Using Auxiliary Particle Filter. Yu Fei; Chunyang Yu; El-Sheimy, Naser; Lan, Haiyu. (2019)
  • PartialState Feedback Correction for Smoothing Navigational Parameters. Naser El-Sheimy; Chunyang Yu; Zhenbo Liu; Jinliang Zhang; Yongyuan Qin. (2019)
  • PerformanceAnalysis of New Collaborative and Multimodal Framework for Indoors Navigation UsingSmartphones. Mostafa Sakr; Naser El-Sheimy. (2016)
  • Synergybetween aerial imagery and low density point cloud for automated imageclassification and point cloud densification. Naser; Mohammed Badawy; Naser El-Sheimy; Hani; Moussa; Adel. (2016)
  • A Fast Approach for Stitching of Aerial Images. A. Moussa; N. El-Sheimy. (2016)
  • Quality analysisof realistic 3D surface reconstruction using low-cost UAV-borne and terrestrialphotogrammetric systems. , Prague, CzechRepublic.. Z. Lari; Naser El-Sheimy; N. (2016)
  • A New Automatic System Calibration of Multi-Cameras and Lidar Sensors. A. Moussa; M. Hassanein; N. El-Sheimy. (2016)
  • IMPROVED REAL-TIME SCAN MATCHING USING CORNER FEATURES. N. El-Sheimy; Abu B. Sesay; H. A. Mohamed; A. M. Moussa; M. M. Elhabiby. (2016)
  • Low-cost INS/Odometer Integration and Sensor-to-sensor Calibration for LandVehicle Applications.. Zhenbo Liu; Yongyuan Qin; Naser El-Sheimy. (2016)
  • Designand implementation of a low-cost UAV-based multi-sensor payload forrapid-response mapping applications. Z. Lari; M. Sakr; Naser . El-Sheimy. (2016)
  • A Fast Approach for Stitching of Aerial Images. N. El-Sheimy; A. Moussa. (2016)
  • Continuous Measurement-While-Drilling Surveying System Utilizing Low-cost SINS. Daihong Chao; Naser El-Sheimy. (2016)
  • Particle Filter for Indoor Map-Aided Navigation: Trade Off between Estimation Accuracy and Computational Speed. Haiyu Lan; Qifan Zhou; Naser El-Sheimy; Chunyang Yu. (2016)
  • Design and implementation of inertial sensor-based wearable gesturalhand motion identification system. Naser El-Sheimy; Q. Zhou; H. Zhang; C. Yu; Z. Lari. (2016)
  • PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTIC MEMS-BASED IMUs FOR UAVs NAVIGATION. A.B Sesay; H. A. Mohamed; Naser . El-Sheimy; J. M. Hansen; M. M. Elhabiby. 337–343. (2019)
  • Region-based 3D surface reconstruction using images acquired bylow-cost unmanned aerial systems.. F. He; Naser . El-Sheimy; A. Habib; A . Al-Rawabdeh; Z. Lari. (2016)
  • An Innovative MEMS-based MWD Method for Directional Drilling. Naser El-Sheimy; Daihong Chao; Yuan Zhuang. (2015)
  • A modularized real-time indoor navigation algorithm on smartphones 2015, October 13-16, Calgary, Canada.. Yuan Zhuang; Naser El-Sheimy; You Li; Xiaoji Niu; Haiyu Lan. (2015)
  • Real-time attitude tracking of mobile devices. Yuan Zhuang; You Li; Haiyu Lan; Naser El-Sheimy; Xiaoji Niu. (2015)
  • Kalman Filter with Hard and Soft Constraints for the Integration of MultiplePedestrian Navigation Systems. Y. Zhuang; C. Yu; N. El-Sheimy; Y. Li; H. Lan. (2015)
  • Smartphone-based Indoor Navigation using PDR and Magnetic Matching. Xiaoji Niu; You Li; Peng Zhang; Naser El-Sheimy; Yuan Zhuang; Haiyu Lan. (2015)
  • Design and Evaluation of tightly-coupled Integration of WiFi and MEMS Sensors in Smartphones. Yuan Zhuang; Haiyu Lan; You Li; Naser El-Sheimy. (2015)
  • System considerations and challenges in 3D mapping and modelling usinglow-cost UAV systems. (ISPRS Geospatial Week 2015, La GrandeMotte, ). XL-3: 343-348.. Z. Lari; A. Habib; Naser . El-Sheimy. (2015)
  • Video Based Mobile Mapping System Using Smartphones. N. El-Sheimy; A. Al-Hamad; A. Moussa. (2014)
  • An Automatic Multi-level Gyro Calibration Architecture for ConsumerPortable Devices. Xiaoji Niu; Jacques Georgy; Naser El-Sheimy; Chris Goodall; You Li. (2014)
  • Small Pipeline TrajectoryEstimation Using MEMS based IMU. H. Sahli; N. El-Sheimy (); A. Moussa; A. Noureldin. (2014)
  • An Advanced Real-Time Navigation Solution for Cycling Applications Using PortableDevices. J. Georgy; H. -W. Chang; N. El-Sheimy. (2014)
  • Real-time Vision-aiding for Reliable 3D Indoor Location. Z. Syed; J. Georgy; N. El-Sheimy; B. Kazemipur. (2014)
  • A State Constraint Kalman Filter for PedestrianNavigation with Low Cost MEMS Inertial Sensors , Tampa, , September 2014, pp.579-589.. Naser El-Sheimy; N; H. Lan. (2014)
  • Automated DTM Extraction and Classification of Airborne LiDAR Data. Naif Alsubaie; Adel Moussa; Dr. Naser El-Sheimy. (2014)
  • Techniques for 3D misalignments calculation for portabledevices in cycling applications.. N. El-Sheimy (); J. Georgy; H.-W Chang. (2019)
  • Monitoring Cycling Performance Using a Low Cost Multi-Sensors NavigationSolution. H. W. Chang; N. El-Sheimy (); J. Georgy J.. (2019)
  • Vision-based Real-time SmartphoneHeading and Misalignment. Z. Syed; N. El-Sheimy; B. Kazemipur; J. Georgy. (2019)
  • Monitoring Cycling Performance Using a Low Cost Multi-Sensors Navigation Solution. Naser El-Sheimy; H W Chang; J Georgy. (2013)
  • AutomatedEstimation and Mitigation of Wireless Time-Delays in Smartphones for a RobustIntegrated Navigation Solution. Z. Syed; C. Goodall; U. Iqbal; N. El-Sheimy; Y. Zhuang. (2013)
  • Estimate Projection Constrained Kalman Filter for GPS/INS Integration of Vehicle Navigation in Urban Centers. Naser El-Sheimy; M Attia; A Moussa. (2013)
  • Heading Misalignment Estimation between Portable Devices and Pedestrians. , USA. A. Ali; Chang, H.-W.; J. Georgy; Goodall, C.. (2013)
  • SENSOR FUSION FOR TRAJECTORY ESTIMATION USING LOW COST INS/MAGNETOMETER/ODOMETERSensor Fusion for Trajectory Estimation using Low Cost INS/Magnetometer/Odometer. Naser El-Sheimy; Alaa S Ali; H Sahli; A M Al-Hamad. (2013)
  • A MEMS Multi-Sensors System for Pedestrian Navigation. Y Zhuang; Naser El-Sheimy; H W Chang. (2013)
  • Improved Heading Estimation of Smart Phones Using GPS In NLOS Enviorments. H. Sahli; N. El-Sheimy; A. S. Ali; A. M. Al-Hamad. (2013)
  • Low Cost Multi-Sensors Navigation Solution for Sport Performance Assessment. H W Chang; Naser El-Sheimy; J Georgy. (2012)
  • Assessment of second generation curvelet transforms for edge detection from high resolution satellite imagery. M Elhabiby; A Elsharkawy; Naser El-Sheimy. (2012)
  • A New Object Based Method for Automated Extraction of Urban Objects from Airborne Sensors Data. A Moussa; Naser El-Sheimy. (2012)
  • A New Integrated Pixel- and Object Based Techniques for Efficient Urban Classification using WorldView-2 Data. M Elhabiby; Naser El-Sheimy; A Elsharkawy. (2012)
  • Comparison and Analysis of Nonlinear Least Squares Methods for Vision Based Navigation (VBN) algorithms. Naser El-Sheimy; M Elhabiby; B Sheta. (2012)
  • Vision-Aided Context-Aware Framework For Personal Navigation Services. A Moussa; S Saeedi; Naser El-Sheimy. (2012)
  • Parallel computation for Remote Sensing and VBN systems processing - CUDA approach. M Elhabiby; Naser El-Sheimy; B Sheta; S A Elsharkawy. (2012)
  • Parallel computation for Remote Sensing and VBN systems processing - CUDA approach. B Sheta; M Elhabiby; Naser El-Sheimy; S A Elsharkawy. (2012)
  • Curvelet transform for water bodies extraction from high resolution satellite images. A Elsharkawy; Naser El-Sheimy; M Elhabiby. (2012)
  • Curvelet transform for water bodies extraction from high resolution satellite images. A Elsharkawy; M Elhabiby; Naser El-Sheimy. (2012)
  • Quality Control on the Radiometric Calibration of the WorldView-2 Data. Naser El-Sheimy; A Elsharkawy; M Elhabiby. (2012)
  • Quality Control on the Radiometric Calibration of the WorldView-2 Data. M Elhabiby; Naser El-Sheimy; A Elsharkawy. (2012)
  • Shape Oriented Object Based Classification of Aerial/Satellite Images of Urban Areas. A Moussa; Naser El-Sheimy. (2012)
  • Shape Oriented Object Based Classification of Aerial/Satellite Images of Urban Areas. A Moussa; Naser El-Sheimy. (2012)
  • Shape Based Map Query Using Undirected Graphs. Naser El-Sheimy; A Moussa. (2012)
  • Shape Based Map Query Using Undirected Graphs. Naser El-Sheimy; A Moussa. (2012)
  • Assessments of nonlinear least squares methods for UAV Vision Based Navigation (VBN). M Elhabiby; Naser El-Sheimy; B Sheta. (2012)
  • Improvement in the detection of Land cover classes using the WorldView-2 imagery. Naser El-Sheimy; M Elhabiby; A Elsharkawy. (2012)
  • Improvement in the detection of Land cover classes using the WorldView-2 imagery. Naser El-Sheimy; M Elhabiby; A Elsharkawy. (2012)
  • Investigation of Different Manoeuvring Modes of The Magnetometer Calibration for Pedestrian Navigation. S Siddharth; Alaa S Ali; C L Goodall; Naser El-Sheimy; Z F Syed. (2012)
  • Investigation of Different Manoeuvring Modes of The Magnetometer Calibration for Pedestrian Navigation. S Siddharth; Z F Syed; Naser El-Sheimy; Alaa S Ali; C L Goodall. (2012)
  • A Comparison of Feature Extraction and Selection Techniques for Activity Recognition using Low-cost Sensors on a Smartphone. Naser El-Sheimy; S Saeedi; Z Sayed. (2012)
  • A Comparison of Feature Extraction and Selection Techniques for Activity Recognition using Low-cost Sensors on a Smartphone. S Saeedi; Naser El-Sheimy; Z Sayed. (2012)
  • Decision Trees based GPS Cycle Slip Detection and Correction. Naser El-Sheimy; W Abdel; A Moussa. (2011)
  • Decision Trees based GPS Cycle Slip Detection and Correction. A Moussa; Naser El-Sheimy; W Abdel. (2011)
  • Context Aware Mobile Personal Navigation Using Multi-level Sensor Fusion. Xu Zhao; Naser El-Sheimy; Z Sayed; S Saeedi. (2011)
  • Context Aware Mobile Personal Navigation Using Multi-level Sensor Fusion. Naser El-Sheimy; S Saeedi; Xu Zhao; Z Sayed. (2011)
  • A Robust Sensor Fusion Algorithm for Pedestrian Heading Improvement. Alaa S Ali; S Siddharth; Z F Syed; C L Goodall; Naser El-Sheimy. (2011)
  • A Robust Sensor Fusion Algorithm for Pedestrian Heading Improvement. Z F Syed; S Siddharth; C L Goodall; Naser El-Sheimy; Alaa S Ali. (2011)
  • Updating Integrated GPS/INS systems with map matching for Car Navigation Applications. A Moussa; Naser El-Sheimy; M Attia. (2011)
  • Detection of Road CURB from Mobile Terrestrial Laser Scanner Point Cloud. Naser El-Sheimy; A Moussa; D Litchi; S El-Halawany. (2011)
  • Detection of Road CURB from Mobile Terrestrial Laser Scanner Point Cloud. A Moussa; Naser El-Sheimy; D Litchi; S El-Halawany. (2011)
  • Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm Based Low Cost Magnetometer Calibration. Z Syed; Naser El-Sheimy; Alaa S Ali; S Siddharth. (2011)
  • Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm Based Low Cost Magnetometer Calibration. Naser El-Sheimy; S Siddharth; Alaa S Ali; Z Syed. (2011)
  • Assisting Personal Positioning in Indoor Environments Using Map Matching. Naser El-Sheimy; A Moussa; Xu Zhao; M Attia. (2011)
  • Assisting Personal Positioning in Indoor Environments Using Map Matching. Naser El-Sheimy; M Attia; Xu Zhao; A Moussa. (2011)
  • Wavelet Building Extraction from LIDAR Data. Geomatics Technologies in the City.. M Elhabiby; Naser El-Sheimy; H Elhifnawy. (2011)
  • Nonlinear Least Squares Adjustment for Estimating Object Space Transformation Parameters for Pose Estimation. Naser El-Sheimy; B Sheta; M Elhabiby. (2011)
  • A modified parallelepiped-like method for supervised classification for high resolution satellite imagery. M Elhabiby; Naser El-Sheimy; A Elsharkawy. (2011)
  • A modified parallelepiped-like method for supervised classification for high resolution satellite imagery. M Elhabiby; A Elsharkawy; Naser El-Sheimy. (2011)
  • An Artificial Intelligence Optimization Algorithm Based Low Cost Magnetometer Calibration Scheme. S Siddharth; Alaa S Ali; Naser El-Sheimy. (2011)
  • An Artificial Intelligence Optimization Algorithm Based Low Cost Magnetometer Calibration Scheme. S Siddharth; Alaa S Ali; Naser El-Sheimy. (2011)
  • Urban Classification from Combined LIDAR/RGB Data. H Elhifnawy; M Elhabiby; Naser El-Sheimy. (2011)
  • Movement Disorders Assessment and Attenuation Techniques for Removal of Tremor. Naser El-Sheimy; M Elhabiby; Teskey WJE. (2011)
  • Urban Classification from Combined LIDAR/RGB Data. H Elhifnawy; Naser El-Sheimy; M Elhabiby. (2011)
  • GPS Cycle Slip Detection and Correction using Bayesian Networks. A Moussa; Naser El-Sheimy; W Abdelhamid. (2011)
  • GPS Cycle Slip Detection and Correction using Bayesian Networks. W Abdelhamid; A Moussa; Naser El-Sheimy. (2011)
  • Investigating Aspects of Heading Estimation Error in Pedestrian Navigation. Naser El-Sheimy; S Siddharth; C L Goodall; Alaa S Ali. (2011)
  • Investigating Aspects of Heading Estimation Error in Pedestrian Navigation. C L Goodall; Alaa S Ali; Naser El-Sheimy; S Siddharth. (2011)
  • Adaptive Human Tremor Assessment and Attenuation: Six Degree-of-Freedom Motion Analysis Utilizing Wavelets. Naser El-Sheimy; M Elhabiby; Teskey WJE. (2011)
  • Adaptive Human Tremor Assessment and Attenuation: Six Degree-of-Freedom Motion Analysis Utilizing Wavelets. Teskey WJE; Naser El-Sheimy; M Elhabiby. (2011)
  • Multi-Resolution Ionospheric Reduction Technique for Medium to Long Baselines L1 GPS Receivers. Naser El-Sheimy; M Elhabiby; A El-Ghazouly. (2010)
  • Automatic Classification and 3D Modeling of LIDAR Data. Naser El-Sheimy; A Moussa. (2010)
  • Automatic Classification and 3D Modeling of LIDAR Data. A Moussa; Naser El-Sheimy. (2010)
  • Integrated Particle Swarm Optimization and Kalman Filter for Indoor Navigation Applications. Naser El-Sheimy; Alaa Ali. (2010)
  • Integrated Particle Swarm Optimization and Kalman Filter for Indoor Navigation Applications. Naser El-Sheimy; Alaa Ali. (2010)
  • Towards Arbitrary Placement of Multi-sensors Assisted Mobile Navigation System. Xu Zhao; Z Syed; S Saeedi; Naser El-Sheimy. (2010)
  • Integrated Particle Swarm Optimization and Kalman Filter for Navigation Applications. Alaa S Ali; Naser El-Sheimy. 577-583. (2010)
  • Towards Arbitrary Placement of Multi-sensors Assisted Mobile Navigation System. Xu Zhao; Z Syed; S Saeedi; Naser El-Sheimy. (2010)
  • A Truly Portable, Low-cost, Accurate, Reliable and Infrastructure-free Mobile Navigator for Urban and Indoor Navigation. C Goodall; Naser El-Sheimy; Y Yang. (2010)
  • A Truly Portable, Low-cost, Accurate, Reliable and Infrastructure-free Mobile Navigator for Urban and Indoor Navigation. C Goodall; Naser El-Sheimy; Y Yang. (2010)
  • Trusted Positioning Platform for Low-cost, Accurate, Infrastructure-free Machine Control. Naser El-Sheimy; Z Syed; A Noureldin. (2010)
  • Trusted Positioning Platform for Low-cost, Accurate, Infrastructure-free Machine Control. Naser El-Sheimy; A Noureldin; Z Syed. (2010)
  • A New Semi-Fragile Watermarking Scheme for Authentication and Tamper Localization in Remote Sensing Images. A S Tolba; S Mostafa; H Elhindya; Naser El-Sheimy; F M Abdelkader. (2010)
  • A New Semi-Fragile Watermarking Scheme for Authentication and Tamper Localization in Remote Sensing Images. A S Tolba; S Mostafa; Naser El-Sheimy; F M Abdelkader; H Elhindya. (2010)
  • Assessment of New Building Recognition Technique Based on Monte Carlo Simulation from LIDAR Data. H Elhifnawy; Naser El-Sheimy; M Elhabiby. (2010)
  • Man-Made Objects Classification from Satellite/Aerial Imagery using artificial neural networks. A Moussa; Naser El-Sheimy. (2010)
  • Assessment of New Building Recognition Technique Based on Monte Carlo Simulation from LIDAR Data. Naser El-Sheimy; M Elhabiby; H Elhifnawy. (2010)
  • An Ontology-Based Context Modeling Approach For Touring And Navigation. N N Samany; M R Malek; Naser El-Sheimy; S Saeedi. (2010)
  • An Ontology-Based Context Modeling Approach For Touring And Navigation. Naser El-Sheimy; M R Malek; N N Samany; S Saeedi. (2010)
  • Wavelet Spectral Techniques for GPS Errors Reduction. A El-Ghazouly; Naser El-Sheimy; El Habiby M. (2010)
  • Wavelet Spectral Techniques for GPS Errors Reduction. Naser El-Sheimy; A El-Ghazouly; El Habiby M. (2010)
  • Wavelets for Feature Extraction and Object Recognition from LIDAR Data. M Elhabiby; Naser El-Sheimy; H Elhifnawy; B Sheta. (2010)
  • Wavelets for Feature Extraction and Object Recognition from LIDAR Data. Naser El-Sheimy; B Sheta; H Elhifnawy; M Elhabiby. (2010)
  • Characterization of Environmental Effects and Error Modeling for Low Cost Inertial MEMS Units. A Noureldin; Naser El-Sheimy; Y Yuksel. (2010)
  • Code Smoothing and Multi-Resolution Analysis. Naser El-Sheimy; A El-Ghazouly; M Elhabiby. (2010)
  • Code Smoothing and Multi-Resolution Analysis. M Elhabiby; A El-Ghazouly; Naser El-Sheimy. (2010)
  • Assessment of Three Change Detection Techniques in FORT MCMURRAY in Alberta Canada. M Al-Sadat; Naser El-Sheimy; Sulakshmi DAS. (2010)
  • Assessment of Three Change Detection Techniques in FORT MCMURRAY in Alberta Canada. M Al-Sadat; Sulakshmi DAS; Naser El-Sheimy. (2010)
  • Automated Feature Extraction from LIDAR Data. H Elhifnawy; M Elhabiby; Naser El-Sheimy. (2010)
  • Automated Feature Extraction from LIDAR Data. H Elhifnawy; M Elhabiby; Naser El-Sheimy. (2010)
  • Wavelet and Fourier based Analysis of Essential Tremor Motion using MEMS Accelerometers and Gyroscopes. M Elhabiby; Naser El-Sheimy; Teskey WJE. 680. (2010)
  • Wavelet and Fourier based Analysis of Essential Tremor Motion using MEMS Accelerometers and Gyroscopes. Naser El-Sheimy; Teskey WJE; M Elhabiby. 680. (2010)
  • The Effect of Time Synchronization on Real Time Implementation of Integrated GPS/INS Systems. Alaa S Ali; Naser El-Sheimy; A Moussa. (2010)
  • Wi-Fi Assisted Multi-sensor Personal Navigation System for Indoor Environments. C Goodall; Xu Zhao; Bruce James Wright; Naser El-Sheimy; Z Syed. 236-243. (2010)
  • Wi-Fi Assisted Multi-sensor Personal Navigation System for Indoor Environments. Z Syed; C Goodall; Bruce James Wright; Naser El-Sheimy; Xu Zhao. 236-243. (2010)
  • A Two Phase Genetic Algorithm Based Wireless Network Localization Technique. T Abdelazim; Alaa S Ali; A Moussa. (2010)
  • A Two Phase Genetic Algorithm Based Wireless Network Localization Technique. A Moussa; Alaa S Ali; T Abdelazim. (2010)
  • The Effect of Time Synchronization on Real Time Implementation of Integrated GPS/INS Systems. A Moussa; Naser El-Sheimy; Alaa S Ali. 43-48. (2010)
  • The Effect of Time Synchronization on Real Time Implementation of Integrated GPS/INS Systems. Naser El-Sheimy; Alaa S Ali; A Moussa. 43-48. (2010)
  • Traffic Sign Detection From Mobile Mapping Images. A Reiterer; Naser El-Sheimy; T Hassan. (2009)
  • The Development of Self-Growing Neural Network Embedded POS Determination Scheme for MEMS IMU/GPS Integrated Systems. H W Chang; K W Chiang; Naser El-Sheimy. (2009)
  • The Development of Self-Growing Neural Network Embedded POS Determination Scheme for MEMS IMU/GPS Integrated Systems. K W Chiang; H W Chang; Naser El-Sheimy. (2009)
  • The Aid of Wavelets Correlator in Carrier Phase Multipath Reduction and Motion Detection. A El-Ghazouly. (2009)
  • The Aid of Wavelets Correlator in Carrier Phase Multipath Reduction and Motion Detection. A El-Ghazouly. (2009)
  • An Economical and Effective Multi-sensor Integration for Portable Navigation System. Naser El-Sheimy; Bruce James Wright; Xu Zhao; Z Syed. 2088-2095. (2009)
  • An Economical and Effective Multi-sensor Integration for Portable Navigation System. Naser El-Sheimy; Xu Zhao; Z Syed; Bruce James Wright. 2088-2095. (2009)
  • Wavelets for GPS Singularity Detection and Multipath Mitigation. A El-Ghazouly; M Elhabiby; Naser El-Sheimy. (2009)
  • Wavelets for GPS Singularity Detection and Multipath Mitigation. Naser El-Sheimy; A El-Ghazouly; M Elhabiby. (2009)
  • The Merits Of UKF And PF For Integrated Ins/Gps Navigation Systems. Z Sayed; S Saeedi; Naser El-Sheimy. (2009)
  • AR Modeling of MEMS Inertial Sensors Based on Wavelet Decomposition. Naser El-Sheimy; Y Yuksel; A Noureldin. (2009)
  • AR Modeling of MEMS Inertial Sensors Based on Wavelet Decomposition. A Noureldin; Naser El-Sheimy; Y Yuksel. (2009)
  • Vision-Aided Inertial Navigation For Pose Estimation Of Aerial Vehicles. F Samadzadegan; S Saeedi; Naser El-Sheimy. (2009)
  • Vision-Aided Inertial Navigation For Pose Estimation Of Aerial Vehicles. F Samadzadegan; S Saeedi; Naser El-Sheimy. (2009)
  • Singularity Detection Technique for GPS Cycle Slip in Wavelets Domain. A El-Ghazouly; M Elhabiby; Naser El-Sheimy. (2009)
  • Object Extraction From Lidar Data Using An Artificial Swarm Bee Colony Clustering Algorithm. F Samadzadegan; Naser El-Sheimy; S Saeedi. (2009)
  • Object Extraction From Lidar Data Using An Artificial Swarm Bee Colony Clustering Algorithm. Naser El-Sheimy; S Saeedi; F Samadzadegan. (2009)
  • Robust Extraction of Traffic Signs from Georeferenced Mobile Mapping Images. Naser El-Sheimy; T Hassan; A Reiterer. (2009)
  • Robust Extraction of Traffic Signs from Georeferenced Mobile Mapping Images. T Hassan; A Reiterer; Naser El-Sheimy. (2009)
  • Multi-platform Mobile Mapping Data Fusion. Naser El-Sheimy; T Hassan. (2009)
  • Multi-platform Mobile Mapping Data Fusion. Naser El-Sheimy; T Hassan. (2009)
  • Performance Evaluation of Different Optimal Smoothers for Land-Vehicle Navigation Using Integrated GPS/INS Systems. S Nassar; Naser El-Sheimy; Hongwei Liu. (2009)
  • The Role of Multi-Dimensional Wavelet Approximation in Geodetic Applications: De-Noising, Compression and Analysis Tool. Michael George G Sideris; M Elhabiby; Naser El-Sheimy. (2009)
  • The Role of Multi-Dimensional Wavelet Approximation in Geodetic Applications: De-Noising, Compression and Analysis Tool. M Elhabiby; Michael George G Sideris; Naser El-Sheimy. (2009)
  • The use of Wavelets in GPS Error Analysis with Emphasis to Singularity Detection and Multipath Removal. Naser El-Sheimy; A El-Ghazouly; El Habiby M. (2009)
  • The use of Wavelets in GPS Error Analysis with Emphasis to Singularity Detection and Multipath Removal. El Habiby M; Naser El-Sheimy; A El-Ghazouly. (2009)
  • Evaluation of Wavelet Multipath Mitigation Technique in the Final Measurement Domain. A El-Ghazouly; El Habiby M; Naser El-Sheimy. (2009)
  • A Portable Multi-sensor Navigation System for In-vehicle and On-foot Navigations. Naser El-Sheimy; Xu Zhao; Z Syed. (2009)
  • Evaluation of Wavelet Multipath Mitigation Technique in the Final Measurement Domain. A El-Ghazouly; El Habiby M; Naser El-Sheimy. (2009)
  • A Genetic Fuzzy and Kalman Filtering Model For MEMS-IMU/GPS Integration. A Abdel-Hamid; Naser El-Sheimy; T Abdelazim. (2009)
  • A Genetic Fuzzy and Kalman Filtering Model For MEMS-IMU/GPS Integration. Naser El-Sheimy; T Abdelazim; A Abdel-Hamid. (2009)
  • Land-Based Navigation Aiding by Fusion with Airborne Sensory Data. T Hassan; Naser El-Sheimy. (2008)
  • Synthetic Virtual Array Processing of GPS Sonobuoys for Underwater Target Tracking. G Mellema; A Noureldin; A Osman; Naser El-Sheimy; J Theriault; Stacy Campbell. (2008)
  • Land-Based Navigation Aiding by Fusion with Airborne Sensory Data. T Hassan; Naser El-Sheimy. (2008)
  • A New Wavelet-Based Multipath Mitigation Technique. Naser El-Sheimy; A El-Ghazouly; El Habiby M. (2008)
  • A New Wavelet-Based Multipath Mitigation Technique. A El-Ghazouly; El Habiby M; Naser El-Sheimy. (2008)
  • Common adjustment of land-based and airborne mobile mapping system data. T Hassan; Naser El-Sheimy. (2008)
  • Automatic Road Vector Extraction For Mobile Mapping Systems. T Hassan; M Lavigne; Naser El-Sheimy; C Wang. (2008)
  • Common adjustment of land-based and airborne mobile mapping system data. Naser El-Sheimy; T Hassan. (2008)
  • VISAT: The Avenue to Highway Data Banks. M Lavigne; Naser El-Sheimy; T Hassan. (2008)
  • VISAT: The Avenue to Highway Data Banks. M Lavigne; Naser El-Sheimy; T Hassan. (2008)
  • Coarse Alignment for Marine SINS Using Gravity in the Inertial Frame as a Reference. Z Syed; Naser El-Sheimy; T Hassan; D Gu. (2008)
  • Coarse Alignment for Marine SINS Using Gravity in the Inertial Frame as a Reference. D Gu; Z Syed; T Hassan; Naser El-Sheimy. (2008)
  • Improved Vehicle Navigation Using Aiding with Tightly Coupled Integration. P Aggarwal; Y Yong; Naser El-Sheimy; Z Syed. (2008)
  • Thermal Calibration of Low Cost MEMS Sensors for Land Vehicle Navigation System. Z Syed; Naser El-Sheimy; P Aggarwal. (2008)
  • Improved Vehicle Navigation Using Aiding with Tightly Coupled Integration. Naser El-Sheimy; Z Syed; P Aggarwal; Y Yong. (2008)
  • Hybrid Extended Particle filter (HEPF) for Integrated System. Z Syed; Naser El-Sheimy; P Aggarwal. (2008)
  • Ultrasonic Wheel Aiding for Land Vehicle Navigation in GNSS Denied Environment. Mohamed Moussa; Naser El-Sheimy; Adel Moussa. (2019)
  • Accurate Identification and Implementation of Complicated Stochastic Error Models for Low-Cost MEMS Inertial Sensors. C. Minaretzis; B. Sheta; N. El-Sheimy; I. Arafa; S. Nassar; A. Radi. (2019)
  • El-Sheimy Heading Accuracy Improvement of MEMS IMU/DGPS Integrated Navigation System for Land Vehicle. Naser El-Sheimy; D Gu. (2008)
  • A Self-dependent Camera/Map-Aided Smartphone-Based PNS. Luo Yiran; Naser El-Sheimy; Yu Chunyang; Lan Haiyu. (2019)
  • Land Vehicles Control Sensors for Aiding Navigation in GNSS Denied Environment. Adel Moussa; Shady Zahran; Naser El-Sheimy; Mohamed Moussa. (2019)
  • El-Sheimy Heading Accuracy Improvement of MEMS IMU/DGPS Integrated Navigation System for Land Vehicle. D Gu; Naser El-Sheimy. (2008)
  • Thermal Calibration of Low Cost MEMS Sensors for Land Vehicle Navigation System. Naser El-Sheimy; P Aggarwal; Z Syed. 2859-2863. (2008)
  • A GIS-based Spatial Bivariate Statistical Model for Flood Susceptibility Mapping. M. Shawky; N. El-Sheimy; Q. Hassan. (2019)
  • Factor Graph-Based Cooperative Positioning Algorithm for Pedestrian Navigation Systems in Indoor Environments. Naser El-Sheimy; Luo Yiran; Lan Haiyu; Yu Chunyang. (2019)
  • GIS for Delineating Stream Network. Q. Hassan; N. El-Sheimy; M. Shawky. (2019)
  • System Calibration of Land-Based Mobile Mapping Systems. Naser El-Sheimy; T Hassan. (2008)
  • Pixel-based Machine Learning Technique for Predicting Flash Flood Extent: A Case Study from an Arid Area. M. Shawky; Q. Hassan; N. El-Sheimy; A. Moussa. (2018)
  • Ultrasonic based heading estimation for aiding land vehicle navigation in GNSS denied environment. Mohamed Moussa; Naser El-Sheimy; Adel Moussa. (2018)
  • An Efficient Weed Detection Procedure Using Low-Cost Uav Imagery System For Precision Agriculture Applications. M. Hassanein; N. El-Sheimy. (2018)
  • Tracking Loop Level Integration for GPS/MEMS IMU. Y Yang; Naser El-Sheimy. (2008)
  • Tracking Loop Level Integration for GPS/MEMS IMU. Naser El-Sheimy; Y Yang. (2008)
  • Evaluation of Dynamic Ad-Hoc UWB Indoor Positioning System. M. Sakr; A. Masiero; N. El-Sheimy. (2018)
  • Effect of Correcting SRTM Elevation Data on the Geometric Comparison between the Drainage Networks Derived from SRTM DEM and LIDAR DTM. M. Shawky; A. Moussa; N. El-Sheimy; Q. Hassan. (2018)
  • Modelling of Stochastic Errors for Low-Cost Inertial/GNSS Fully Integrated Architecture Systems. S. Nassar; A. Sesay; N. El-Sheimy; A. Radi. (2018)
  • A New Federated Kalman Filter for Integrated Navigation Systems Based on SINS. Y Qin; D Gu; Naser El-Sheimy. (2008)
  • A New Federated Kalman Filter for Integrated Navigation Systems Based on SINS. D Gu; Y Qin; Naser El-Sheimy. (2008)
  • Enhanced UAV Navigation in GNSS Denied Environment Using Repeated Dynamics Pattern Recognition. Abu B. Sesay; S. Zahran; N. El-Sheimy; A. Moussa. (2018)
  • Improved Stochastic Modelling of Low-cost GNSS Receivers Positioning Errors. A. Radi; M. Khedr; S. Guerrier; S. Nassar; N. El-Sheimy; R. Molinari. (2018)
  • Multiple ultrasonic aiding system for car navigation in GNSS denied environment. Mohamed Moussa; Naser El-Sheimy; Adel Moussa. (2018)
  • Extended Particle Filter for Vehicle Navigation. P Aggarwal; Naser El-Sheimy; D Gu. (2007)
  • An Optimal Virtual Inertial Sensor Framework using Wavelet Cross Covariance. N. El-Sheimy; Y. Zhang; H. Xu; R. Molinari; S. Guerrier; A. Radi. (2018)
  • Vehicle Navigation Using Constraints in Tightly Coupled INS/GPS Integration. Naser El-Sheimy; Y Yang; Z Syed; C Goodall. (2007)
  • Extended Particle Filter for Vehicle Navigation. P Aggarwal; Naser El-Sheimy; D Gu. (2007)
  • An improved DE-KFL for BOC signal tracking assisted by FRFT in a highly dynamic environment. N. El-Sheimy; L. Zhang; Y. Luo. (2018)
  • Towards Robust Crowdsourcing on Wireless and Environmental Signal Maps - A GPS/Beidou and Multi-Sensor Integration Approach. You Li; Naser-El-Sheimy; Peng Zhang; Zhouzheng Gao; Zhe He; Chuang Shi. (2019)
  • Enhanced Feature Matching For Visual Aiding Of Vehicle Using Object Detection. N. El-Sheimy. (2019)
  • Recent Advances in Accuracy Enhancement of MEMS-based IMUs for Navigation Applications. Naser El-Sheimy; A Noureldin; J Bird; M Eberts; C Johnston. (2007)
  • An Optimal Virtual Inertial Sensor Framework using Wavelet CrossCovariance. H. Xu; Y. Zhang; S. Guerrier; N. El-Sheimy; R. Molinari; A. Radi. (2019)
  • Recent Advances in Accuracy Enhancement of MEMS-based IMUs for Navigation Applications. J Bird; A Noureldin; C Johnston; M Eberts; Naser El-Sheimy. (2007)
  • MICRO-RADAR AND UWB AIDED UAV NAVIGATION IN GNSS DENIED ENVIRONMENT. M. M. Mostafa; S. Zahran; A. Masiero; N. El-Sheimy; A. Vettore; A. M. Moussa. (2019)
  • Economical and Robust Inertial Sensor Configuration for a Portable Navigation System. Z Syed; P Aggarwal; X Niu; Naser El-Sheimy. (2007)
  • Economical and Robust Inertial Sensor Configuration for a Portable Navigation System. P Aggarwal; Z Syed; Naser El-Sheimy; X Niu. (2007)
  • Adaptive Particle Filter (APF) for INS/GPS Land Vehicle Navigation Applications. P Aggarwal; S Nassar; Z Syed; Naser El-Sheimy; D Gu. (2007)
  • Adaptive Particle Filter (APF) for INS/GPS Land Vehicle Navigation Applications. P Aggarwal; Z Syed; D Gu; S Nassar; Naser El-Sheimy. (2007)
  • Intelligent off-line tuning of a Kalman filter for INS/GPS navigation applications. X Niu; Naser El-Sheimy; C Goodall. (2007)
  • Alignment Monitoring Using MEMS-Based Sensors. W Teskey; Naser El-Sheimy; Y Yang. (2007)
  • Alignment Monitoring Using MEMS-Based Sensors. Naser El-Sheimy; W Teskey; Y Yang. (2007)
  • Compensating for GPS/MEMS INS Navigation System Errors using aKalman-Neural Architecture. C. Goodall; N.; Naser El-Sheimy; K-W. Chiang. (2019)
  • Compensating for GPS/MEMS INS Navigation System Errors using aKalman-Neural Architecture. Naser El-Sheimy; N.; C. Goodall; K-W. Chiang. (2019)
  • Communicationand Localization in Wireless Sensor Networks Using MultiCarrier UWB Systems. Naser El-Sheimy; A. Noureldin; A. Yousif; M. Youssef; N.. (2019)
  • Communicationand Localization in Wireless Sensor Networks Using MultiCarrier UWB Systems. A. Yousif; N.; M. Youssef; A. Noureldin; Naser El-Sheimy. (2019)
  • WSN Localization via MC-UWB Communication Systems. N.; A. Noureldin; Naser El-Sheimy; A. Yousif; M. Youssef. (2019)
  • DirectlyGeoreferencing Terrestrial Imagery using MEMS-based INS/GNSS Integrated Systems. Naser El-Sheimy; T. Hassan; X. Niu; N; C. Ellum. (2006)
  • Cost-effective Testing and calibration of Low Cost MEMS Sensors for IntegratedPositioning, Navigation and Mapping Systems. Naser . El-Sheimy; Y, Niu Yong.; P. Aggarwal. (2006)
  • Cost-effective Testing and calibration of Low Cost MEMS Sensors for IntegratedPositioning, Navigation and Mapping Systems. P. Aggarwal; Y, Niu Yong.; Naser . El-Sheimy. (2006)
  • Progressin Integrated Positioning, Navigation and Mapping Systems.. A.; Naser . El-Sheimy; A. Hunter; S. Nassar; Osman. (2006)
  • Progressin Integrated Positioning, Navigation and Mapping Systems.. A.; Osman; Naser . El-Sheimy; S. Nassar; A. Hunter. (2006)
  • Multi-sensor Inertial Navigation Systems Employing Skewed Redundant InertialSensors. S. Nassar; A. Osman; Naser El-Sheimy; N.; A. Noureldin; B. Wright. (2006)
  • Adaptive Particle Filter for INS/GPS Integration. Naser . El-Sheimy; P. Gu Aggarwal. (2006)
  • Adaptive Particle Filter for INS/GPS Integration. P. Gu Aggarwal; Naser . El-Sheimy. (2006)
  • TheDevelopment of an Accurate MEMS-Based Inertial/GPS System for Land-VehicleNavigation Application. C., Goodall; N. El-Sheimy; X. Niu; S., Nassar. (2006)
  • TheDevelopment of an Accurate MEMS-Based Inertial/GPS System for Land-VehicleNavigation Application. C., Goodall; S., Nassar; X. Niu; N. El-Sheimy. (2006)
  • PhotogrammetricBridging of GPS/INS in Urban Centers for Mobile Mapping Applications. T. Hassan; C. Ellum; N. El-Sheimy; Nashaat Nassar. (2006)
  • PhotogrammetricBridging of GPS/INS in Urban Centers for Mobile Mapping Applications. C. Ellum; T. Hassan; N. El-Sheimy; Nashaat Nassar. (2006)
  • Improving GPS Receiver TrackingPerformance of PLL by MEMS IMU Aiding. N.; Y. Yang; Naser El-Sheimy. (2006)
  • AnIntegrated Approach for the Analysis and Visualization of Moving Objects”.. J. Cranston; N.and Stenhouse El-Sheimy; A. Hunter; G.. (2006)
  • AnIntegrated Approach for the Analysis and Visualization of Moving Objects”.. J. Cranston; A. Hunter; N.and Stenhouse El-Sheimy; G.. (2006)
  • Self Localization Techniques for Wireless Sensor Networks. A. Yousif; Naser El-Sheimy; A Noureldin; N.; M. Youssef. (2006)
  • Self Localization Techniques for Wireless Sensor Networks. M. Youssef; Naser El-Sheimy; A. Yousif; A Noureldin; N.. (2006)
  • AConstructive and Autonomous Integration Scheme of Low-Cost GPS/MEMS IMU forLand Vehicular Navigation Applications. N.; S. Nassar; K-W. Chiang; Naser El-Sheimy. (2006)
  • AnEfficient Method for Evaluating the Performance of MEMS IMUs. C. Goodall; X. Niu; N.; S.and El-Sheimy Nassar. (2006)
  • Performance Analysis of Tactical GradeInertial Systems for Measurements-While-Drilling (MWD) Process. M . El-Gizawy; N.; Naser El-Sheimy; A. Noureldin. (2006)
  • Performance Analysis of Tactical GradeInertial Systems for Measurements-While-Drilling (MWD) Process. M . El-Gizawy; N.; Naser El-Sheimy; A. Noureldin. (2006)
  • Improving MEMS IMU/GPS Systems for Accurate Land-Based NavigationApplications. S. Nassar; Naser El-Sheimy; N.; X. Niu; Z. Syed. (2006)
  • Improving MEMS IMU/GPS Systems for Accurate Land-Based NavigationApplications. Z. Syed; Naser El-Sheimy; S. Nassar; N.; X. Niu. (2006)
  • INS/GPS Sensitivity Analysis Using Different KalmanFilter Approaches. P. Aggarwal; S. Nassar; N.; X. Niu; Naser El-Sheimy. (2006)
  • Real-TimeMEMS Based INS/GPS Integrated Navigation System for Land Vehicle NavigationApplication. N.; X. Niu; Naser El-Sheimy; Y. Yang. (2006)
  • Integrated Recursive Least Square Lattice and Neuro-Fuzzy Modules for Mobile Multi-Sensor Data fusion. A. Noureldin; N. El-Sheimy; M. El-Gizawy. (2005)
  • Integrated Recursive Least Square Lattice and Neuro-Fuzzy Modules for Mobile Multi-Sensor Data fusion. N. El-Sheimy; A. Noureldin; M. El-Gizawy. (2005)
  • CombiningGPS and photogrammetric measurements in a single adjustment. Naser El-Sheimy; N.; C. M. Ellum. (2005)
  • CombiningGPS and photogrammetric measurements in a single adjustment. N.; Naser El-Sheimy; C. M. Ellum. (2005)
  • Integratingphotogrammetry and GPS at the measurement-level. Naser El-Sheimy; C. M. Ellum; N.. (2005)
  • Development of a Low-cost MEMS IMU/GPSNavigation System for Land Vehicles Using Auxiliary Velocity Updates in theBody Frame. X. Niu; Naser El-Sheimy; N.. (2005)
  • Integratingphotogrammetry and GPS at the measurement-level. C. M. Ellum; N.; Naser El-Sheimy. (2005)
  • AccurateINS/GPS Positioning with Different Inertial Systems Using Various Algorithmsfor Bridging GPS Outages. S. Nassar; E-H. Shin; N.; X. Niu; Naser El-Sheimy. (2005)
  • AccurateINS/GPS Positioning with Different Inertial Systems Using Various Algorithmsfor Bridging GPS Outages. S. Nassar; N.; E-H. Shin; X. Niu; Naser El-Sheimy. (2005)
  • Onthe Development of a Conceptual Intelligent Navigator for a Low Cost DGPS/MEMSIMU Integrated System. K. Chiang; X. Niu; N. El-Sheimy. (2005)
  • Onthe Development of a Conceptual Intelligent Navigator for a Low Cost DGPS/MEMSIMU Integrated System. K. Chiang; N. El-Sheimy; X. Niu. (2005)
  • TheDevelopment of a GPS/MEMS INS Integrated System Utilizing a Hybrid ProcessingArchitecture. C. Goodall; Naser . El-Sheimy; K. W. Chiang. (2005)
  • Sensor Integration and ImageGeoreferencing for Airborne 3D Mapping Applications. S. Nassar; Naser El-Sheimy; N.. (2005)
  • Sensor Integration and ImageGeoreferencing for Airborne 3D Mapping Applications. S. Nassar; N.; Naser El-Sheimy. (2005)
  • Mobile Mapping – the New Trend in GIS Data Capturing. Naser El-Sheimy. (2005)
  • Mobile Mapping – the New Trend in GIS Data Capturing. Naser El-Sheimy. (2005)
  • Sensor Integration and ImageGeoreferencing in Support of Airborne Remote Sensing Applications. S. Nassar; Naser El-Sheimy; N. (2005)
  • 3D GIS Data Acquisition Using VISAT – A Mobile Mapping System. Naser . El-Sheimy. (2005)
  • Sensor Integration and ImageGeoreferencing in Support of Airborne Remote Sensing Applications. N; S. Nassar; Naser El-Sheimy. (2005)
  • An Overview of Mobile Mapping Systems. Naser El-Sheimy. (2005)
  • An Overview of Mobile Mapping Systems. Naser El-Sheimy. (2005)
  • The Common Adjustment of GPS andPhotogrammetric Measurements. N; C. Ellum; Naser El-Sheimy. (2005)
  • The Common Adjustment of GPS andPhotogrammetric Measurements. Naser El-Sheimy; C. Ellum; N. (2005)
  • PerformanceComparison of the Extended and the Unscented Kalman Filter for integrated GPSand MEMS-Based Inertial Systems. X. Niu; N.; Naser El-Sheimy; E. H. Shin. (2005)
  • Backward Smoothingfor Pipeline Surveying Applications.. E. H. Shin; N.; Naser El-Sheimy. (2005)
  • Neuro Fuzzy Systems for GPS/INS Integration. Naser . El-Sheimy; Taha Reda; Noureldin; A.; M . El-Gizawy. (2019)
  • Neuro Fuzzy Systems for GPS/INS Integration. Naser . El-Sheimy; A.; Taha Reda; Noureldin; M . El-Gizawy. (2019)
  • Grizzly Camera for Habitat Use Analysis. A. Hunter; G. Stenhouse; Naser . El-Sheimy. (2004)
  • Grizzly Camera for Habitat Use Analysis. A. Hunter; G. Stenhouse; Naser . El-Sheimy. (2004)
  • Improving Positioning Accuracyof a GPS/MEMS Integrated Vehicular Navigation System during DGPS OutagesPeriods Utilizing Cascade Denoising Algorithm. Dongyan Niu; H. Hou; K. W. Chiang; X.; Naser . El-Sheimy. (2004)
  • The Impact of Future Global Navigation Satellite Systems on Precise Carrier Phase Positioning. Naser . El-Sheimy; T. Richert. (2004)
  • Improving Positioning Accuracyof a GPS/MEMS Integrated Vehicular Navigation System during DGPS OutagesPeriods Utilizing Cascade Denoising Algorithm. Naser . El-Sheimy; Dongyan Niu; X.; K. W. Chiang; H. Hou. (2004)
  • Real Time Identification and Location of Forest Fire Hotspots from Geo-referenced Thermal Image. T. Yotsumata; N. El-Sheimy; Wright D.B.. (2004)
  • Real Time Identification and Location of Forest Fire Hotspots from Geo-referenced Thermal Image. Wright D.B.; T. Yotsumata; N. El-Sheimy. (2004)
  • Performance Analysis ofIntegrated Sensor Orientation. J.; Stewart Hutton; Naser . El-Sheimy; A. Ip. (2004)
  • Performance Analysis ofIntegrated Sensor Orientation. J.; A. Ip; Naser . El-Sheimy; Stewart Hutton. (2004)
  • Establishing statisticalconfidence limits for structural health monitoring using wavelet packettransformation. Reda Taha M.; N. El-Sheimy; Noureldin. (2004)
  • Experimental Results of an Adaptive Fuzzy Network Kalman Filtering Integration for Low Cost Navigation Applications. Abdelhamid, W.; T. Abdelazim. (2004)
  • Establishing statisticalconfidence limits for structural health monitoring using wavelet packettransformation. Noureldin; N. El-Sheimy; Reda Taha M.. (2004)
  • Automization of INS/GPS Integration System Using GeneticOptimization. Reda Taha; Hassanain M. A.; Naser El-Sheimy; A. Noureldin. (2004)
  • Automization of INS/GPS Integration System Using GeneticOptimization. Reda Taha; A. Noureldin; Hassanain M. A.; Naser El-Sheimy. (2004)
  • In-Motion Alignment of Low-Cost IMUs. E. H. Shin; N.; Naser El-Sheimy. (2004)
  • In-Motion Alignment of Low-Cost IMUs. N.; Naser El-Sheimy; E. H. Shin. (2004)
  • SINS Parametric Error Modeling For Accurate Bridging of DGPS Outages in Different SINS/DGPS Application . S. Nassar; N.; Naser El-Sheimy. (2004)
  • INS/GPS Data Fusion Technique Utilizing Radial Basis Functions Neural Networks". A. Osman; R. Sharaf; A. Noureldin; N. El-Sheimy. (2004)
  • SINS Parametric Error Modeling For Accurate Bridging of DGPS Outages in Different SINS/DGPS Application . Naser El-Sheimy; N.; S. Nassar. (2004)
  • Noise Characterization ofMicro-Machined Inertial Sensors. Naser El-Sheimy; Walid Abdelhamid; Mohsen S. Aly. (2004)
  • Noise Characterization ofMicro-Machined Inertial Sensors. Walid Abdelhamid; Naser El-Sheimy; Mohsen S. Aly. (2004)
  • The Performance Analysis of Neural Network Based INS/GPS Integration Method for Land Vehicle Navigation. Naser El-Sheimy; K. W. Chiang; N.. (2004)
  • The Performance Analysis of Neural Network Based INS/GPS Integration Method for Land Vehicle Navigation. K. W. Chiang; Naser El-Sheimy; N.. (2004)
  • System Performance Analysis of INS/DGPS Integrated System for Mobile Mapping System (MMS). M; A. Ip; Naser . El-Sheimy; Mostafa. (2004)
  • Fast Orthophoto Production using the Digital Sensor System. N.; M.M.R. Mostafa; A. Ip; Naser El-Sheimy. (2004)
  • System Performance Analysis of INS/DGPS Integrated System for Mobile Mapping System (MMS). Mostafa; M; A. Ip; Naser . El-Sheimy. (2004)
  • Improving the Performance of MEMS-based Inertial Sensors by RemovingShort-Term Errors Utilizing Wavelet Multi-Resolution Analysis. Osman, A.; N. El-Sheimy; W. Abdelhamid. (2004)
  • Improving the Performance of MEMS-based Inertial Sensors by RemovingShort-Term Errors Utilizing Wavelet Multi-Resolution Analysis. W. Abdelhamid; Osman, A.; N. El-Sheimy. (2004)
  • INS and INS/GPS Accuracy Improvement Using Autoregressive (AR) Modeling of INS Sensor Errors . N.; Naser El-Sheimy; S. Nassar; K-P. Schwarz. (2004)
  • Intelligent Prediction of Time-Dependant Creep Deformations Using Radial Basis Function Neural Network. Reda Taha M.; N. El-Sheimy; A. Noureldin; T. Abd-Elazim. (2003)
  • INS and INS/GPS Accuracy Improvement Using Autoregressive (AR) Modeling of INS Sensor Errors . S. Nassar; K-P. Schwarz; Naser El-Sheimy; N.. (2004)
  • Real-Time Direct Georeferencing of Thermal Images for Identification and Location of Forest Fire Hotspots. B. Wright; Naser El-Sheimy; N.. (2003)
  • Real-Time Direct Georeferencing of Thermal Images for Identification and Location of Forest Fire Hotspots. B. Wright; Naser El-Sheimy; N.. (2003)
  • Inertial Sensors Errors Modeling Using Allan Variance. N.; H. Hou; Naser El-Sheimy. (2003)
  • Inertial Sensors Errors Modeling Using Allan Variance. N.; H. Hou; Naser El-Sheimy. (2003)
  • Improving INS/GPS Positioning Accuracy during GPS Outages Using Fuzzy Logic. A. Noureldin; N. El-Sheimy; Reda Taha M.. (2003)
  • Application of Optimal GNSS Multi-Frequency Carrier Phase Combinations to Kinematic Positioning. R. Radovanovic; T. Richert; Naser . El-Sheimy. (2003)
  • Improving INS/GPS Positioning Accuracy during GPS Outages Using Fuzzy Logic. N. El-Sheimy; A. Noureldin; Reda Taha M.. (2003)
  • NS/DGPS Integration Utilizing Wavelet Multi-Resolution Analysis.. S. Nassar; N.; A. Osman; A. Noureldin; Naser El-Sheimy. (2003)
  • NS/DGPS Integration Utilizing Wavelet Multi-Resolution Analysis.. Naser El-Sheimy; A. Noureldin; N.; A. Osman; S. Nassar. (2003)
  • Modeling Inertial Sensor Errors UsingAutoregressive Models.. S. Nassar; Naser El-Sheimy; K-P. Schwarz; N.; A. Noureldin. (2003)
  • Modeling Inertial Sensor Errors UsingAutoregressive Models.. A. Noureldin; Naser El-Sheimy; N.; K-P. Schwarz; S. Nassar. (2003)
  • Adjustment of LIDAR Data. N.; M. Kris; Naser El-Sheimy. (2019)
  • INS/GPS Integration using Neural Networks for Land Vehicle Navigation Applications. Naser El-Sheimy; N.; KW. Chiang. (2002)
  • Adjustment of LIDAR Data. N.; M. Kris; Naser El-Sheimy. (2019)
  • Optimizing Smoothing Computation for Near Real-Time GPS Measurement Gap Filling in INS/GPS Systems. Naser El-Sheimy; E. H. Shin; N.. (2002)
  • Optimizing Smoothing Computation for Near Real-Time GPS Measurement Gap Filling in INS/GPS Systems. E. H. Shin; N.; Naser El-Sheimy. (2002)
  • Precise Positioning using Network DGPS via Optimal Linear Combination Determination. N.; Naser El-Sheimy; R. S. Radovanovic. (2002)
  • Precise Positioning using Network DGPS via Optimal Linear Combination Determination. N.; R. S. Radovanovic; Naser El-Sheimy. (2002)
  • The Calibration of Image-Based Mobile Mapping Systems. C. M. Ellum; Naser El-Sheimy; N.. (2002)
  • Boresight calibration of Multi-sensor Systems. N.; Naser El-Sheimy; C. M. Ellum. (2002)
  • The Calibration of Image-Based Mobile Mapping Systems. C. M. Ellum; N.; Naser El-Sheimy. (2002)
  • Accuracy Improvement of Low Cost INS/GPS for Land Applications. E. H. Shin; Naser El-Sheimy; N.. (2002)
  • Accuracy Improvement of Low Cost INS/GPS for Land Applications. E. H. Shin; Naser El-Sheimy; N.. (2002)
  • Portable Mobile Mapping Systems. Ellum; Naser . El-Sheimy; C.. (2002)
  • Portable Mobile Mapping Systems. Naser . El-Sheimy; Ellum; C.. (2002)
  • mproving the Performance of Inertial Sensor Alignment Using Adaptive Pre-Filtering Techniques. A. Noureldin; N. El-Sheimy; Shin E.H.. (2002)
  • The Calibration and Adjustment ofLIDAR Data. Naser El-Sheimy; N.; M. Kris. (2002)
  • mproving the Performance of Inertial Sensor Alignment Using Adaptive Pre-Filtering Techniques. N. El-Sheimy; A. Noureldin; Shin E.H.. (2002)
  • Real Time Identification and Location of Forest Fire Hotspots through the Integration of Infrared Video, GPS and INS Systems. Naser El-Sheimy; B. Wright; N.. (2001)
  • Real Time Identification and Location of Forest Fire Hotspots through the Integration of Infrared Video, GPS and INS Systems. N.; B. Wright; Naser El-Sheimy. (2001)
  • OnOptimizing Multi-Frequency Carrier Phase Combinations for Precise Positioning. Georgia; R. S. Radovanovic; Naser El-Sheimy. (2001)
  • OnOptimizing Multi-Frequency Carrier Phase Combinations for Precise Positioning. Naser El-Sheimy; R. S. Radovanovic; Georgia. (2001)
  • A Comparison of Airborne Laser Scanning Data Adjustment Methods. M. Kris; Naser El-Sheimy; N.. (2001)
  • Kinematic Attitude Determination from GPS Derived Accelerations and a Tri-Axial Accelerometer. N.; Naser El-Sheimy; C. M. Ellum. (2001)
  • A Comparison of Airborne Laser Scanning Data Adjustment Methods. M. Kris; N.; Naser El-Sheimy. (2001)
  • ImprovedStochastic Modelling of Low-cost GNSS Receivers Positioning Errors. A. Radi; S. Guerrier; M. Khedr; R. Molinari; S. Nassar; N. El-Sheimy. (2019)
  • An improved DE-KFL for BOC signal tracking assisted by FRFT in ahighly dynamic environment. Y. Luo; N. El-Sheimy; L. Zhang. (2019)
  • An Efficient Weed Detection Procedure Using Low-Cost UAV ImagerySystem For Precision Agriculture Applications. N. El-Sheimy; M. Hassanein. (2019)
  • Evaluation of Dynamic Ad-Hoc UWBIndoor Positioning System. N. El-Sheimy; M. Sakr; A. Masiero. (2019)
  • Modelling of Stochastic Errors for Low-Cost Inertial/GNSS FullyIntegrated Architecture Systems. N. El-Sheimy; A. Sesay; A. Radi; S. Nassar. (2019)
  • Enhanced UAV Navigationin GNSS Denied Environment Using Repeated Dynamics Pattern Recognition. A. Moussa; S. Zahran; Abu B. Sesay; N. El-Sheimy. (2019)