Mike Monument

Michael James Monument



Assistant Professor

Cumming School of Medicine, Department of Surgery | Orthopedic Surgery

Director, Office of Surgical Research

Cumming School of Medicine, Department of Surgery

Director, integrated Sarcoma Research Program

Arthur J.E. Child Comprehensive Cancer Centre

Full Member

Arnie Charbonneau Cancer Institute

Full Member

McCaig Institute for Bone and Joint Health

Contact information

Phone number

Office: 403-944-2402


Clinical Office: McCaig Tower - Ground Floor
Lab: HRIC3a25

Preferred method of communication

Admin Assistant

Kassandra Paiva

Email: kassandra.paiva@ahs.ca

Office: 403.944.2402

I'm looking for...

Study participants

Genetic profiling of high-risk bone and soft tissue sarcomas


Developing novel immunotherapies, and precision therapeutics for sarcoma patients in Alberta.

Improving care delivery and surgical outcomes for cancer patients with metastatic bone cancer.

Research partners

Patient partners

Novel immunotherapeutic pharmaceutical collaborations

Computer imaging, machine learning

Database support and analytics



Educational Background

B.Sc. Science and Medicine, University of Calgary, 2002

Doctor of Medicine Medicine, University of Calgary, 2005

M.Sc. Joint Injury and Arthritis, University of Calgary, 2009

FRCSC Orthopaedic Surgery, University of Calgary, 2011

Sarcoma Clinical and Research Fellowship Sarcoma, University of Utah, 2014


I am an orthopaedic surgeon scientist specializing in the diagnosis and surgical management of musculoskeletal neoplasms in children and adults. I am a born and raised Calgarian and completed my BSc, MSc, MD and orthopaedic surgery training at the University of Calgary. I spent three years (2011-2014) at the University of Utah, Huntsman Cancer Institute sub-specializing in sarcoma and musculoskeletal oncology surgery.


Areas of Research

Area of Focus
  • Musculoskeletal oncology
  • Inducible and syngeneic mouse models of bone and soft tissue sarcoma
  • STING pathway activation in sarcomas
  • Anti-fibrotic therapies
  • Ewing sarcoma
  • Surgical outcomes in metastatic bone disease
  • Patient-engaged research in metastatic bone disease
Summary of Research

The Monument lab has expertise in developing inducible and syngeneic mouse models of bone and soft tissue sarcoma. Like human sarcomas, these murine models of sarcomas are immunologically cold, void of spontaneous tumour infiltrating lymphocytes and resistant to immunotherapies. Using these models were are developing novel immunotherapy strategies to inflame the sarcoma microenvironment. We have particular interest in therapeutic approaches to activate the STimulator of INterferon Genes (STING) pathway within sarcomas as a clinically relevant single agent therapy or in combination with radiation and other immune-based therapies. 

Dr. Monument is the Director of iSARP - an integrated sarcoma research program based out of Calgary. In collaboration with the Alberta Cancer Foundation, the mission of this research program is to accelerate clinical sarcoma research initiatives in Alberta and develop precision oncology and novel immunotherapy opportunities for high-risk sarcoma patients.

Our clinical research also focusses on patient-engaged research in metastatic bone cancer and improving the delivery of multimodal care for advanced skeletal metastases. We are building an Alberta metastatic bone cancer database to accurately capture oncologic and patient reported outcomes in patients with metastatic bone disease treated with surgical stabilization procedures.

Our lab and clinical research group is accepting applications for research technicians, summer students, graduate students and post-doctoral fellows to join our clinical and pre-clinical research initiatives.


Course number Course title Semester
MDSC 52809 LAB 12 B12 Ind Studies in Medical Science
MDSC 75577 LEC 03 03 Directed Study
MDCN 360 Musculoskeletal & Skin Multidisciplinary Unit
MDCN 445 Applied Evidence-Based Medicine


Inducible and syngeneic mouse models of bone and soft tissue sarcoma

Using genetic engineering strategies our lab is developing various mouse models of bone and soft tissue sarcoma. We study the immune composition of these murine sarcomas and use these models to understand sarcoma immunology and test new immunotherapies.

STING immunotherapy for soft tissue sarcomas

We are testing a novel immunotherapy strategy that involves activation of an intrinsic anti-viral and bacterial immune pathway to stimulate anti-sarcoma immunity. 

Molecular profiling of sarcomas

In collaboration with the The Clark H. Smith Tumour Bank and computational biologists at the Cumming School of Medicine we are utilizing cutting edge sequencing technologies to profile the molecular and immune landscape of high-risk sarcomas. With this longitudinal program, we hope to identify new therapeutic targets, characterize how sarcomas evolve throughout the treatment process and support personalized therapeutic opportunities.

Improving outcomes for metastatic bone cancer patients

Bone metastases are extremely common in patients with advanced cancer. Orthopaedic surgery is frequently required to stabilize painful and fractured bone lesions. We are researching strategies to improve care delivery pathways, lessen acute cancer-related bone fractures and improve surgical outcomes in patients with metastatic bone cancer.


  • 2020 Project Grant Prize: Early Career Investigator in Cancer, Canadian Institutes of Health Research. 2021
  • 2020 #GREATsupervisor - Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of Calgary. 2020
  • Surgical Educator of the Year, Department of Surgery, University of Calgary. 2019
