Dr. Michael Kehler
Werklund School of Education, Specialization, Curriculum and Learning
Contact information
Educational Background
PhD. Teacher Education, Michigan State University, 2000
MEd Educational Studies (Curriculum), University of Western Ontario, 1992
BEd. , Queen's University, 1985
BA. Honours Sociology, Queen's University, 1984
Originally from Kingston, Ontario, Dr. Kehler completed his undergraduate degrees (BA. Honours, BEd.) at Queen's University. Following years of teaching high school English within Canada and abroad, Dr. Kehler pursued his PhD from Michigan State University. He taught at the Faculty of Education and Women's Studies at Western University, London, Ontario for 17 years before accepting the position as a Research Professor in Masculinities' Studies in Education at the University of Calgary, Werklund School of Education.
Professional & Community Affiliations
Dr. Kehler collaborates internationally and has recently developed a network of research between Canada, the UK, and Australia. He provides consultation and expertise in the area of equity, gender, homophobia, and sex education with a particular focus on addressing masculinities in education. He has been working actively addressing issues including: The Prevention of Violence Against Women (Western University Programming); Boys and body image-Thunder Bay District Health Unit; Big Brothers, Big Sisters Association-Working Group.
Areas of Research
Dr. Kehler’s research addresses the intersection of gender and education more broadly and specifically explores masculinities, schooling, literacies, men as change agents, counter sexist politics, body image, health education, bullying, homophobia and team sport. His ongoing research centres on the ways boys and men navigate school spaces and learn what it means to be a man. Largely drawing on masculinities scholarship and feminist research, Dr. Kehler has contributed to the field of study in education by challenging more static and linear arguments that conflate gender and sex. His research questions normative masculinity and the power, privilege and positioning of men within and beyond school settings. He contributes regularly to CBC, CTV, and local, as well as international, media outlets. He has co-edited several books, has numerous book chapters, in addition to publishing widely internationally in journals including: the McGill Journal of Education; Boyhood Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal; International Journal of Men’s Health, Culture, Society and Masculinities; The Canadian Journal of Education; Thymos: Boyhood Studies; and the Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy.
- Masculinities
- Gender studies
- Body, weight and appearance
- Qualitative research
- Critical youth studies
- Critical pedagogy
- Literacy
- Body image
Course number | Course title | Semester |
EDER 608 | Research Methods in Education | Fall 2021 |
EDUC 450 | Diversity in Education | Winter 2020 |
EDER684/787 | Critical Pedagogy - Contemporary Themes | Winter 2020 |
EDUC 450 | Diversity in Education | Winter 2019 |
EDUC 450 | Diversity in Education | Winter 2018 |
EDER 684/787 | Critical Pedagogy - Contemporary Themes | Fall 2018 |
- School spaces, school places: Shifting masculinities during the COVID-19 pandemic, SSHRC-PEG, 2021, 23.375$
- Schooling masculinities in teacher education: Disruptive practices, transformative pedagogies in gender and education, 2021, SOTL funded, 19.250$
- Learning and Leading for Equity Knowledge Network-KNAER 2017-2020
- Moving forward: Schooled bodies, identities, sexting and the curriculum that frames us, SSHRC
- Partnership Engage Grant, Social Science and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC). 2021
- Visiting Professor, University of Firenze - Department of Pedagogy, Languages, and Curriculum. 2021
- Federal Government of Canada Grant, #MeToo: Moving Forward Conference - Reykjavik, Iceland. 2019
- Queen's University Top 50 Influential Alumni in 50 Years, Queen's University. 2019
- Teaching Excellence Award, University of Western Ontario. 2016
- Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching Award, University of Western Ontario. 2014
- Travel Research Grant, University of Western Ontario. 2014
- “I don’t think my torso is anything to write home about”: Men’s reflexive production of authentic photos for online dating platforms. ". Waling, A.L. M. Kehler, J. Power, L. Kerr, A. Bourne . Journal of Gender Studies. 1-15. (2022)
- ‘Isn’t that a girl problem?’: Boys, bodies and the discourse of denial. Kehler, M., & Borduas, C.. Boyhood Studies: An interdisciplinary journal. 65-89. (2021)
- “It’s nice to be appreciated”: Understanding men’s engagements with sexting and practices of sending Dick Pics to women". Waling, A., Kerr, L., Bourne, A., Power, J., & Kehler, M.. Sexualities. 1-24. (2020)
- A literacy landscape unresolved: Beyond the boy crisis and into superhero fiction. Kehler, M., & Cassidy, J.. Boyhood Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal. 37-59. (2017)
- The space between: Boys, bodies and negotiating research subjectivities in physical education. Kehler, M., & Atkinson, M.. International Journal of Men's Health. 276-289. (2015)
- Boys, bodies and negotiated school spaces: When boys fail the litmus test. Burns, J., & Kehler, M.. Culture, Society, and Masculinities. 3-18. (2014)
- Beyond the “Boy problem”: Raising questions, growing concerns and literacy reconsidered. Watson, A., & Kehler, M.. New England Reading Association Journal. 43-55. (2012)
- Speaking the unspoken: Boys, bullying and biopedagogies. Atkinson, M., & Kehler, M.. Thymos: Journal of Boyhood Studies. 166-185. (2012)
- Boys, books and homophobia: Exploring the practices and policies of masculinities in school. Kehler, M.. McGill Journal of Education. 351-370. (2010)
- The Problem of Boys’ Literacy Underachievement: Raising Some Questions. Waston, A., Kehler, M., & Martino, W.. Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy. 356-361. (2010)
- Introduction: Boys, literacies and schooling. Kehler, M., & Martino, W.. Canadian Journal of Education. 401-405. (2007)
- Gender-based literacy reform: A question of challenging or recuperating gender binaries. Martino, W., & Kehler, M.. Canadian Journal of Education. 406-431. (2007)
- Hallway fears and high school friendships: The complications of young men (re)negotiating heterosexualized identities. Kehler, M.. Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education. 259-277. (2007)
- Questioning masculinities: Interrogating boys’ capacities for self-problematization in schools. Kehler, M., & Martino, W.. Canadian Journal of Education. 90-112. (2007)
- Male teachers and the ‘boy problem’: An issue of recuperative masculinity politics. Martino, W., & Kehler, M.. McGill Journal of Education. 1-20. (2006)
- Boys can read: Exploring the socially literate practices of high school young men. Kehler, M., & Greig, C.. International Journal of Inclusive Education. 351-370. (2005)
- Contradictions and tensions of the practice of masculinities in school: Interrogating ‘good buddy talk’ . Kehler, M., Davidson, K., & Frank, B.. Journal of Curriculum Theorizing. 59-72. (2005)
- Masculinities and resistance: High school boys (un)doing boy. Kehler, M.. Taboo. 97-113. (2004)
- “The boys” interrupted: Images constructed, realities translated. Kehler, M.. Education and Society. 83-99. (2004)
- A tangle of trouble: Boys, masculinity and schooling, future directions. Frank, B., Kehler, M., Lovell, T., & Davison, K.. Educational Review. 119-133. (2003)
- Curating Embodiment: Transformation and Tensions in Men’s Accounts of Shared Nudity. . Knott-Fayle, G., M. Kehler, B. Gough . . Journal of Bodies, Sexualities and Masculinities. . 1-24. (2023)
- School Spaces, School Places: Shifting Masculinities During the Covid-19 Pandemic. . Borduas, C., M. Kehler, & G. Knott-Fayle. International Journal of Educational Research. (2023)
- Examining Boys, Bodies and PE Locker Room Spaces.. Kehler, M.. Oxford University Press. 196-206. (2018)
- “Holy gendered resource, Batman!”: Examining the broader application of comics and superhero fiction beyond their restrictive relationship with boys and struggling or disinterested readers. Cassidy, J., & Kehler, M.. Taylor & Francis. 79-92. (2018)
- Behind locker room doors: Knowing why some boys “stay away from each other”. Kehler, M.. Open University Press. 155-168. (2016)
- Examining boys, bodies and PE locker room spaces: “I don’t’ ever set foot in that locker room”. Kehler, M.. Rutgers University Press. 202-220. (2016)
- When boys talk about their bodies: How boys learn “that persons useless”. Kehler, M.. Rowan & Littlefield Publishers. 55-69. (2014)
- Examining the (em)bodied boundaries of high school locker rooms. Kehler, M., & Atkinson, M.. Palgrave Macmillan. 112-130. (2013)
- Who will “save the boys”?: (Re)examining a panic for underachieving boys. Kehler, M.. Taylor & Francis. 121-130. (2012)
- A close shave with masculinity. Kehler, M.. Boy culture: An encyclopedia. (2010)
- Boy culture: An encyclopedia. Steinberg, S., Kehler, M., & Cornish, L.. Greenwood Press. (2010)
- Boys, gyms, locker rooms and heterotopias. . Atkinson, M., & Kehler, M.. Peter Lang. 67-84. (2010)
- Boys’ bodies: Speaking the unspoken. Kehler, M., & Atkinson, M.. Peter Lang. (2010)
- Grunge fashion. Kehler, M.. Boy culture: An encyclopedia. (2010)
- From boys to blue jeans. Kehler, M.. Boy culture: An encyclopedia. (2010)
- Introduction: Why boy culture? . Kehler, M.. Boy Culture: An Encyclopedia. xiii-xxii. (2010)
- Negotiating masculinities in PE classrooms: Boys, body image and ―want[ing] to be in good shape. Kehler, M.. Peter Lang. 143-165. (2010)
- Television: An image of boys. Kehler, M.. Boy culture: An encyclopedia. (2010)
- Boys, friendships and knowing “It wouldn’t be unreasonable to assume I am gay”. Kehler, M.. Routledge Press. 198-223. (2009)
- The problem with boys’ education: beyond the backlash. Martino, W., Kehler, M., & Weaver-Hightower, M.. Routledge Press. (2009)
- The read and mis-read bodies of boys: masculinities and critical social literacy practices. Kehler, M.. Canada Scholars Press. (2008)
- High school masculinities: Unheard voices among “the boys”. Kelher, M.. Althouse Press. (2007)
- Men, masculinities and ethnography. Kehler, M., & Green, C.. International Encyclopedia of Men and Masculinities. 178-181. (2007)
- The Literate selves: Reading or misreading the textuality of high school boys. Kehler, M., & Greig, C.. The Eleventh International Literacy and Educational Research Network Conference on Learning. (2004)
- Boys and masculinities: Negotiating the contradictions and tensions of the practice of masculinities in schooling. Kehler, M., & Frank, B.. Hawaii International Conference on Education. (2003)
- Masculinity, Violence, and Privilege: An examination of ongoing challenges within hockey and sport culture. Prepared and submitted to the National Hockey League. Kehler, M., Fowler, T., & Borduas, C.. (2020)
- Body building or building bodies: Improving male body image through health and physical education. Kehler, M., & Chaudhry, U.. What Works? Research Into Practice - The Literacy and Numeracy Secretariat. (2018)
- Locker room-low-down: Symposium is a launch-pad for addressing boys’ body image. Kehler, M.. CIHR Intersection-Newsletter. 14. (2011)
- .) World Cup 2022: Men’s soccer must stop silencing activism and allyship. . Knott-Fayle, Gabriel & Michael Kehler . The Conversation. (2022)
- Hockey Canada Sexual Assaults Scandal Highlights Toxic Masculinity. . The Conversation. (2022)
In the News
- Sexual violence crisis at Western University raises concerns over campus culture across Canada. Capital Current. (2021)
- Pandemic creates historic moment to end macho culture. EuroNews. (2020)
- Addressing sexual assault at post-secondary schools. CityNews. (2020)
- Going off script: New book questions what it means to be a modern man. Capital Current. (2021)
- Masculinity under a microscope: Boys impacted by gender discrimination, body image and toxic masculinity. Alberta Teachers’ Association. (2020)
- COVID isolation and masculinities. Radio 570 News. (2020)
- Can men be feminists? . Vibe Radio 105 FM. (2019)
- The changing culture of sport masculinity. 570 News. (2019)
- Bro culture thriving on university campuses. CBC London Morning Radio One. (2019)
- The rise of men’s self care. CBC. (2019)
- Opinion: Men and boys can be allies for gender equality. . Calgary Herald. (2019)
- Engaging boys and advocates for change. RED-106.7 FM. (2019)
- Engaging men and boys in feminist work. Global News. (2019)
- Government funds men and boys engagement. Calgary Today. (2019)
- Feds to engage feminist and pro-feminist men engagement . CityNews. (2019)
- Government announces funding to engage boys and men . CBC. (2019)
- Millennial parents don't want advertisers to sell them gender stereotypes. Motherly. (2019)
- What we can learn from the time Moby thought he dated Natalie Portman. Huffington Post. (2019)
- #MeToo: Engaging boys and men as advocates, allies for change. Breakfast Television. (2019)
- Why wont some men cry?. Impact Campus. (2019)
- Man Up. CJSW Radio. (2019)
- U of C panel to discuss the inner workings of locker room culture. Calgary Sun. (2019)
- U of C panel to discuss the inner workings of locker room culture. Montreal Gazette. (2019)
- Sport and masculinity. Breakfast Television. (2019)
- Idea igniters: The evolution of gender and equity. Global News. (2019)
- Campus gender forum brings all the boys to the room. Langara Voice. (2019)
- Is there only one way to be a man?: Rethinking masculinity in an age of gender fluidity. UToday. (2019)
- Did Gillette miss the mark with its toxic masculinity ad?. Wharton School of Business. (2019)
- Hundreds brave cold Calgary temperatures for 3rd annual Women’s March. Global News. (2019)
- Professor of masculinities studies applauds controversial Gillette ad. UCalgary News. (2019)
- Gillette’s MeToo Inspired advert. 630 CHED News. (2019)
- #Redefinemasculinity . YWCA Metro Vancouver. (2018)
- Tackling the culture of toxic masculinity. CBC. (2018)
- What does it mean to be a man? A conversation with Dr. Michael Kehler. The Gauntlet. (2018)
- Masculinity, gender and the Judge Kavanaugh hearings. CBC. (2018)
- Canada celebrates first-ever Gender Equality Week, but who knew?. Calgary Journal. (2019)
- The Fred Rogers we know. Hazlitt. (2018)
- Good Men: Inside the all-male group taking on modern masculinity . The Guardian. (2018)
- Art exhibit embraces youth voices for safe spaces. 660 News. (2018)
- ¿Cómo es ser hombre en la era del feminismo?. El Mercurio. (2018)
- A new look at what it means to be a man. The Cochrane Times. (2018)
- Event to address men's mental wellness. Cochrane Today. (2018)
- Incels - Unravelling masculinity . CTV News. (2018)
- Black masculinities. 660 News. (2018)
- Guns and dating apps. AJ+. (2018)
- What does it mean to be a man?. Callie Wright. (2018)
- Being a male in the age of #MeToo: University of Calgary researcher weighs in. Global News. (2018)
- Men can have body issues too: Research explores body issues in the age of #MeToo. Metro News. (2018)
- Calgary radio host accuses Hedley’s Jacob Hoggard of sexual misconduct. Global News. (2018)
- Boys to men: #MeToo movement prompts Calgary university lectures on masculinity. National Post. (2018)
- Create unease to denounce racism. CBC. (2018)
- “It’s all about being allies”: Defining masculinity during the age of #MeToo and #TimesUp. CBC News. (2018)
- U of C Professor researches what it means to be a man. The Gauntlet. (2018)
- Masculinities professorship. CityNews. (2018)
- U of C research on masculinity integral to #MeToo movement. CityNews. (2018)
- Rethinking what it means to be a boy and a man. Alberta PrimeTime. (2018)
- Rethinking Masculinity. CBC. (2018)
- Women’s groups applaud University of Calgary for shining spotlight on masculinity. Global News. (2018)
- Masculinities in Education. Global News. (2018)
- North America’s first masculine studies program hopes to spur talk on being a boy and a man. CBC. (2018)
- Masculinity speaker series delves into gender, equity and education. UToday. (2018)
- Rethinking what it means to be a boy, a man. CBC TV. (2018)
- #MeToo and rethinking what it means to be a boy, man. CBC Radio. (2018)
- U of C community express frustration over school handling of convicted sexual assault offender. The Gauntlet. (2018)
- Julia Lipscombe: How do we raise sweet, young boys to be kind, respectful men?. Edmonton Journal. (2017)
- Catholic school districts want their own sex-education curriculum. Edmonton Journal. (2017)
- Learning to let boys be boys. Campaign 201, Progress Report. (2017)
- Axe throwing is everywhere right now. MEL Magazine. (2017)
- An innovative approach: Avatar games used to teach sex-ed to tweens. Calgary Metro. (2017)
- Shattering the Stereotype. Ball Bearings Magazine. (2017)
- Sexualities and change rooms. CBC Morning Show. (2017)
- Pool change room rules: Changing alone?. CBC Noon Show. (2017)
More Information
Podcasts and Webinars
- Kehler, M. (December 10, 2021). Sport, masculinity and navigating the playing field. https://www.on-boys-podcast.com/sports-masculinity/
- Kehler, M. (November 21, 2021). Episode 6: Boys and sports. https://modernmanhood.simplecast.com/episodes/episode-6-boys-and-sports
- Kehler, M. (July 15, 2021). VIV Mental Health - Ep. 12 - The study of masculinities (with Dr. Michael Kehler). https://anchor.fm/viv-mental-health/episodes/VIV-Mental-Health---Ep--12---The-Study-of-Masculinities-with-Dr--Michael-Kehler-e14frgl
- Kehler, M., Krause, P., & Leblanc, J. R. (April 2, 2019). Rethinking masculinity: Panel discussion. https://explore.ucalgary.ca/rethinking-masculinity-panel-discussion
- Kehler, M. (December 19, 2018). In that moment, you’re scared: Boys and hazing. https://breakingtheboycode.tumblr.com/post/181238231890/14-in-that-moment-youre-scared-boys-and
- Kehler, M., Stika, J., Sullivan, R., & Abbott, T. (2018). #120: Masculinity. https://alumni.ucalgary.ca/stories/podcast/120-masculinity
- Kehler, M. (May 3, 2018). Men and masculinities: Rethinking the rules that delineate masculinity -- A conversation with Michael Kehler and Wali Shah. http://helpingtraffickedpersons.org/webinars/men-and-masculinities-rethinking-the-rules-that-delineate-masculinity-a-conevrsation-with-michael-kehler-and-wali-shah
- Kehler, M. (April 9, 2018). What is the future of gender in Canadian society?https://www.csjcanada.org/blog/2018/3/27/what-is-the-future-of-gender-in-canadian-society.html
- Kehler, M. (February 27, 2018). What does it mean to be a man?
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