Dr. Meadow Schroeder
Associate Professor
Werklund School of Education, Specialization, School and Applied Child Psychology
Graduate Program Director
Werklund School of Education, Graduate Programs in Education
Contact information
Phone number
Office: 403.220.6173
Office: EDT538
For media enquiries, contact
Clayton MacGillivray
Content and Media Specialist
Email: clmacgil@ucalgary.ca
Twitter: @UCalgaryEduc
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Study participants
Parents who have a school-aged child with a disability. Your thoughts and experiences of seeking special education programming for your child.
To set up an interview, contact schroedm@ucalgary.ca
Educational Background
PhD School & Child Applied Psychology, University of Calgary, 2010
M.Sc. School Psychology, University of Calgary, 2005
B.Sc. Psychology, University of Victoria, 2003
I am an Associate Professor in School and Applied Child Psychology (SACP) and the Graduate Program Director for Educational Psychology. I have experience coordinating blended (online and on-campus) programs in school and counselling psychology and currently teach in online and face-to-face formats. In my clinical work, I am interested in the assessment of adults and ADHD. My research interests fall within two areas. First, preparing students for the transition to postsecondary learning. This includes the fostering of self-regulated learning (e.g., coping, motivation, self-efficacy, metacognition) and identifying the needs of students with disabilities (e.g., learning disabilities, ADHD, autism spectrum disorder). Second, issues with formal cognitive and academic assessment such as effective teaching practices for graduate students and assessment with diverse populations (i.e., Indigenous students).
Areas of Research
- developmental
- biopsychosocial
- Developmental wellness and resiliency
- Post-secondary student learning and development
- Psychological assessment and diagnosis
- Student experience in higher education
Course number | Course title | Semester |
EDPS 693.31 | Learning Disabilties in the Classroom | Fall 2022 |
EDPS 614 | Ethics in Professional Psychology | Spring/Summer 2021 |
- Ready Player One: Incorporating Gamification into an Online Tutorial to Support the Transition to Postsecondary Education for Students who are Neurodivergent
- The Effect of Self-Regulated Learning Intervention on the Mathematical Functioning of Students with Learning Disabilities.
- Post-Secondary Success: Navigating the Transition for Students with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder and Learning Disabilities.
- Student-on-Student Violence in Alberta’s Public and Separate Schools: The Perspectives of School Teachers and School Administrators.
- The Wellbeing of Alberta Teachers who Support Students with Special Needs
- University of Calgary Teaching Award for Educational Leadership (Group), University of Calgary. 2019
- University of Calgary Award for Teaching in Online Environments, University of Calgary. 2014
- Supporting Indigenous children’s oral storytelling using a culturally referenced, developmentally based program. Schroeder, M., Tourigny, E., Bird, S., Ottmann, J., Jeary, J., Mark, D., Kootenay, C., Graham, S., & McKeough, A. The Australian Journal of Indigenous Education. (2022)
- The effect of self-compassion, self-efficacy, and coping style on first-year postsecondary students’ wellbeing. Schroeder, M., Matyjanka, O., Albrecht, K., & Hindes, Y. Presentation at CSSE [online]. (2021)
- The Professional Development Needs and Wellbeing of Teachers Who Work with Students of Diversity. Mah, L., Schroeder, M., Braunberger, D., Friesen, S., & Wilcox, G. . Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE) conference. (2023)
- Comparing math LD diagnostic rates obtained using LDAC and DSM-5 criteria: Implications for the field. Schroeder, M.,Drefs, M. A., & Zwiers, M. Canadian Journal of School Psychology, 35(3). 175-196. (2020)
- Time management, coping, and stress in the first year of post-secondary. Schroeder, M., Matyjanka, O., Albrecht, K., & Hindes, Y. The Virtual 25th Annual Conference on Advancing School Mental Health, National Center for School Mental Health. (2020)
- Student mental health and well-being: Supportive teaching and learning practices. Schroeder, M., & West, A. Annotated Bibliography. Retrieved . (2019)
- Introducing a late bank in online graduate courses: The response of students. Schroeder, M., Makarenko, E., & Warren, K. Canadian Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. 10(2). (2019)
- Guest Editor: School psychology and Indigenous Peoples: Critical perspectives and Indigenous-led approaches (special issue). Lacerda-Vandenborn, E., Nelson, M., & Wendt, D.. Canadian Journal of School Psychology. (2023)
- Supporting mathematics problem solving instruction with metacognitive self-regulation strategies. Hamilton, S, & Schroeder, M.. Calgary City Teachers’ Convention. (2023)
In the News
- Personal experience guides research. UToday. (2021)
- A blended solution to serving indigenous students. . Inside Higher Education. (2018)
- Fourteen signs your daughter may have ADHD. Conversation Canada. (2017)
- Online games may reduce post-secondary peril for learning-challenged students.
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