Dr. Monica Cepoiu-Martin
Program Manager
Cumming School of Medicine, Department of Critical Care Medicine
Contact information
Office: McCaig Tower0497
Dr. Cepoiu-Martin is the DCCM Research Program Manager at the University of Calgary, managing both clinical research and health services research programs in the department. Dr. Cepoiu-Martin received her MSc in Epidemiology and Biostatistics from McGill University, PhD in Health Services Research from the University of Calgary and completed the Health Services Impact (HSI) CIHR post-doctoral training working with AHS stakeholders on the Enhancing Care in the Community (ECC) strategy programs. Her experience includes developing and managing research projects in various areas, including clinical research, health technology assessment, program evaluation and applications of simulation modeling techniques (such as discrete event simulation and system dynamics) in healthcare decision making and policy development.
In the News
- Community Health Sciences postdoctoral fellowship program prepares grads for the workforce. UCALGARY NEWS. (2019)
More Information
Research Areas
- research management
- clinical research management
- simulation modeling
- research methodology
- leadership
- strategic management.
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