Michelle Kilborn

Dr. Michelle Kilborn



Assistant Professor (Teaching)

Werklund School of Education, Specialization, Curriculum and Learning

Contact information


Office: EDT720



Teaching Certificate of Qualification, BC Ministry of Education, 1993

Educational Background

PhD Secondary Education, University of Alberta, 2014

MA Education, University of Victoria, 1999

BEd. Education, University of Victoria, 1993


Michelle Kilborn is an Assistant Professor (Teaching) and the Undergraduate Program Year 1&2 Course Coordinator at the Werklund School of Education, University of Calgary. Michelle holds a B.Ed and M.A. in Physical Education from the University of Victoria and a PhD from the University of Alberta. Michelle began her career as a K-12 teacher in British Columbia where she also provided leadership to the physical education community as the provincial specialist association president of PEBC. Michelle moved to Alberta in 2006 and as Curriculum Manager for wellness-related programs of study at Alberta Education, she was instrumental in co-developing Alberta's Framework for Kindergarten to Grade 12 Wellness Education. Michelle’s work focuses on reconceptualizing curriculum and pedagogy and physical and health education, with a special interest in holistic, wellness-oriented approaches to physical education; wisdom perspectives on health and wellness; comprehensive school health and physical & health education teacher education.  Her initial efforts to encourage a wellness approach were first captured in her dissertation work which won the Recognition Award from the Canadian Association for Teacher Education and the Phi Delta Kappa Doctoral Dissertation Award. She expanded this work into her first book: A Curriculum of Wellness: Reconceptualizing Physical Education. Michelle was also the recipient of the 2023 Werklund School of Education Teaching Excellence Award.


Areas of Research

Wellness-oriented Approaches to Physical Education , Health and Physical Education Teacher Education, Comprehehsive School Health

Participation in university strategic initiatives


Course number Course title Semester
EDUC 535.08 Specialization II Elementary Physical Education Fall 2021
EDUC 535.16 Specialization II Secondary Physical Education Fall 2021
EDUC 430 Pragmatics of Learning and Teaching Fall 2021
EDUC 440 Field Experience I Fall 2021
EDUC 460.08 Specialization I Elementary Physical Education Winter 2022
EDUC 460.16 Specialization II Secondary Physical Education Winter 2022
EDUC 551 Comprehensive School Health and Wellness K-12 Winter 2022
EDUC 465 Field Experience II Winter 2022


Fostering student-centered learning with games for understanding approach in physical education

Calls for reform in physical education curriculum and pedagogy stem from research suggesting that the dominant sport technique model (Kirk, 2010) does not meet the needs of contemporary youth and lack of connection and relevance to their lives (Dyson, 2006; Humbert, 2006; MacDonald & Hunter, 2005). This project will help ensure a more holistic approach to teaching and learning is employed in the specialization courses by using a practice-based strategy to teach pre-service teachers how to design and teach games in a conceptual way, incorporating Indigenous ways of knowing.


  • CARES Award - Engaging Others, Alberta Health Services. 2021
  • Doctoral Dissertation Award, Phi Delta Kappa . 2015
  • Recognition Award on Teacher Education (Doctoral), Canadian Association for Teacher Education. 2014
  • Doctoral Fellowship Award , Social Sciences & Humanities Research Council. 2013
  • President’s Doctoral Award of Distinction , University of Alberta. 2013
  • J Gordin Kaplan Graduate Student Award , University of Alberta. 2013
  • The Doctor Jean C. Nelson Memorial Award , Alberta Health and Wellness. 2012
