Dr. Maureen Duffy
Associate Professor
Faculty of Law
Visiting Professor of Law, South Texas College of Law Houston, 2023-2024
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Educational Background
DCL McGill University Faculty of Law,
LL.M. McGill University Faculty of Law,
J.D., cum laude Loyola University Chicago School of Law,
B.S. Journalism, Univ of Ill- Urbana-Champaign,
Maureen Duffy is originally from the United States, where she was a litigator in Chicago, first in private practice with Rudnick & Wolfe (now DLA Piper), then as a specialist in the area of children's rights. She worked in both the trial and the appellate divisions of the Office of the Cook County Public Guardian, and later as an administrator/attorney for the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services. Maureen has extensive trial and appellate experience. Before becoming an attorney (and to help pay for law school), Maureen worked as an editor and writer in the publishing field.
Maureen is a dual U.S.-Canadian citizen and pursued graduate studies in Canada. She holds a master's and a doctorate in law from McGill University, where she was awarded the O'Brien Fellowship for Human Rights and Legal Pluralism and a Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Fellowship for her doctoral research. During her master's program at McGill, she was a researcher for the McGill Clinic for the Special Court for Sierra Leone. During her doctoral program, she participated, as a Junior Fellow with the McGill Centre for Human Rights and Legal Pluralism, in the Centre's invited filing of an Amicus Curiae pleading before the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia, in the "Duch" case. The pleading was later published by the Criminal Law Forum. She also holds a Bachelor of Science degree in journalism from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and a Juris Doctor, Cum Laude, from Loyola University Chicago School of Law.
Maureen has been an Active Member of the International Commission of Jurists (ICJ) Canada Section (former Vice-President, Prairie Provinces, former member of National Board).
Research Activities
Maureen has broad research interests, including interdisciplinary fields, a wide geographic range, and a number of fields within law. Her research interests span several national jurisdictions, including the U.S., Canada, the UK, and Australia, and they include constitutional law, immigration and refugee law, criminal law and procedure, and some aspects of national security law, as well as several areas of international law, including international criminal law, international human rights law, and international humanitarian law. She publishes primarily at the intersection of these various areas, currently in the context of migration, political narratives, and human rights. Her book, Detention of Terrorism Suspects: Political Discourse and Fragmented Practices, was published by Hart Publishing, an Imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing, and was the 2019 winner of the Hart-SLSA Prize for Early Career Academics in the United Kingdom.
Maureen was previously is a Global Faculty Fellow at Tecnológico de Monterrey, Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico, and a Visiting Scholar at Loyola University Chicago School of Law.
Areas of Research
Course number | Course title | Semester |
LAW 400 LEC 01 01 | Constitutional Law | Fall 2022 |
LAW 536 LEC 01 01 | International Criminal Law | Fall 2022 |
LAW 400 LEC 01 01 | Constitutional Law | Winter 2023 |
LAW 569 | Law & Literature | Winter 2023 |
- Hart-SLSA Book Prize for Early Career Academics, Socio-Legal Studies Association. 2019
- Students' Union Teaching Excellence Award (Constitutional Law), University of Calgary Students' Union. 2017
- Students' Union Teaching Excellence Award (Constitutional Law), University of Calgary Students' Union. 2015
- Students' Union Teaching Excellence Award (International Criminal Law), University of Calgary Students' Union. 2023
- “Wagging the Dog: Feigning Crisis in U.S. Anti-Migration Narratives to Create Crisis”. Maureen Duffy. 5 Journal of Institutional Studies 2. (2019)
- “Opening the Door a Crack: Possible Domestic Liability for North American Multinational Corporations for Human-Rights Violations by Subsidiaries Overseas?”. Maureen Duffy. 66:1 Northern Ireland Legal Quarterly. 1-22. (2015)
- “The Slow Creep of Complacency”: Ongoing Challenges for Democracies Seeking to Detain Terrorism Suspects. Maureen Duffy. Pace Int’l L. Rev. . (2010)
- “Amicus Curiae Brief on Joint Criminal Enterprise in the Matter of the Co-Prosecutors’ Appeal of the Closing Order Against Kaing Guek Eav “Duch” Dated 8 August 2008". Maureen Duffy. 20 Crim. L. Forum 331. (2009)
- “Constitutional Canaries and the Elusive Quest to Legitimize Security Detentions in Canada". Maureen Duffy. 40 Case W. Res. J. Int’l. L. 531. (2009)
- Detention of Terrorism Suspects: Political Discourse and Fragmented Practices. Maureen Duffy. Hart Publishing. (2018)
- “Public policy discourse – anti-terrorism and migration”. Maureen Duffy. in Piotr Cap, ed, Handbook of Political Discourse. (2021)
- "When A 'Safe Third Country' Is Not Safe at All". Maureen Duffy. in Canada and the Rule of Law: 150 Years after Confederation / Le Canada et la primauté du droit: 150 ans après la Confédération. (2017)
- “Discourse of the ‘Other’ as a Foundational and Continuing Element of Legal Norms in Anti-Terrorism Measures". Maureen Duffy. in Gonerko-Frej A., Sokol M., eds, Ideological Battlegrounds – Constructions of Us and Them before and after 9/11. Volume 2: Perspectives in Language . (2016)
- “History Repeats and Repeats: Intentional Erosion of Public Trust in Migration for Political Gain". Maureen Duffy. International Society of Public Law (ICON-S) conference “Public Law, (Dis)Trust and Dissent". (2021)
- “A Comparative Study of the Stifling of Constitutionally Protected Dissent". Maureen Duffy. 11th Annual Constitutional Law Colloquium. (2020)
- “Fear of the ‘Other’ and Long-Term Constitutional Erosion". Maureen Duffy. 10th Annual Constitutional Law Colloquium. (2019)
- “Revising Canada-U.S. Conversations as the U.S. Refugee Climate Erodes". Maureen Duffy. Annual meeting of the Canadian Law and Society Association. (2019)
- “Immigration and Fear in Global Narratives". Maureen Duffy. Annual conference of the Socio-Legal Studies Association. (2019)
- “Political Narratives, States of Emergency, and the (Temporary) Suspension of Constitutional Norms". Maureen Duffy. Ninth Annual Loyola Constitutional Law Colloquium. (2018)
- Panel: Violence in Society, “States of Emergency: The Permanent, the Pretextual, and the Implied". Law and Society Association/Canadian Law and Society Association, Joint Conference. (2018)
- Panel: Reimagining How We Respond to Security Threats and Radicalization. Amnesty International, Conference: LIVING TOGETHER: Understanding Human Rights, Appreciating Diversity and Working Towards Reconciliation. (2017)
- “Throw Them Out Or Make Them Stay: Who Is the Terrorist Other?”. Maureen Duffy. Interdisciplinary Approaches To Security In The Changing World. (2015)
- “Should They Stay or Should They Go? Conflicts in Approaches to Suspected Terrorists Arising from Citizenship Stripping/Deportation versus UN Security Council Resolution 2178". Maureen Duffy. Law and Society Association Conference. (2015)
- Doctoral Dissertation: Turning the Kaleidoscope: Fractured Narratives and Altered Presumption in Anti-Terrorism Detention Practices. Maureen Duffy. Supervisor: Professor René Provost.
- Master’s Dissertation: The U.S. Immigration Detentions in the War on Terror: Impact on the Rule of Law. Maureen Duffy. Supervisor: The Honourable (then Professor) Patrick Healy.
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