Morny Joy
Professor Emerita
Contact information
Phone number
Office: +1 (403) 220-7995
Fax: +1 (403) 210-9191
Social Sciences: 544
Educational Background
PhD Religious Studies, McGill University,
MA Religious Studies, University of Ottawa,
BA Dip.Ed., University of Sydney,
Areas of Research
- SocialSciencesandHumanitiesResearchCouncilofCanada (SSHRCC) Connections Grant, “Women, Rights, and Religions.”, 2016
- SamkulFellowship,“ReassemblingDemocracy(ReDo),”Research Council of Norway’s Programme on the Cultural Conditions Underlying Social Change (SAMKUL). Five-year research project., 2017
- HonoraryDoctorate,UniversityofHelsinki,Finland., 2011
- UniversityProfessor,UniversityofCalgary., 2005
- “Women’s Journeys in the Study of Religion: Adventures in Gender, Postmodernism, Postcolonialism and Globalization,” Journal Of the British Association for the Study of Religion,” Vol. 19, 2017:. (2017)
- “RicoeurfromFallibilitytoFragilityandEthics,”Symposium:Canadian Journal of Continental Philosophy 20/1, 2016: 69–90.. (2016)
- “Paul Ricoeur and Hermeneutics to Ethics,” Chinese Journal of Philosophy 42/ 1–2, 2015: 125–140, Special Supplement, “Interpreting Philosophical Classics: Chinese and Western.”. (2015)
- “MethodandTheoryinReligiousStudies:RetrospectandFutureProspects,” Journal for the Study of Religion 27/2, 2014: 313–40. (Revised paper in South African context; published first in Temenos: Nordic Journal for the Study of Religion 4/2, 2008: 65–88.). (2008)
- “ComparativeReligionanditsVicissitudesinanAgeofGlobalization,” Temenos 50/2, 2014: 215–34.. (2014)
- “Women’sRightsandReligions:AContemporaryReview,”Journalof Feminist Studies in Religion 29/1, 2013: 52–68.. (2013)
- “RevisitingPostcolonialismandReligion,”AustralianReligiousStudies Review 25/2, 2012:102–122.. (2012)
- “PaulRicoeuronLifeandDeath.”PhilosophyandSocialCriticism37/2,2011: 249–53.. (2011)
- “TheImpactofGenderonReligiousStudies.”Diogenes57/1,2010:93–102.. (2010)
- “NouvellesPerspectivesdanslesgenderstudies.”Diogènes225,Janvier– Mars 2009: 98–108.. (2009)
- “WhatCountsasKnowledgeinaGlobalizedWorld?”Religion39,2009:376– 78.. (2009)
- AnAbundanceofRiches:Women,Religion,andtheGift,ed.MornyJoy. Dordrecht: Springer, 2016. 210pp.. (2016)
- WomenandtheGift:BeyondtheGivenandtheAll-Giving,ed.MornyJoy. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2013.. (2013)
- AfterAppropriation:ExplorationsinInterculturalPhilosophyandReligion,ed. Morny Joy. Calgary: University of Calgary Press, 2012.. (2012)
- ContinentalPhilosophyandPhilosophyofReligion,ed.MornyJoy.Dordrecht: Springer, 2011.. (2011)
- APlaceofSprings:LivingBeautyinViolentModernity:Deathandthe Displacement of Beauty, Vol. 3, Grace Jantzen, compiled and edited posthumously by Jeremy Carrette and Morny Joy. London: Routledge, 2009.. (2011)
- ViolenceandEternity:DeathandtheDisplacementofBeautyVol.2,Grace Jantzen, compiled and edited posthumously by Jeremy Carrette and Morny Joy. London: Routledge, 2008.. (2008)
- DivineLove:LuceIrigaray,Women,GenderandReligion.SeriesinGender and Religion. Manchester University Press, 2007. 207pp. Paperback edition 2013.. (2013)
- ReligioninFrenchFeministThought:CriticalEssays,ed.withK.O’Gradyand J. Poxon. New York: Routledge, 2003.. (2003)
- FrenchFeministsonReligion,AReader,ed.withK.O’GradyandJ.Poxon, Routledge, 2001.. (2001)
- PaulRicoeurandNarrative:ContextsandContestations,ed.MornyJoy. Calgary: University of Calgary Press, 1997.. (1997)
- Gender,GenreandReligion:FeministReflections,ed.MornyJoyandEva Dargyay. Waterloo: Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 1995.. (1995)
- ClaimingOurRites,EssaysonReligionbyAustralianWomenScholars,ed. Morny Joy and Penny Magee. Adelaide: Australian Association for the Study of Religion, 1994.. (1994)
More Information
Philosophy and Religion: History and Contemporary Problems; Intercultural Philosophy.
Intercultural Philosophy and Religion
History of Religions: Specialty Hinduism, early Buddhism
Women in Western Thought and World Religions.
Phenomenology and Hermeneutics – specialty in work of Paul Ricoeur. Method and Theory in Religion.
Religion and Cultural Critique; Postcolonial Theory.
Contemporary French Thought.
American Academy of Religion.
Australian Association for the Study of Religion. Canadian Society for the Study of Religion.
Canadian Society for Continental Philosophy International Association for the History of Religions. International Society for Women and Philosophy. Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy. Paul Ricoeur Studies Society.
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