Dr. Michael Sideris
Professor Emeritus
Schulich School of Engineering, Department of Geomatics Engineering
Contact information
Phone number
Office: 4032204985
CNRL Engineering Complex: ENE229G
For media enquiries, contact
Joe McFarland
Media Relations and Communications Specialist
Cell: +1.403.671.2710
Email: Joe.Mcfarland@ucalgary.ca
Educational Background
Dipl.-Eng. Rural and Surveying Engineering, National Technical University of Athens, 1981
M.S. Civil Engineering (Specialization: Surveying Engineering), University of Calgary, 1984
Ph.D. Surveying Engineering (Specialization: Geodesy), University of Calgary, 1988
Certificate University Management, University of Manitoba, 2001
Dr. h.c. Geodesy, University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy, 2004
Michael G. Sideris is Professor Emeritus in the Department of Geomatics Engineering, Schulich School of Engineering (SSE), at the University of Calgary (UCalgary). He has also served for many years as Associate Head (Research and Graduate Studies) in the Department, and as Associate Dean (Graduate Studies, Research, International) in the SSE and in the Faculty of Graduate Studies. He has degrees in Geomatics Engineering from the National Technical University of Athens, Greece (1981, Dipl.-Ing., Honours), and the University of Calgary (1984, MSc and 1988, PhD). In 2004, he was awarded an honorary doctorate (Dr. honoris causa) in geodesy by the University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy in Sofia, Bulgaria. His research interests are in the areas of Earth observation, gravity field approximation, spatial and temporal geoid modeling, dedicated gravity satellite missions, satellite altimetry, terrestrial and airborne gravimetry, height systems and vertical datums, and geoscience applications of statistical, spectral, and wavelet methods. He has led many national and international projects in the area of satellite Earth observation, funded by government, industry, and space agencies. His latest research was focused on the monitoring the temporal changes in the gravity field, oceans, land water and ice masses in North America by means of integrated satellite data. He has graduated over 60 PhD, MSc and MEng students, and has published over 220 articles in books, encyclopedias, scientific journals and fully refereed conference proceedings. Dr. Sideris has received many awards for excellence in teaching, research, and service, and is a Humboldt International Research Fellow, and a Fellow of the International Association of Geodesy (IAG) and the International Geoid Service (IGeS). He is the immediate past President of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG) and a past President of the IAG. He has served on the Board of Directors of many organizations, institutes, foundations, and national centres of excellence, including on the Program Board of the Group on Earth Observations (GEO).
Areas of Research
Dr. Sideris’ research interests are mainly in the field of physical geodesy, including spectral and wavelet methods for precise geoid determination, satellite altimetry, airborne and satellite gravimetry and gradiometry, and the solution of geodetic boundary value problems. Sideris' recent project involves monitoring the temporal changes in the gravity field, oceans, land, water and ice masses in North America by means of integrated satellite data. Other research includes:
- Preanalysis and adjustment of geodetic networks.
- Engineering, industrial and deformation surveys.
- Gravity field modelling, with emphasis on FFT and other spectral filtering techniques for local gravity field approximation.
- Precise geoid determination and the use of GPS for orthometric height determination.
- Airborne gravity and gradiometry for geodesy and geophysical exploration.
- Optimization (of accuracy and logistics) and control in geomatics.
- Satellite altimetry and satellite gravimetry applications in geodesy, geophysics and oceanography.
- Optimal combination of terrestrial, airborne, marine and satellite measurements for gravity field determination.
- Use of multi-resolution analysis and wavelets in gravity field approximation methods.
- Engineering Students’ Society Teaching Excellence Award 2016-2017, The University of Calgary. 2017
- Schulich School of Engineering Outstanding Teaching Performance Award for 2015-2016, The University of Calgary. 2016
- 1st and 2nd Year Teaching Excellence Award, 2015
- Elected President of the IUGG for 2015-2019, 2015
- Engineering Students’ Society Teaching Excellence Award 2014-2015, The University of Calgary. 2015
- President of the IUGG, International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG). 2015
- Service Excellence Award, Schulich School of Engineering, The University of Calgary. 2015
- Teaching Excellence Award, Schulich School of Engineering, The University of Calgary. 2015
- NSERC Accelerator Supplement Award, 2014
- Outstanding Teaching Performance Award, 2014
- Vice-President of the IUGG, International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG). 2015
- Elected IUGG President 2011-2015, 2011
- Elected IUGG Vice-President 2011-2015, 2011
- Honorary Past President of the IAG, 2011
- Canadian Aeronautics and Space Institute Casey Baldwin Award, 2007
- Elected IAG President 2007-2011, International Association of Geodesy (IAG). 2007
- Elected President, 2007-2011, International Association of Geodesy (IAG). 2007
- Doctor honoris causa, UACEG Sofia, Bulgaria, University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy (UACEG). 2004
- Faculty of Engineering Research Excellence Award in Geomatics Engineering, 1999
More Information
Probability and Statistics for Engineers; Analysis of Surveying Results; Geodetic Positioning; Fundamentals of Surveying; Field Surveys; Independent Project; Analysis of Surveying Results; Optimization in Surveying; Survey Networks; The Gravity Field In Surveying and Geodesy; Surveying and Mapping Procedures; Fundamentals of Geodesy, Map Projections and Cartography.
Theoretical Foundations of Geodesy; Gravity Field Approximation; Operations Research in Surveying/Modelling and Optimization Analysis; Special Studies in Network Adjustments and Geometric Deformation Analysis.
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